POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

Some of yall fools is something else, I'ma just stay out this thread till the season finale
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So the people that discuss at 10PM EST are good because it aired but what about the west coasters or people that didn't watch at 9PM?
The new episode is On Demand?

I don't see it anywhere it only goes up to episode 5 on my cable...

Edit: Found it 
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Depends on your provider. Normally my homie has it by now but for some reason his isn't available yet either.
Not everybody gets it early whether it's Cox, Dish, Uverse, Time Warner etc.

For those that don't get it, the show airs for them at the regular scheduled programmed time.

It's cool not to have respect now days so I am not in the least bit shocked for you twerps that continued to post spoilers, like it makes you cool to discuss the show with 1 or 2 people who lack self respect as well, instead of the whole thread after the show airs

Some have no choice in their upbringing or how they were raised, but everybody reaches an age where you know right from wrong, act like you've reached that age.
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I don't know what spoilers dude had typed, but bruh....:lol:

Getting mad at these spoilers says more about your common sense, than it does another person's level of respect.

If i hadn't seen something, and i didn't want it spoiled i would not enter a thread about the show. I haven't seen Ant Man yet and i'm not going into said thread, because i don't want the movie spoiled, that simple.

A show about some gangsters and all bickering and whining. :lol: :smh:

Ya'll different man.
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Yea I usually just stay away also... Like the GOT thread... First 4 episodes leaked I didn't go in there until the 5th episode aired...

These days nobody has any patience it's cool to be the first to see something... So I'm not surprised...

Can't wait to everybody watches tho because it's one character I just don't like and one scene I thought was corny and Soap Operaish which sucks because they've been able to stay away from that kind of stuff.
This season has completely changed my mind on the series. Thought they was a little to cookie cutter at first....now every episode is getting better
I stay away from this thread from Friday until around this time Saturday 

Power delivered again tonight 
 Tasha definition of down and Holly 
 Lawd why is the Wendy's logo still breathing?

Shout out to Ghost tho for using Every Man Jack 
Ghost is going to off Holly.

Tommy is going to off Angela.

Sean though, boy he is in for it. 

I'd murder dude for putting that peter in my girl, dead man.
Tasha's insecurity and jealousy came full circle tonight. Of all people to sleep with, you do it to his driver? To think she got in her feelings over a hug. Sean/Shawn is a *****. Nothing more needs to be said about him.

Tommy finally wised up about Holly. Too bad it only took her talking to the feds to see things clearly.

Angela isn't going anywhere.
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Tosha's Mother brought her back down to Earth real quick though...I had to slow clap in my head on that one.

And that song that was playing when Holly was at the Train Station...that's the lick 
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For some reason, all I could think during that scene was that Tasha's moms could really get it.


Tasha's insecurity and jealousy came full circle tonight. Of all people to sleep with, you do it to his driver?

Angela isn't going anywhere.

Bruh her husband has a whole other relationship, that's not insecurity or jealousy that's hurt :lol:

on another note when her moms says someone has to take care of the baby, what baby was she referring to?
hurt is hurt, but what she did with sean was downright stupid. stupid on her part and double stupid on his. It's too much cat out here to be trying your hardest to take someone else's SMFH.
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