PS3|PSP THD: Dirty is shutting us down, help us get to 25k before tomorrow!

Jan 30, 2007
Welcome to NikeTalk's Premiere PlayStation 3 Thread


Disclaimer - This thread is in no way meant to bash or frown uponthe Xbox360. The Xbox360 is a dope console with great games and an un-match online gaming experience. Kudos to Microsoft.

Also I want to make this very clear since it seems to be over look by the 360 owners, in no way shape or form are the thread titles my very own. I have saidthis numerous times within the thread but nobody seems to pay attention. I don't make them up to bash 360 like some people believe. The titles to theupdated news thread come solely from source of were I get my news. I don't change a thing! So if you see it in the updated thread title, take the chance toactually view my source and ull see where I get my thread title from.

1st PlayStation Thread:

It saddens me to say this but the over 2300 post deep, over 1000 pages long, nearly 4 month old thread is DONE!
. So we must start all over from scratch, lets have a moment of silence...

... with that said, let's get back to the shiny black machine,

[Section 1]
PlayStation Network ID's:


[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]As of 4.11.07[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]NikeTalk SN[/color] --------------------------------------- [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]PSNID[/color]

eteam o2.......................................DBLACK
DC Piper.......................................imTHATnicca....or...kneegr0w_j0hn
jay kickz till i die............................sixty9m3
E Double19....................................ErnDay
NYC game......................................Skeptical1
I am Furby......................................Furbylicious
Da Doc03--------------------------------------dadoc
SonOfTony ------------------------------------THEh8er83
DaT SiCk KiD or DSK aka iLLoQuent ----------------------- ILLoQuent13
I LIKE AIR MAXES -------------------------bustaa316
m1ke check-----------------------------------mikeLBC
Tony Jumpman ------------------------------TonyAlmighty
ElNino8 / MoMoney848-------------------MoMoney848
GUNNA GET IT------------------------------gunnajay
Kaimel Rule-----------------------------------sneakapr0
d0nt w0rry about it---------------------------darrenat0r
Rukawa sj--------------------------------------rukawasj
SDTEKKEN------------------------------------SDT Ace_R
High St-------------------------------------------HighSt
don23lucia--------------------------------------don23lucia or don23cory
proper english---------------------------------WTFJAYOMGLOL
LilwAnG05----------------------------------- DRCKDNG
The Kicktionare--------------------------------Kicktionare
push kicks--------------------------------------PUSHone
Purple Face------------------------------------Purple_Face
Viewtiful Mik3---------------------------------b0it0i23
supa vegetto-----------------------------------mf_dooom
MR CERONE--------------------------------MR_CERONE
Rob Strongo-----------------------------------MrClean534
The Kicktionare-------------------------------Kicktionare
zingy23----------------------------------------AirMark23 http://ex1stanc3.u.yuku.comex1stanc3--------------------------------------reeem0
Im Superman------------------------------------AWBMWE90
I Wear Sneakers----------------------------------------JamesTheGod
m1ke check---------------------------------------------MikeLBC
All Ready-----------------------------------------------EasyMcFly
Robby Valentino----------------------------------------SkyHiScwoogs
jae oh en------------------------------------------------JAEohEN
Viewtiful Mik3------------------------------------------- b0it0i23
The Dauqs------------------------------------------------J-Cuzzo
SlimK4---------------------------------------------------slimk1914 or nwab187
ikari XD--------------------------------------------------ikarixd
i LyricaLJKilla i-------------------------------------------LJKilla18
dont be a menace-----------------------------------------Genzopwns
caponecartels ------------------------------------------- MeBlazin1
i2endmc ------------------------------------------------ RenPlayer619
marleysprotege ----------------------------------------- igotthatjuice
Balla96 ------------------------------------------------- cubs486
youngj33zy --------------------------------------------- Danger_Kat
rare23 -------------------------------------------------- dunnyyy
Gmills23 ------------------------------------------- Gmills301
daDragon834 -------------------------------------- the1andonly834
oO ThE RoC Oo ------------------------------------ xXThERoCXx
d0nt w0rry about ------------------------------------- darrenat0r
SnkrFrk ---------------------------------------------- JediLu
BdeaZy ----------------------------------------------- BdeaZy
ajwill307 ---------------------------------------------- Jaywalkin
Shaky3 ------------------------------------------------ shaky3
mugzbo ------------------------------------------------ hurshey
empirestrikesfirst --------------------------------------- TERROR_STATE
stunnafasho03 ----------------------------------------- L-VILLE_PLAYA
EteRnaLaZnSouLJaH --------------------------------- x2JZ-GTE
Nickthestick91 ---------------------------------------- stick2street
JAYFIEND ------------------------------------------- TheGamingMessiaH
Will0827 ---------------------------------------------- Ineedjays
MJair -------------------------------------------------- TheBayArea510
G2345 ------------------------------------------------- G2345
ao17 --------------------------------------------------- AO789
Questions03 -------------------------------------------- Safer_
jrp44 ---------------------------------------------------- jrp44
Mister Wiggy -------------------------------------------- MrWiggy
ljlukelj --------------------------------------------------- ljlukelj
importfan83 --------------------------------------------- azteca83
ColombianSneakr --------------------------------------- kicksanddrinks01
BIRWOODBOYS313 ---------------------------------- BIRWOOD_BOYS_313
i2enDMC ----------------------------------------------- RenPlayer619
DollaDollaBillYall --------------------------------------- nobiggie
JordanHead2 ------------------------------------------- J0RDANxTH3xD0N
taty870-------------------------------------------------- taty870
Da XpLiCiT OnE -------------------------------------- xplicitone
Htownhooper31----------------------------------------- htownhooper31
da703trailblaza ------------------------------------------ akademiksjeanius
jordanhead7792 ----------------------------------------- jordanhead7792
pootaing ------------------------------------------------- pootaing
FlightClub23 -------------------------------------------- J-MAC
DROOPY7 --------------------------------------------- Droopy_1006
JPTHE3 ------------------------------------------------- JPTHE3


[Section 2]
40GB PlayStation 3 Info:

Props to PO2345 for this worthy 40GB info, dude always come through in the clutch! Read on current or soon to be PS3 owners!



Since tomorrow is the OFFICIAL release of the 40 GB model i thought i recap & give thread lurkers information on why they should invest in the Playstation3 from compiled stats & the differentiation between the various SKU's once again...

Most of this was posted earlier by myself & others, but i feel this is would be great for individuals interested in the system...

IHB, if you want, put this on the first page for everyone to browse when they wish too.....There is tons of info about Blu-Ray IHB has posted, but i do notfeel like sorting through all of that...

The Main issue is more companies are starting to support this type of format & in the long-run it will prove to be better...

Sony & Blu-Ray are backed by 170 companies..Here are the major companies.


PS3 sales on par with 360, launches aligned


Is the PS3 really suffering as badly as it seems? Admittedly, it's getting to a slow start, but many forget that the Xbox 360 faced similar challenges during its launch. In fact, when the launches are aligned, the Xbox 360 and PS3 appear to be selling at an equivalent rate. Of course, with the immense amount of negativity surrounding the PS3 from the gaming media, will sales be hurt during this crucial holiday season? The price drop and release of games, such as Ratchet & Clank, will help Sony hopefully keep pace with its major rival.

IHB's comment's

My Take: A bit of reassurance for PS3 haters, huh? This is very interesting, since some Xbox guys like to tute the 360 sales records even though it came out a whole year before the PS3 launch, it is still on par with the Xbox 360 sales of it's first year. That is incredible since it cost an average of $200 more and has had a very small game selection in comparison.

People also want to know does Sony have a change against the 360 in Europe and in Japan. Lets break it down for a moment. The 360 doesn't have a shot in hell in Japan. Face it, it's done, vaporware. While PS3 recently broke over a million units sold in Japan a few months go (they are currently at 1,235,611), it has only been out for a year. The 360 has been out in Japan for nearly 2 years and is struggling to break 458,000 units. Microsoft needs a 'get out of japan' free card word to Monopoly. It's easy to see that PS3 will take the Asian market.

Now on to Europe. Europe is Sony biggest gaming market out of the 3. Sony is god in Europe and they hold the #1 game series there, Gran Turismo. There previous systems move more units in Europe than they do in Japan and America, so it's damn near critical for Sony to succeed in Europe. The Xbox360 launch in Europe almost 2 years ago (12/2/05 to be exact) and has sold a total of 3,754,596. The PS3 released in Europe, 3/27/07 to be exact and in just 6 month, it has already sold 1,697,638. If you break down a divided 6 month unit sold for the 360, thats 938,649. The actual first 6 months of the 360 in Europe was higher, but it sales have slow down ALOT since launch and even more so since the PS3 release.

The Xbox 360 has already seen 2 Christmas's in Europe, the PS3 in Europe has not seen a christmas / holiday season yet and Europe goes big on Sony during the season. Alot of people / parents are waiting on Christmas to buy a PS3, especially the cheaper 40GB console, which will get a slew of (regional) bundles based on its market.

A few bits of leak info concerning Sony Europe Holiday 07 massive ad campaigns has already been reported. If the numbers hold truth and this Holiday goes as big, Sony could steam roll into 08 with Europe, no problem. Since 2008 is being said to be the year of PS3, Sony could take Europe by late summer, early fall.

These titles are gonna be HUGE in europe. Gran Turismo 5: Prologue, Gran Tursimo 5, Singstar PS3, Metal Gear Solid 4, Metal Gear Online, Tekken 6, Little Big Planet, Kill Zone 2, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy XIII Versus, Winning 11 Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 and alot MORE.

Activision CEO: PS3 "Most Advanced Gaming Platform"
We don't expect every developer to love the PS3, but we do expect a wee bit of effort. There has been a lot of whining concerning Sony's new platform - it was the same way with the PS2 - but the whining has lessened over the course of 2007, and more developers are seeing the light. One of them (who wasn't "whining" to begin with) is Activision, who threw Sony some respect a few days ago.

Speaking at last week's Web 2.0 Summit conference in the U.S., Activision chairman and CEO, Robert Kotick, told an audience member that he thinks the PlayStation 3 is the "most advanced gaming platform available." At the same time, though, he had to add something we all knew was true- "few game developers were building products that take full advantage of the console's powerful, multicore processor." On the other hand, Kotick said the future was bright; all this would change in "the next four or five years." (quote source: Spong)

Activision is a lot like EA; they simply make multiplatform games to get the most out of their investments. Obviously, the PS3 is included in most of their productions thus far, so maybe they're more comfortable than others with the system's complex architecture. Those who are tend to praise the console's potential while admitting it's very difficult to work with, and that's exactly what Activision is doing here. Well, we certainly can't wait for those "next four or five years," that's for sure.
40GB PS3 gets 65nm Chip and new motherboard
Despite knowing that you can't kill a PlayStation 3 whether you play it in the back of a freezer van or a heat sauna, Sony still takes it to the next level by incorporating the 65nm Cell chip on the new 40GB models. (They probably aim to make it nigh indestructible.)

The addition of the Cell chip lets the PS3 reduce its power consumption, bringing it down to 135 Watts from 200 Watts. The console then runs cooler and quieter, which as any gamer who plays for an extended period of time will know is always a good thing.

Aside from the Cell chip, the new 40GB console insides (as opposed to the recent comparison of the outside) have been considerably tinkered with (in a good way, to be sure). The heat pipe is smaller and the motherboard has been changed with a new version, which now has a battery to keep the system time when the console is off.

It's been reported way back when that the 65nm Cell chip would land on the PS3 (it just landed on the Xbox 360 first is all). It was also expected to land on a new PS3 model with lower manufacturing costs (which the 40GB console definitely is), which may suggest that plans for a 40GB console may have been in the works as early as then.
1.) The new PS3 model uses less power than the other models. This one uses 3A (Power Measurement), while the older version use 3.3A and 3.2A respectively.

2.) The new PS3s Wi-Fi and Bluetooth hardware has seen a significant upgrade, possibly allowing for longer distances and even faster connections.

[Section 3]
Breaking Down all PS3 SKU Models:




The PS3 is the best buy for Christmas
In the latest announcement from Sony Computer Entertainment, the U.S. and Canada will now be receiving the 40GB PS3 model bundled with Spiderman 3 BD for USD 399, and the 80GB for the reduced price of USD 499.

With these new changes, consumers must now know that when comparing the three consoles (Xbox 360, PS3, Wii), the PlayStation 3 is the best buy for this X-mas. Not only is it a bang for your buck, but it also offers the best features.

This comparison will go over price, features, and upcoming games for each console.

See chart #1

As you can see every PlayStation 3 comes with at least 40GB of hard drive space, crucial for game saves, downloadable content, and games requiring HDD for streaming data. Also, every PlayStation 3 comes equipped with Blu-ray disc drives and HDMI outputs to enable users to watch beautiful high definition 1080p movies.

You might say that the Xbox 360 system is also equipped with hard-drives and HDMI outputs but the problem lies in there being no HD format playback built-in. For Xbox gamers to enjoy 1080p movies they must buy an additional HD-DVD add-on at a price of USD 179. Also with the Xbox 360 bragging about its amazing online services, people forget that in order to play without Ethernet, gamers must buy a Wireless adapter for USD 99. Oh, and of course the yearly or monthly Xbox live fee ranging from USD 7.99 for one month to USD 49.99 for a year.

When you add all this up, the premium Xbox 360 (with HD-DVD player, Wireless adapter, and year of Xbox Live) could be costing buyers USD 677 (and people think the PS3 is expensive!)

Now let's talk about the Nintendo Wii. Yes, it is the cheapest console on the market, but for everyone upgrading their TV's to new 720p or 1080p HDTV's people are going to want high definition video. The max the Wii supports is 480p, and with no support for HD-DVD/Blu-ray or even plain DVD playback, the longevity of this console comes into question.

Looking ahead, for those of you wondering what the future holds, here is a quick comparison of upcoming popular titles for each console. (This is not an accurate depiction of all titles of each genre.)

See chart #2

So if you are a gamer without a next gen system or are looking to buy your family a new console this holiday season, we strongly suggest the PlayStation 3. It has all the needed features (Blu-ray/DVD playback, free online service, built-in hard drive) and for the current price it's quite the steal.

Oh, and if you buy your PlayStation 3 before the end of the year, don't forget, the Blu-ray Disc Association is giving away 5 free blu-ray movies for free with purchase of specified BD players (including the PS3).



[Section 4]
FAQ Concerning PS3 Models:

In regards to the 60G, what are the actual uses for the SD slots? I mean, those of you who have a 60G, have you ever used the SD slots to transfer data??

I'm just curious as to why it was built into the PS3 in the first place. Was there something Sony had planned that would necessitate the use of the SD slot?


It helps transfer whatever you want very QUICKLY...That to me is the best thing about them.

For me most of my uses have involve Music, Photos, Videos, Transfering, etc.

Hope that helps.

But is that it?

Just to transfer music/pictures?

I mean, with the USB port, you can still transfer data from a digital camera and such no?

I'm just wondering if there was a practical purpose (besides making life easier for us) to have the SD slot built in.
Pretty much from the known uses so far....
Sorry if it's not the anwser your looking for, but right now it's just to satisfy the the users like me who LOVE the speed it delivers...

It keeps us from going through the 30 seconds of hassle & get on with our day!..

For example, why connect the entire digital camera to the PS3 when you can just put the card in?! Keeps it clean, simple and cable free.

Also, What I usually do is put my card in my memory card reader and download it to that. then instead of inserting the memory card reader into the USB port with the card in the reader, I just simply remove the card from the reader and just stick in right into the card slots on the PS3, much easier that having to stick the whole memory card reader with card in it into the USB ports.

Hope that helps.

So the people who end up with the 40G (no slots), they'll have no choice but to use the USB ports? Or the bluetooth (if their camera or music player supports it)?

Sorry about all the questions. Just asking questions for myself as well as others I know who were curious.
You got it. 100%
Don't worry about asking questions, that's what we are here for!!...

So I've got a question...

If you cop a 60G and have problems down the road with it... and you have a replacement plan with whatever store you copped it from.... but the 60G's are now all sold out EVERYWHERE (let's say this is in March 2009).... I'm guessing the store would give you the 80G as a replacement.

My question is this: Does Sony themself offer a replacement plan (NOT a warranty...2 different things)? Or at the very least will they repair your 60G and get it back to you? (The reason being that you'd obviously want the 60G back since it has full compatibility as compared to the 80G which only has limited).

Just trying to see if it's worth getting a replacement plan (if I get a 60G) from the store, from Sony, or if I should just go with the 80G model.

I know that wasn't too clear, but I'm sure someone with smarts will know what I'm asking. Thanks.
Great question SHUGES...I will try my best to anwser it.

First, if your initial problem you stated happened in 2009, with respect to your replacement plan you acquired from w/e store you purchased it from, YES, they will it replace it for free & it will most likely be an 80 GB or the 40 GB if you prefer it.

Second, i'm not sure of this, but i do not believe Sony offers a replacement plan. Also, i think that from the date you bought the system, you have a 1 year limited warranty.

What i know for sure though is Sony WILL repair your 60 GB & get it back to you. Sony doesn't offer much from the warranty/replacement side, because they are very dedicated in delivering a premium product w/ a sense of security to ensure that your system will have longevity...Now, it's not 100% secure, & something may happen, if it does, Sony will repair your system, send you a refurbished one, or IF the problem cannot be fixed send you a NEW model from the current set of ones available. All you have to do is express your concern to Sony through customer service & you'll be fine.

To be safe make purchase it from an authorized retailer.
You won't get a new 60 GB, because obviously they are not in production & there isn't any at HQ anymore as well.

In my opinion, i do not mean to jinx you, but i do not believe you will have a problem with the system EVER, which is why Sony is so confident in their products. They are shocked anytime something occurs....

But for your safe, buy the 60 GB w/ the replacement plan.
You would get an 80 GB from your retailer, but Sony is going to make the software emulation better for the 80G through firmware eventually, but it still won't match the 99.9% the 60 GB offers. It would probably increase about 4-5%, which is still good IMO.

I've had my 60 GB since RD & it's been perfect...All in all, if something happens Sony should take care of it & this is not an issue you should worry heavily about when concerning the PS3.

Hopefully i have helped out.

wait, why does the bigger hd have less bc?? what would be the advantages of having a bigger hd.
Because Sony is trying to be cost effective, since so many people are complaining about the price...By switching to a software based system, Sony can offer a reasonable price to the people who can't afford it...Hence, a reason the 60 GB was discontinued.But if people actually KNEW what they were buying, the OG retail price was very reasonable & they were losing out on each console sold anyway...The PS3 is overall a very POWERFUL machine.

Now, no worries, since things are being taken off.

For the 40 GB case, it's basically stripped down to a PS3 w/ Blu-Ray & WiFi...With all the components removed Sony can easily offer the system for 400, since alot of cost-effective things regarding production have been removed..

To anwser your 2nd question, Simply put to have more room for whatever you would like to store...

The OG 60 has the an EE(Emotion Engine) chip which is from hardware, while the 80 runs it's BC process through software.

Anyways, i hope i have everyone's anwsered questions & if it were me i would purchase a 60 GB before they are gone...The BEST version hands down.

The other versions are in no way horrible, in fact they are great & they both serve their own purpose for it's intended target market. If people weren't so cheap, we wouldn't have this conversation right now though.

[Section 5]
What is PlayStation HOME:


What is HOME?

Is it like a big version of the Sims?

Can someone give me some insight?
via PS3.IGN,

A massive world built into the PlayStation Network, Home is Sony Computer Entertainment's virtual world for PlayStation gamers. With an avatar uniquely customized according to each user's preference, users can explore the 3D community that is Home -- a sleek, modern environment featuring spacious common areas, custom spaces dedicated to specific games, and personal apartments. Everything can be customized to your liking with items you collect or purchase.

Not only is Home your home online with PlayStation 3, Home is also a vast network of communication for PlayStation users. Browse the Hall of Fame for trophies players have collected in various videogames, or just hang out in a virtual outdoor lobby to talk with text and voice. Other features in Home include a theater where the Home world also users can watch videos from one users' collection together, a series of mini-games that players can play, and much more as Home evolves.

Playstation Home - Redirection of Misconceptions

What Home isn't:
  • Home isn't Second Life- People comparing Playstation Home to Second Life are clearly ignorant of the goals of each product. Second Life enables virtually anybody to go in and create virtually anything, and has strong ties to big money sales of virtual real estate. Second Life also has an established history of griefers and sexual content. PS Home is a closed system where not just anybody can create an area and populate it with brothels and engage in cyber sex. Sales in Home have been described as focusing on "premium content" which will range from enhanced apartments (as close of a tie to Second Life's virtual realty market as you get) to game-themed objects, designer objects, and actual traditional DLC.
  • Home isn't The Sims - While the avatars in PS Home allow a decent degree of customization and there are interactive environments, everyone in PS Home is "real". There's a real person controlling them and there is no "simulation" going on other than viewing a simulated environment. You're not "directing" your characters to trend to one behavior or another, you are your character. PS Home is not a game at all, you cannot die… there is no game over, etc.
  • Home isn't MySpace- Some people love to generalize the "personalizing your apartment" aspect of PS Home as a 3D MySpace and at least from what's been shown so far, it couldn't be further from the case. If the Home Beta included multiple layers of gaudy animated GIFs, javascript effects, mp3s, flashing text, etc. then I would agree. If you really think PS Home deserves a comparison to MySpace, you might as well call the local bar a MySpace clone.
  • Home isn't an answer to Xbox Live- This one just dumbfounds me. What exactly is it that PS Home is supposedly bringing to the table that Xbox Live has? Is it in the Achievements/Accomplishments aspect? I only ask because I never equated Achievements to an Xbox Live feature. Either way, just like Xbox Live doesn't need a 3D virtual world for Achievements, Home isn't necessary for Sony's upcoming equivalent either. They've actually said on multiple occasions that PS Home will sit on top of of the Playstation Network and it will not be required for any implementation of Accomplishments/Entitlements (depending on the "in" term at the time). Of course you'll need to enter PS Home if you want to view your Trophy Room but that's entirely because the Trophy Room is… (wait for it)… a part Playstation Home! The Trophy Room isn't the Accomplishments implementation, think of it as an enhanced way to view your accomplishments. You will also be able to track them without going into PS Home.
  • Home isn't "Achievements"- Much like I mentioned above, PS Home is not synonymous with "Achievements" but an additional application layer that can be run on top of the Playstation Network that will be able to leverage your Accomplishments in a virtual 3D world. How do you view your Achievements on the 360 right now? You look at your profile and pull up a list of your games, then you can tunnel down into a specific game to see which Achievements you've earned and (possibly) which ones you haven't. That same process could easily be handled from the XMB by going to your profile, pressing Triangle, choosing "View Accomplishments", being presented with a list of games you have Accomplishments in, choosing a game, and see which Accomplishments you've earned. Bingo. You've just looked at Accomplishments on the PS3 without entering Home. I'm sure it will be implemented at least as slickly as that if not more-so.
  • Home isn't online multiplayer- This is another sticky point for a lot of folks. Thinking that you'll have to use PS Home for multiplayer gaming. You don't, and you won't have to… but I'd be willing to bet a lot of us will want to. Take Sarcastic Gamer's Gaming night for example. We arrange it in the Sarcastic Gamer forums and arrange to show up at a certain time to play a certain game. If you don't have that game, then you don't play. There's usually no "backup plan" in place. Occasionally there is, but not always. So when the time comes, you all meet and play the game as planned, joining the game as you log on. Now look at how it can be different with PS Home. Instead of only drawing in the folks that have that game and want to play at that time, you can simply say Sarcastic Gamer Game Night, Friday 8:00 at Rothbart's place. Ten or fifteen minutes early, I make sure I'm there to host the event so people can show up. As they show up, we can chat about our day, discuss the latest podcast or gaming news, etc. Dark Sora can then "create a game" which allows him to define a multiplayer gaming instance. Say he sets up say Warhawk as a 32-player match and reserves 16 slots for friends. As people arrive and want to play, they "join" his game (but he hasn't launched it yet). When the time comes, he launches the game and everyone wanting to play goes off onto the game, to return when the session is over. The folks that weren't playing are all still present. They can opt to launch into a different game, chat, view media I have playing on a virtual stereo or TV, and generally just socialize. After a while has passed, all the Warhawk guys show up again and we've got a crowd of folks. Someone can suggest another game and it all starts again.How this isn't seen as a more robust way of gaming is beyond me. You can still manually launch Warhawk and search for a server just like you always could, but for a bunch of guys like us, boasting how much we like the "community atmosphere" of something like, this is the logical next step for taking our community online and directly into the games we play. I predict that after this is out, gets the kinks ironed out and gets enhanced some that it's going to be huge. For the record, the only part of the above scenario that's "imagined" (other than Dark Sora being able to host a 32-player match, because he can't) is the audio/video sharing which we've seen in videos and have been told is coming. The game instance creation and launching is in the beta, right now.
  • Home isn't required - This one's cut and dry. Unless you're looking for a feature directly tied to the 3D virtual world, you can likely skip PS Home completely. I imagine it will start (especially in the open beta) as an XMB application but it will be stubbed out just like Folding@home to be an actual entry on the XMB. But just like Folding@home, participation is optional.
  • Home isn't something that should simply be mocked - If you try it and genuinely don't like it, great.. ignore it. But if you're otherwise ignorant as to what it is, it's probably best (for you and your reputation) to stop, wait, and see. The world wide web sounded like a pretty goofy idea at first and now many can't go a day without it. PS Home has every potential to redefine where and how a large chunk of gamers get their gaming news, media, and content.
What Home is:
  • Home is free- While people are quick to point out that PSN online multiplayer is free (and will reportedly stay free), they seem to directly associate the previously mentioned "premium content" as being an indicator of the downfall of PS Home from nickel and diming. I wonder if these same people are aware of the 100 MS point GamerPics that are sold all the time on Xbox Live Marketplace. Core features will be free in PS Home, if you care enough to want to customize your apartment or avatar with premium content, then frankly, you are the target audience of said premium content. Maybe it's a semantics thing, I don't know. Either happily ignore it or happily partake. I don't see how Home is proof positive of anything being a money pit because frankly I don't spend money on stuff I don't think is worthy.
  • Home is an area that fosters socialization BEFORE and AFTER the game- Plain and simple, no other gaming platform (including PC I would argue; although I'm sure some Steam fans would argue otherwise) gives gamers with common interests the ability to socialize with each other before, during, and after the game than Playstation Home will once it's launched. Sure, the Playstation Network itself should have launched with almost all of these features back in November '06, but it didn't. We can't change that… but it doesn't mean Sony can't. It also doesn't mean that in the process of fixing the glaring feature omissions that they can't actually innovate a little along the way.
  • Home is a destination for like-minded folks to "hang out" - If all the planets align perfectly upon Home's launch, it could potentially be a destination for gamers in and of itself, much like web forums or chat rooms are now.
  • Home is a component that can help take other communities online together - Being able to meet together in a media rich environment that isn't "the Gears lobby" is a big boon. The barrier being ownership of a PS3, but that barrier is lowering over time. The fact that you can chat and interact outside the boundaries of a specific game is what I think will make the difference.
  • Home is a new "virtual" layer that can be seen as the next step beyond chat, web, forums, etc. - This bullet point just reiterates how very, very easily all existing forms of media can be integrated into PS Home. The PS3 already supports downloading images, video, and audio to the PS3's hard drive or USB connected storage, it can already stream video, view web pages, and download games/applications. As smart companies concentrate their efforts and funnel all their "shotgun" media into a more "sniper-like" deliver system, they may find it worth their while to target their customers directly on the very platform itself versus taking risks on print and web ads trying to get folks to come to their web site.
  • Home is something you can personalize with your own media to share with other folks- Short of MySpace, there really isn't an easily customizable "environment" that you can make your own. A subset of Home's users will really run with this. I expect the unexpected. When I look at a virtual apartment and the furniture available, I automatically think of furnishing it in a rather realistic way. I expect to see some hilarious interior decorating skills at work, be it homages to gaming classics, exercises in absurdity, or Lono's Love Lair. It will be interesting.
  • Home is a way to view your "Accomplishments" as trophies if that's your preference - The trophy room will be big with some folks. Face it, Achievements and Gamerscore proved that people want to show off what they've done. If the PS3 developers do this right, having unique 3D trophies to show off (especially rare or hard to earn ones) will fuel an entire subculture of measuring contests.
  • Home is a new way for companies to present their products, services, and brands to you - This is one of the areas I'm the most excited about that many of you may actually be fearing. In March 2007, when Phil Harrison showed the Home presentation at GDC, their idea of corporate themed areas or hubs is going to be one of the biggest draws of the entire Home experience I'm betting. Take all the people that aren't interested in personalizing apartments or avatars in 3D and give them specific-game themed areas with "only available there" media and information and you've got an insta-draw for gaming enthusiasts. Kotaku has already covered rumored Home implementations for Warhawk, Uncharted, and Resistance. People are going to sh*t bricks if they get teased with little snippets of upcoming games from within Home. Imagine going to the Resistance area of Home which is rumored to be like a city block from the game and you are able to go through a door and get a sneak peek (be it video, a web page, an actual level or model from the game) of Resistance 2. Tell me people wouldn't flock to something like that.Working on the Resistance example, Insomniac Games has one of the best gaming company produced podcasts out in the Full Moon Show. Instead of going to their web site, and listening to the podcast and occasionally going back to check out the supplementary links they always provide (images, videos, URLs, etc). Imagine going into their media room and as you're listening to the podcast you can view the images and/or models in realtime in 3D in a game-themed area. That would be the equivalent of digital crack to a lot of folks. The corporate offerings will offer some really cool things, I'm quite sure of it. I'm also equally sure we'll get the occasional Horse Armor offer or two from some companies as well, if you know what I mEAn.
What Home can be:
  • Home can be a replacement for the web as we know it for gaming info and media (brand specific of course)- I think I've made this point pretty clear in earlier sections, but it has the potential to not only match, but surpass traditional methods of delivery for some content. The biggest "real" barrier is the fact that multiplatform developers are likely to embrace this less (at least at first) than the first party and/or PS3 exclusive developers.
  • Home can be the first real implementation of "themed brand destinations". A place to visit everything related to a brand in rich multimedia via a closed and controllable environment - We really have nothing to compare this to other than web sites which are diluted with so much garbage it's pathetic. I liken the possibility to a kid in a candy store. If you can make a Home destination that's about something I like, that looks like something I like, and is only focused on something I like… chances are, I'm going to like it.
  • Home can be one of those things that sounds a little silly at first (cameras in cell phones, rumble in controllers, etc.) that we end up accepting and expecting in the long run- Time will tell. There are clearly legions of folks (mainly 360 proponents) already exercising their pointing (and mocking) fingers. Honestly, I predict the actual launch of Home to be ho-hum or even disappointing. What I don't predict is that Sony's prepared to let this fail. They've pushed it back multiple times to make sure it's "right" when it launches and they've experienced a huge win recently by not giving up on Blu-ray. If the departure of Phil Harrison doesn't affect Home's chances at all, I think it's almost an assured success, the real question is actually when it will be considered a success.
  • Home can be one of the biggest areas Sony will actually innovate this generation- Remember, Xbox Live wasn't that impressive when it first got started and you have to start somewhere. Nobody has anything remotely comparable in the works. There are a few PC offerings, but PCs have so many other barriers to widespread adoption that it's not even worth of comparing it to the closed, like-hardware system Sony's trying to set up with Home. For the folks growing tired of accusing Sony of copying this from Microsoft and that from Nintendo, this is your time to… frankly… shut up. This is genuine innovation in progress. The least we can do is give them the benefit of the doubt and let the thing actually be completed and launch before we nay-say it to death. I laughed at Guitar Hero before I actually played it. I laughed at Singstar and Rock Band before I played them. I made fun of people that hang out in web forums, until I actually got to know how these communities can be valuable, fun, and addictive. Do you see where I'm going with this?

[Section 6]
How Do I Upgrade my PS3 HDD:

i always wanted to upgrade my hard drive but how can i back up my original files without losing them?

[Section 7]
How Do I Setup My Wired and Wireless Internet Connection:

[h1]Internet Connection Settings (wireless connection)[/h1]
This setting is available only on PS3[emoji]8482[/emoji] systems that are equipped with the wireless LAN feature.

Set the method for connecting the system to the Internet. Internet connection settings vary depending on the network environment and the devices in use. The following procedure describes a typical setup when connecting to the Internet wirelessly.
[/th] [td]
Check that the settings for the access point have been completed.
Check that there is an access point connected to a network with Internet service near the system. Settings for the access point are typically set using a PC. For details, contact the person who set up or maintains the access point.
[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""]
[/th] [td]
Confirm that an Ethernet cable is not connected to the PS3[emoji]8482[/emoji] system.
[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""]
[/th] [td]
(Network Settings) under
(Settings) in the home menu.
[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""]
[/th] [td]
Select [Internet Connection Settings].
Select [Yes] when a confirmation screen is displayed stating that you will be disconnected from the Internet.
[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""]
[/th] [td]
Select [Easy].


[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""]
[/th] [td]
Select [Wireless].


[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""]
[/th] [td]
Select [Scan].
A list of access points within the range of the PS3[emoji]8482[/emoji] system is displayed.

Depending on the model of PS3[emoji]8482[/emoji] system in use, you may have the option [Automatic]. Select [Automatic] when using an access point that supports automatic setup. If you follow the on-screen instructions, the necessary settings will be completed automatically. For information on access points that support automatic setup, contact your local retailer.


[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""]
[/th] [td]
Select the access point that you want to use.
An "SSID" is an identification name assigned to an access point. If you do not know which SSID you should use or if an SSID is not displayed, contact the person who set up or maintains the access point for assistance.


[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""]
[/th] [td]
Check the SSID for the access point.
[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""]
[/th] [td]
Select the security settings that you want to use.
The types of security settings vary depending on the access point. Contact the person who set up or maintains the access point for information on which setting to select.


[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""]
[/th] [td]
Enter the encryption key.
The encryption key is displayed as a series of [*]. If you do not know the encryption key, contact the person who set up or maintains the access point for assistance.


When you have finished entering the encryption key and have confirmed the network configuration, a list of settings will be displayed.

Depending on the network environment, additional settings for PPPoE, proxy server or IP address may be required. For details on these settings, refer to the information from your Internet service provider or the instructions supplied with the network device.
[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""]
[/th] [td]
Save your settings.
[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""]
[/th] [td]
Test the connection.
If you select [Test Connection], the system will attempt to connect to the Internet.
[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""]
[/th] [td]
Confirm the connection test results.
If a successful connection has been made, information on the network will be displayed.
[/td] [/tr][/table]

  • If the connection fails, follow the on-screen instructions to check your settings. Also refer to the information from your Internet service provider and the instructions supplied with the network device in use.
  • If you test the connection immediately after selecting [Automatic] > [AOSS[emoji]8482[/emoji]] in step 7, the router settings may not be completed and the connection may fail. Wait approximately 1 or 2 minutes before testing the connection.

[h1]Internet Connection Settings (wired connection)[/h1]
Set the method for connecting the system to the Internet. When making a wired connection using an Ethernet cable, you can follow the on-screen instructions to automatically select the basic settings.
Network settings vary depending on the network environment and the devices in use. The following procedure describes a typical setup when connecting to the Internet using an Ethernet cable. [table][tr][th=""]
[/th] [td]
Connect an Ethernet cable to the PS3[emoji]8482[/emoji] system.
[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""]
[/th] [td]
(Network Settings) under
(Settings) in the home menu.
[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""]
[/th] [td]
Select [Internet Connection Settings].
Select [Yes] when a confirmation screen is displayed stating that you will be disconnected from the Internet.
[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""]
[/th] [td]
Select [Easy].


After you confirm the network configuration, a list of settings will be displayed.

Depending on the network environment , additional settings for PPPoE, proxy server or IP address may be required. For details on these settings, refer to the information from your Internet service provider or the instructions supplied with the network device.
[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""]
[/th] [td]
Save your settings.
[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""]
[/th] [td]
Test the connection.
If you select [Test Connection], the system will attempt to connect to the Internet.
[/td] [/tr][tr][th=""]
[/th] [td]
Confirm the connection test results.
If a successful connection has been made, information on the network will be displayed.
[/td] [/tr][/table]
If the connection fails, follow the on-screen instructions to check your settings. Refer also to the information from your Internet service provider and the instructions supplied with the network device in use.

[Section 8]
PlayStation 3 Call of Duty 4 Tournament Recaps:

1st Tournament:][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]

2nd Tournament:][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]

3rd Tournament:][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]

3rd Touranment Re-Up:][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]

[Section 9]
Metal Gear Online Beta Premiere Recap:

All info and updated info:][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]][/url]


[Section 10]
Call of Duty 4 PS3 Clan List:

Last updated PG551.


We're Feeling Lucky.
2300 posts is serious.
It was a very entertaining thread.

XBL: bklynball
PSN: bklynball
good @#%$ of the main reasons i check general

Let yee nuts hang low or walk the plank
Asomugha - Burgess - Carr - Curry - Gabriel - Howard - Huff - Morrison - Porter - Washington​
*Bows head*

Ok. I'm still contemplating on getting Warhawk.
Team Negrodamus​
"Flying Horses. We are deep."​
I'll miss that thread...

Ok let's get it started! Word to Hammer...
-|Sophistifunk at work...|-
Free: "We're gonna flip a coin to see whose video plays first! Dre, what you callin'?"
Dre: "I want heads."
Big Boi: "I want some head too."​
well i just created a niketalk clan on warhawk so leave your ID and i'll send you an invite. i don't really plan on warring (for now, at least) but we'll now be able to find each other.
Courtesy of Gamepro.comSony has run out of 60GB PS3s -- get one while you can
Well we knew it wouldn't last forever. Sony has just confirmed with GamePro that they have run out of 60GB PS3s in their warehouses -- the only 60GB units left are ones that are in the retail channel now. This means that if you want a $499 PS3 with full backwards compatibility, you better hit up the shops soon.

According to David Karraker there is still 'ample supply' left in the retail stores, but with the holidays fast approaching and some fantastic games hitting the PS3, don't expect that supply to stay ample for that long. Still no word on whether Sony will keep the 80GB PS3's price at $599 once the 60GB SKU runs out of stock completely, but GamePro is agreeing with Michael Pachter that Sony will probably drop the price on the 80GB unit before Christmas.

My Take:
We're Feeling Lucky.​
Well i got a ps3 for Madden 08 and finally got online so I guess we fam now :lol:
Courtesy of Silenthill5.netSilent Hill 5 featuring real-time world deterioration
The latest issue of EGM details the return of this fan-favorite horror title. Since Silent Hill 5 involves a military veteran recovering from his wounds at a hospital, it's clear this game shares a lot more with the franchise's inspiration film, Jacob's Ladder. The grain filter will make its return in this entry to the series, which a lot of fans are very happy about. However, that's not the interesting part.

The Havok engine is being used for real-time physics within most environments. Bumping into chairs, desks, weak floor boards, with produce noises that alert enemies to your presence. We're sure domino effects are likely too: knocking a chair into a table could knock a lamp down and break it (where there is, of course, a hidden key). Much like the film, Silent Hill 5 is going to employ real-time world deterioration. The transition between the normal world and the world of ... well, the messed-up world, will be visible in real-time and you can move the camera to check it out in great detail. That's some exciting stuff.

A final note is on the revival of boss battles. Bosses have been fairly tame in the Silent Hill games outside of the first and third, which featured large, monstrous bosses. The Collective, the game's developers, want to bring epic boss battles back into the game, relating the experiences to Zelda-like encounters. We're interested to see how that works. We'll keep you up to date as more info gets released.

My Take: Is 4D here sooner than we believe?!


Just a friendly reminder

Courtesy of and cheapassgamer.comPS3 and eight Blu-ray movies for $475
It sucks to be an early adopter, y'know? We had to suffer intolerable waits in line, high prices, and a lack of free bonuses. (Okay, so we got "Talladega Nights.&quot :wink:
Either through a glitch, or an intentional deal on's part, you can buy a 60GB PS3 system and get eight Blu-ray movies for about $475, free shipping included. How does one take part in such a spectacular deal?

* Add the 60GB PS3 to your shopping cart.
* Choose three Blu-ray movies from this list and add them to the cart. [Updated link!]
* Right before checkout, you'll see the discount applied (see picture, right).

Then, you'll get a rebate form for five more Blu-ray movies. Even if you don't want to be part of a next-gen movie format war, this is still one of the cheapest ways we've seen to get a PS3 -- the free movies are a nice added bonus.

My Take: Just a reminder for those that missed it in the other (R.I.P) thread, :frown:
We're Feeling Lucky.​
Good thing I got my PS3 before the 60s run out. Full Backwards compatibility for me.

What do you mean by this?
Team Negrodamus
"Flying Horses. We are deep."​
Damn, the 60 gig models sold much faster than I expected!

Waiting for the 80 gigs to retail for 499. :pimp:

Btw, this thread won't be complete w/o me asking: WHERE ARE THE RUMBLE-ENABLED JOYSTICKS SONY?!?!
Ill contribute to both threads. (PS3/360)

White PlayStation 2 bundled with SingStar and mics for $150
With the aging PlayStation 2 platform having no trouble besting its big brother in sales every month (not to mention the Xbox 360), Sony has their eyes aimed squarely at the one home console that everyone seems to want: the Wii. This November, they're giving the normally black or silver PS2 a Wii-styled whitewashing, controller and all, and jamming a copy of casual supergame, SingStar Pop, along with two mics into the box. And exactly how much would you expect to spend on this incredible bundle? $300? No! $200? No!

You'll get it all for the low, low price of $150 US ($160 CDN). With casual games like Buzz! and crossover hits like Guitar Hero, the PlayStation 2 SingStar bundle should prove to be quite an attractive option for those families hunting for the undoubtedly still-suffering-from-shortages Wii this November.


Courtesy of Kobayan.jpBob, the new Tekken 6 character?
If a picture paints a thousand words, then the above scan we picked up from certainly fills us with questions rather than answers. As you can see from the above picture, it seems that Namco's highly-polished fighting game has a new hero, one who looks suspiciously like he spent more time PLAYING fighting games rather than being in actual brawls.

As the above scan states, his name is Bob, and if this scan proves accurate, he may just be the final new character that'll be introduced alongside Leo, Zafina, and Miguel. Seeing this guy's bulk, we have a feeling he might end up being the Mokujin of Tekken 6, the one who uses a random moveset in every battle. Still, that's only speculation, and we'll try to get more info on this guy to help you Tekken fans out.

There's one thing we're do know though: this guy certainly looks like a funny take on another important video game legend. With blue jeans, a red shirt, and suspenders, Bob certainly looks a lot like a realistic blonde version of Mario, pudgy pounds included. We'll let you know more on Bob and the rest of the Tekken 6 fighters once more information comes up!

My Take: :lol:
We're Feeling Lucky.​
I don't know if all the Warhawk reviews were up before the old thread got raptured up....but

IGN. 8.8 / 10
Gamespy 4.5 / 5
Gamespot 8.5 / 10

Seems that the reviewers have taken a liking to it. Kinda makes me wanna download tonight.

ummm...can we ban certain people from the new thread. As much as I loved the old one...certain individuals and their never-ending agendas really made the thread tedious at times.
            ...A careful man tries to dodge the bullets,while a happy man takes a walk,...And maybe its time to live.
the white ps2 is amazing! i remember the limited edition silver one sold out and it was on ebay for over retail
Team Otaku​
@#%$ @ Bob? That character is completely random :lol:
Team Negrodamus
"Flying Horses. We are deep."​
I still needa get an extra controller, but I don't wanna spend retail...
Azubuike - Barnes - Belinelli - Biedrins - Croshere - Davis - Ellis
Harrington - Jackson - Jasikevicius - Lasme - O'Bryant - Perovic - Pietrus - Wright
^ I think it's a diss against americans :lol:
Team Logic
A flaw in the logic? As long as it's nobody that's in my clique...
It's called qualifying your statement, try it sometime.My Blog
any word on the rumble controller dropping anytime soon? i remember hearing about it debuting at leipzig but i haven't heard wassup?

glad to se a new thread imma try and contribute a lot more this time.... now I wish they wud kill the dang LPC thread
Mil-City Prince
reppin that 414
Still thinking if i should pick up Warhawk, i would of bought it but i got a damn ticket yesterday so that is a random hit to my wallet.
I seriously LoL'd when I saw that Bob pic earlier, what does he have to do w/Tekken @ all?!? Still psyched for Tekken6.. I might pick up that copy of EGM, looks to be a pretty cool issue (SHV!)
scans of Silent Hill 5 thanks to jeux-france:



moreYou've lost your touch haven't you?..
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