R.I.P Trayvon

I saw pictures of the man bleeding from every opening on his head lol... While its not much evidence, its more than "I think this happened."

Yep, that's why he needed all those stitches

Lmfao you must've had different photos. A medical examiner, an actual MD, spoke and she said the injuries were MINOR. 15 yr old hockey players continue the same damn game with fractured noses. Those cuts on his head were 20mm in length...I've hurt myself worse when I was 7 and got tackled on concrete playing football with my friends. Actually needed stitches, unlike your boy George. Never in one second did I think my life was in danger with those injuries, I was 7.
I saw pictures of the man bleeding from every opening on his head lol... While its not much evidence, its more than "I think this happened."

Yep, that's why he needed all those stitches

Lmfao you must've had different photos. A medical examiner, an actual MD, spoke and she said the injuries were MINOR. 15 yr old hockey players continue the same damn game with fractured noses. Those cuts on his head were 20mm in length...I've hurt myself worse when I was 7 and got tackled on concrete playing football with my friends. Actually needed stitches, unlike your boy George. Never in one second did I think my life was in danger with those injuries, I was 7.

all those stitches? It wasnt a serious injury at all. He had it covered with 2 band aids.
I saw pictures of the man bleeding from every opening on his head lol... While its not much evidence, its more than "I think this happened."

Yep, that's why he needed all those stitches

Lmfao you must've had different photos. A medical examiner, an actual MD, spoke and she said the injuries were MINOR. 15 yr old hockey players continue the same damn game with fractured noses. Those cuts on his head were 20mm in length...I've hurt myself worse when I was 7 and got tackled on concrete playing football with my friends. Actually needed stitches, unlike your boy George. Never in one second did I think my life was in danger with those injuries, I was 7.

We still don't really know if his nose was broken because he refused to get the x-ray when he went to the hospital.
You know cant be this naive...more people die

In Chicago then Afghanistan...huge outrage over

Da war on terror...chief keef lookin cats wasting

Each other? Mehh not so much...

And people are asking for the national guard, why?

Because you are ignorant and don't know about it or what they're trying to do or doing, doesn't mean it's not being done.

Some of you can't seem to get that through your skulls.

Im ignorant?

*cue alpo ****** get shot every day b gif*
You know cant be this naive...more people die

In Chicago then Afghanistan...huge outrage over

Da war on terror...chief keef lookin cats wasting

Each other? Mehh not so much...
And people are asking for the national guard, why?

Because you are ignorant and don't know about it or what they're trying to do or doing, doesn't mean it's not being done.

Some of you can't seem to get that through your skulls.
In Chicago "people' are calling for the National Guard, while in Afghanistan the "President" is calling for war. 

You don't see the difference? 
You know cant be this naive...more people die

In Chicago then Afghanistan...huge outrage over

Da war on terror...chief keef lookin cats wasting

Each other? Mehh not so much...

And people are asking for the national guard, why?

Because you are ignorant and don't know about it or what they're trying to do or doing, doesn't mean it's not being done.

Some of you can't seem to get that through your skulls.
In Chicago "people' are calling for the National Guard, while in Afghanistan the "President" is calling for war. 

You don't see the difference? 

THIS...& this President is FROM chicago....

Someone wasn't following this trial @ all :lol:

Those were small scratches not huge gashes. No stitches just 2 band-aids.

Don't try to play it down like it was nothing. That could of happened after a a full 5 minute scuffle. Maybe TM wasn't as nice with the hands as he wished lol.. In the end, GZ took the W...

Took the W :smh: :stoneface:

Oh okay I now understand what/who I am dealing with.

Someone wasn't following this trial @ all :lol:

Those were small scratches not huge gashes. No stitches just 2 band-aids.

Don't try to play it down like it was nothing. That could of happened after a a full 5 minute scuffle. Maybe TM wasn't as nice with the hands as he wished lol.. In the end, GZ took the W...

Took the W :smh: :stoneface:

Oh okay I now understand what/who I am dealing with.

Someone wasn't following this trial @ all :lol:

Those were small scratches not huge gashes. No stitches just 2 band-aids.

Don't try to play it down like it was nothing. That could of happened after a a full 5 minute scuffle. Maybe TM wasn't as nice with the hands as he wished lol.. In the end, GZ took the W...

Glad to know that killing 17 yr olds is considered a 'W' in your book. There are no winners in this situation. An MD looked at those photos and said they were MINOR so we aren't playing it down as nothing bc they really were nothing significant. But don't let the facts cloud your assessment as a trained medical professional I presume, as to how bad they were.
Lmfao you must've had different photos. A medical examiner, an actual MD, spoke and she said the injuries were MINOR. 15 yr old hockey players continue the same damn game with fractured noses. Those cuts on his head were 20mm in length...I've hurt myself worse when I was 7 and got tackled on concrete playing football with my friends. Actually needed stitches, unlike your boy George. Never in one second did I think my life was in danger with those injuries, I was 7.
Stop crying. Nobody cares what happened to you when you playing a game with your friends. Treyvon "Soft Paws" Martin went in on dude and only did "2 bandaids" worth of damage.. Im raising my kids right, and I don't live in Florida. This case doesn't affect me either way. Maybe thats what those African American kids need in Chicago, parents to raise them right and teach them the rules of the world. If you knows what happens to a lot of young black men in your neighborhood, and you do nothing to educate your son on what he should be doing instead of gang banging... Maybe you don't care about all the black on black crime...
Just realized GZ gets to keep the 300k that was fundraised, a man got PAID after killing a 17yr old boy. Only in America. I don't even have words for that, he gets freedom AND 300k. *permanent stone face*
Just realized GZ gets to keep the 300k that was fundraised, a man got PAID after killing a 17yr old boy. Only in America. I don't even have words for that, he gets freedom AND 300k. *permanent stone face*

same country people are asking for the head of someone acquitted :\
We still don't really know if his nose was broken because he refused to get the x-ray when he went to the hospital.

My father had a stroke from falling of a scaffold, didnt even hit his head. The acceleration-deceleration forces on the brain caused a hemorrhage...a week later. To downplay head injuries just because of appearance is irresponsible.
for everyone that keeps bringing up Chicago, watch this video and see that it's not THAT simple to just fix everything out there. It's deeper than gangs alone, its about acquiring the guns, the hospitals the schools etc. None of that can just be "solved" with a rally or protest

17 is basically a grown man! If I'm in fear of my life, and I come out on top over a six year old trying to kill me that's a W... Don't get caught up in the minor details. Does GZ have a criminal past of upping heat on people and blasting for no reason? Does TM have past of putting hands on people?
We still don't really know if his nose was broken because he refused to get the x-ray when he went to the hospital.

My father had a stroke from falling of a scaffold, didnt even hit his head. The acceleration-deceleration forces on the brain caused a hemorrhage...a week later. To downplay head injuries just because of appearance is irresponsible.

A medical examiner said the injuries were non life threatening and minor. A MEDICAL EXAMINER.
Zimmerman was soft and couldn't take a punch. He resorted to using his weapon and got off most likely due to his race and his fathers connections
Lmfao you must've had different photos. A medical examiner, an actual MD, spoke and she said the injuries were MINOR. 15 yr old hockey players continue the same damn game with fractured noses. Those cuts on his head were 20mm in length...I've hurt myself worse when I was 7 and got tackled on concrete playing football with my friends. Actually needed stitches, unlike your boy George. Never in one second did I think my life was in danger with those injuries, I was 7.
Stop crying. Nobody cares what happened to you when you playing a game with your friends. Treyvon "Soft Paws" Martin went in on dude and only did "2 bandaids" worth of damage.. Im raising my kids right, and I don't live in Florida. This case doesn't affect me either way. Maybe thats what those African American kids need in Chicago, parents to raise them right and teach them the rules of the world. If you knows what happens to a lot of young black men in your neighborhood, and you do nothing to educate your son on what he should be doing instead of gang banging... Maybe you don't care about all the black on black crime...

Sooooooo you basically said you believe Trayvon didn't do anything to put George in fear for his life, which would negate the entire self defense aspect of this case. And if that is your stance, why do you support George then exactly?? Unless, and it would be a fair assumption based on you statements, you tend to celebrate the deaths of 17yr olds murdered in non self defense cases.

You must be confused. A simple google search will show you tons of people are outraged about black on black crime but I know you'll just continue to perpetuate ignorant sentiments on the issue regardless if what you come across. Maybe you can't see that through the sheets you're wearing though. I've never seen something called a 'W' when a kid is murdered. Classy.
Just realized GZ gets to keep the 300k that was fundraised, a man got PAID after killing a 17yr old boy. Only in America. I don't even have words for that, he gets freedom AND 300k. *permanent stone face*

same country people are asking for the head of someone acquitted :\

OJ was acquitted. Doesn't mean he didn't kill 2 people and deserve to be put away.

do you remember talk of riots after the verdict? I don't.
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so how is he absolved of the end result simply based off the fact that it wasnt illegal to get out a car?

1. It is not illegal to get out of the car
2. It was not illegal to see what Trayvon was doing
3. It was not proven by the prosecution that Zimmerman started the confrontration
4. It was not proven that Zimmerman threw that first punch.
5. It was not proven that Zimmerman was or wasn't in life threatning danger, all that was proven is by the medical examiners who stated that Zimmerman could have died/knocked unconsious simply from having his head knocked against concrete.
6. Self Defense is not illegal, Prosecution failed to prove otherwise.
7. Blame the prosecution, not every white person in the country.
Basically.. Trayvon brung a knife to a gun fight

When he decided to approach george zimmerman

To confront him on why he was being followed..

Zimmerman was a *** hole using da burner but

It was well within his right.
I have to ask and I am not trying to be a jag....

but why does everyone say zimmerman is white (half white/half peruvian) and obama is black (half white/half black)?

is it context? media?
This country is where your culture dies for da

Most part because idiots dont understand or

Respect multiculturalism...
i guess my thing is that he isn't JUST white.... the perception shouldn't be "white" but Peruvian/German(not sure what his white heritage is)....
white is white dawg... Just like how amerikkka say black is black... Don't let the media decide what u think
Umm you're SUPER uninformed... You're a example

Why i gotta explain what makes me a hispanic every

nationality/culture=race...you really need to grow up about this your'e pushin 30 dog.

George Zimmerman would have had no problem getting around in segregated america

Obama would probably been kicked out many a restaurant.
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