Quantico [Goodbye and Good Luck Alex & Priyanka | Series Finale]

This episode was stupid from the beginning.

Why does Alex get to call the shots on if her friends are being watched or not?

Like mentioned how is that area suppose to be secured but twice people were able to storm in.

Didn't get good until the last seconds.
Only reason i continue to watch this bull is because i started it. This ish is garbage, we need to stop watching so ratings go down.

Shows like this will get renewed but ones as great as The Leftovers are hangin out in Limbo (yes i know 2 different networks or w/e)
At least lil momma from happy endings got a part in this[emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji]
Jesus this is horrible
I'd honestly be terrified if this was an accurate representation of the FBI. God damn are these some horrible analysts.
Considering what we've seen from the Secret service, Military generals etc... there's plenty of high ranking idiots to go around so it's safe to say the others are just as inept.
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dude just jumped out the window 

they shoulda shot him in the leg as soon as he started talking 
Shelby talked all that noise about Caleb ruining his parents potential happiness but she in returns has an affair with his dad ...

Elias :x .. Idk if he is faking gay for the show but dude is over the top feminine and a TURRIBLE actor. So they're in the FBI and don't know how to take down a suspect before he so conveniently jumps out of a window. As nice as that hotel is and obviously up high, I'm pretty sure the windows wouldn't be able to open like that.

So now they tryin to make it seem like Caleb did it, and it's gonna turn out its not even him. They conveniently had Shelby read his cult article on how they were gonna blow something up then show him walk in that bank impersonating someone else asking about the vaults.

I trash talked this show every commercial break today, my wife on the other hand thinks it's great :x
I'm gonna watch last episode on Hulu now

But yea like everyone has said meh
I finally got around to watching the winter finale/midseason ep before break.

What the ****? Whose smart idea was it to make the ep half who is the terrorist and the other half a bunch of girls playing around in the dorms during holidays until some get to go to a party where family and relationship drama ensue?

All of the awkward damn your beautiful and this guy is gonna be simping and broken hearted over you so leave him alone seemed to be like a message to the audience that we only got the green light on this show cuz Priyanka is so fine :lol:

More and more I feel like somebody pitched this show about young adults in college living on campus solving crimes or some **** and somebody at ABC was like nah, make it so they're stopping terrorists and the college campus can be changed to the FBI training facility, Quanitco! :lol: :smh:

Then to the serious stuff with the bomb :lol: All this explaining this guy that doesn't need glasses does with the gay lawyer guy he doesn't like. Also that dude stay murking himself on tv shows. First Flash now this :lol:

This being the plot of Caleb just makes it more bull **** since that same ep is when they choose to reveal he was in some cult and was gonna blow himself up :rofl: That was so subtle.

Never mind the other stuff like Alex publicly pleading guilty after publicly claiming her innocence and have 24 hrs before her sentencing. Doing that was dumb enough but then she's passing on a CIA extraction wanting to stop the next bomb.....

Then they fail to stop the next bombing and possibly the majority of the cast gets killed off :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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Scandal has ruined storytelling on ABC. Every episode needs a big reveal, surprise or twist and it comes off very cheap. You just blew up a command station, why do we need another bomb for?
Eh :lol:

How To Get Away With Murder still managed to be entertaining.

This show's writing is just lazy.
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A break like that is exactly what can kill a show like this.

People get to cleanse their palate and when they tune back in they're like what is this crap? :lol:
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why am i still watching this stupid show?!!! [emoji]128534[/emoji][emoji]128534[/emoji][emoji]128534[/emoji][emoji]128534[/emoji][emoji]128534[/emoji]
This show is complete GARBAGE now :rofl: . I couldn't bare through this last episode man. I just couldn't

Every single episode is like a season finale now such unneeded suspense. Then its 1 million and one conspiracies and side stories going on I cant even keep track.

This show is finished
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