R.I.P Trayvon

your example should be golf/yacht/social club or something along those lines.

pretty sure no one is getting kicked out of restaurants, just getting bad service.
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Just realized GZ gets to keep the 300k that was fundraised, a man got PAID after killing a 17yr old boy. Only in America. I don't even have words for that, he gets freedom AND 300k. *permanent stone face*

same country people are asking for the head of someone acquitted :\

OJ was acquitted. Doesn't mean he didn't kill 2 people and deserve to be put away.

do you remember talk of riots after the verdict? I don't.

you mean did the media show us talks of riots after the verdict?

I don't know, I was too young to remember.
Just realized GZ gets to keep the 300k that was fundraised, a man got PAID after killing a 17yr old boy. Only in America. I don't even have words for that, he gets freedom AND 300k. *permanent stone face*

same country people are asking for the head of someone acquitted :\

Hey I don't support that stuff either. Only two people know the truth, one is dead, and the other was not found innocent but not guilty. I have never supported going after him, I believe in karma. Just like OJ ended up back in jail, GZ will have to live with this the rest of his life if it wasn't actually how he presented the events.
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i just spent a couple of hours watching a time to kill because of that clip someone posted 
People need to stop with the speculation and their ignorance of the law. Just because you think the law doesn't make sense or shouldn't be, or you can hypothesize an absurdity based on the existing law, doesn't mean that the justice system didn't get it correct.

No one knows what happened except the dead guy and the guy who shot him. The prosecution couldn't get it done. Jurors aren't instructed to convict when there is doubt. When there is doubt, you DON'T convict. While it may result in an unfortunate result in this circumstance, many, many, many accused parties benefit from this standard of conviction.

While I agree that the media and ignoramuses around the country have turned this into a race thing, the prosecution simply didn't do the job and didn't (or couldn't) make a compelling argument with the facts available.

I am very disappointed in the way the prosecution handled this, but the justice system isn't to blame. Those idiots went for 2nd degree murder. There was no chance in hell that anyone would find Zimmerman's actions to be of "depraved mind." They should've gone for manslaughter and called it a day.
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Then why is he a free man?

Guilty men are found innocent all the time. We know he killed Trayvon.

same country people are asking for the head of someone acquitted :\


People didn't call for the head of Casey Anthony, Amanda Knox or OJ?

Just realized GZ gets to keep the 300k that was fundraised, a man got PAID after killing a 17yr old boy. Only in America. I don't even have words for that, he gets freedom AND 300k. *permanent stone face*

Hopefully they'll be a civil lawsuit.

It's funny how the Zimmerman defenders will bring up Trayvon's past, but won't talk about Zimmerman's. Him trying to hide how much money he had, shows his integrity.

Naw, that dude wouldn't lie at all on the stand of what happen. Yeah his head was hit 25 times against the concrete and he got two band aids.
Sooooooo you basically said you believe Trayvon didn't do anything to put George in fear for his life, which would negate the entire self defense aspect of this case. And if that is your stance, why do you support George then exactly?? Unless, and it would be a fair assumption based on you statements, you tend to celebrate the deaths of 17yr olds murdered in non self defense cases.

You must be confused. A simple google search will show you tons of people are outraged about black on black crime but I know you'll just continue to perpetuate ignorant sentiments on the issue regardless if what you come across. Maybe you can't see that through the sheets you're wearing though. I've never seen something called a 'W' when a kid is murdered. Classy.

Nice try. Im mixed, black and white. I couldn't be racist if I wanted to. Don't be hung up on the fact that he was 17. Pay attention to the fact that he was trying to hurt a stand up citizen that was contributing to society and not posting pictures of his ignorance on the internet. So what if we lost another fry cook at the local McDonalds. Its not a black/white thing... Its a right/wrong thing.. You see what happened here? Make sure your kids don't follow the TM path.
Then why is he a free man?

Guilty men are found innocent all the time. We know he killed Trayvon.

same country people are asking for the head of someone acquitted :\


People didn't call for the head of Casey Anthony, Amanda Knox or OJ?

Just realized GZ gets to keep the 300k that was fundraised, a man got PAID after killing a 17yr old boy. Only in America. I don't even have words for that, he gets freedom AND 300k. *permanent stone face*

Hopefully they'll be a civil lawsuit.

It's funny how the Zimmerman defenders will bring up Trayvon's past, but won't talk about Zimmerman's. Him trying to hide how much money he had, shows his integrity.

Naw, that dude wouldn't lie at all on the stand of what happen. Yeah his head was hit 25 times against the concrete and he got two band aids.

well, I could see civil suits against the sanford home owners association and the sanford PD. I guess GZ would be next after them
so how is he absolved of the end result simply based off the fact that it wasnt illegal to get out a car?

1. It is not illegal to get out of the car

2. It was not illegal to see what Trayvon was doing

3. It was not proven by the prosecution that Zimmerman started the confrontration

4. It was not proven that Zimmerman threw that first punch.

5. It was not proven that Zimmerman was or wasn't in life threatning danger, all that was proven is by the medical examiners who stated that Zimmerman could have died/knocked unconsious simply from having his head knocked against concrete.

6. Self Defense is not illegal, Prosecution failed to prove otherwise.

7. Blame the prosecution, not every white person in the country.

Basically.. Trayvon brung a knife to a gun fight

When he decided to approach george zimmerman

To confront him on why he was being followed..

Zimmerman was a *** hole using da burner but

It was well within his right.
I have to ask and I am not trying to be a jag....

but why does everyone say zimmerman is white (half white/half peruvian) and obama is black (half white/half black)?

is it context? media?
This country is where your culture dies for da

Most part because idiots dont understand or

Respect multiculturalism...
i guess my thing is that he isn't JUST white.... the perception shouldn't be "white" but Peruvian/German(not sure what his white heritage is)....
white is white dawg... Just like how amerikkka say black is black... Don't let the media decide what u think

Umm you're SUPER uninformed... You're a example

Why i gotta explain what makes me a hispanic every

Week :smh: :lol:
nationality/culture=race...you really need to grow up about this your'e pushin 30 dog.

George Zimmerman would have had no problem getting around in segregated america

Obama would probably been kicked out many a restaurant.

You cant be serious... :lol: da minute i saw george

Zimmerman i knew he wasnt "white". Its called


Americans are so distracted by color they ignore

Everything else.

Ethnicity and where you come from is arguably

MORE important then anything else. Look at da

East arabs killing each other...they're all da same

But guess what, their differences are something

They are PROUD of and feel passionate enough

To kill over...that's something you CAN NOT discount..
Sooooooo you basically said you believe Trayvon didn't do anything to put George in fear for his life, which would negate the entire self defense aspect of this case. And if that is your stance, why do you support George then exactly?? Unless, and it would be a fair assumption based on you statements, you tend to celebrate the deaths of 17yr olds murdered in non self defense cases.

You must be confused. A simple google search will show you tons of people are outraged about black on black crime but I know you'll just continue to perpetuate ignorant sentiments on the issue regardless if what you come across. Maybe you can't see that through the sheets you're wearing though. I've never seen something called a 'W' when a kid is murdered. Classy.
Nice try. Im mixed, black and white. I couldn't be racist if I wanted to. Don't be hung up on the fact that he was 17. Pay attention to the fact that he was trying to hurt a stand up citizen that was contributing to society and not posting pictures of his ignorance on the internet. So what if we lost another fry cook at the local McDonalds. Its not a black/white thing... Its a right/wrong thing.. You see what happened here? Make sure your kids don't follow the TM path.

just wow...
People need to stop with the speculation and their ignorance of the law. Just because you think the law doesn't make sense or shouldn't be, or you can hypothesize an absurdity based on the existing law, doesn't mean that the justice system didn't get it correct.

No one knows what happened except the dead guy and the guy who shot him. The prosecution couldn't get it done. Jurors aren't instructed to convict when there is doubt. When there is doubt, you DON'T convict. While it may result in an unfortunate result in this circumstance, many, many, many accused parties benefit from this standard of conviction.

While I agree that the media and ignoramuses around the country have turned this into a race thing, the prosecution simply didn't do the job and didn't (or couldn't) make a compelling argument with the facts available.

All this may be true but to some of us, it goes beyond what happened in a courtroom. It's like we're not allowed to speculate or have an opinion on the situation as a whole.
Some of the posts in here man :smh:

You don't have to agree that Zimmerman was guilty, but at least respect the Martin family. This dude really said so what if we lost a fry cook at McDonalds :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh:
Sooooooo you basically said you believe Trayvon didn't do anything to put George in fear for his life, which would negate the entire self defense aspect of this case. And if that is your stance, why do you support George then exactly?? Unless, and it would be a fair assumption based on you statements, you tend to celebrate the deaths of 17yr olds murdered in non self defense cases.

You must be confused. A simple google search will show you tons of people are outraged about black on black crime but I know you'll just continue to perpetuate ignorant sentiments on the issue regardless if what you come across. Maybe you can't see that through the sheets you're wearing though. I've never seen something called a 'W' when a kid is murdered. Classy.

Nice try. Im mixed, black and white. I couldn't be racist if I wanted to. Don't be hung up on the fact that he was 17. Pay attention to the fact that he was trying to hurt a stand up citizen that was contributing to society and not posting pictures of his ignorance on the internet. So what if we lost another fry cook at the local McDonalds. Its not a black/white thing... Its a right/wrong thing.. You see what happened here? Make sure your kids don't follow the TM path.

Stand up citizens try and fight cops? They get accused of domestic abuse? Sheesh with my lack of any criminal history I must not be a stand up citizen by your criteria.

Ill be damn sure my kids won't follow the GZ path. THATS what I'll do. Raise kids who don't lie to police about money and need restraining orders, and don't profile people and judge them on the color of their skin and assume the worst. Ill raise them not to have allegedly sexually assaulted family members, like George. Ill raise them to follow rules and if they are ever in positions of power, to not act without thinking o consequences. If on neighborhood watch, ill tell them to approach people, ask questions an present the fact that they are in fact a neighborhood watch member so as to alleviate as much fear as possible in either party so kids don't die.

How DARE you tell people not to have their kids go down the Trayvon path. A kid with As and Bs in the best public high school academically in Miami.

Oh you're biracial? You must be related to Crystal Wright, the GOPblackchick on twitter. Both of you share similar views. Sickening.
If GZ was found not guilty , what was trayvon guilty of??
not showing up in court on time :rolleyes

Im trying to figure out your angle , youre confusing me with some of your statements....are u attempting to play devils advocate or provide some balance in this thread ?
balance in all threads I post in.

really just hate the acceptable hypocrisy in America and the sheep attitude associated with it.

thank you for noticing, no sarcasm.
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Sorry to hear about the death of your friend, and thanks for opening up about a story that close to you. As for Zimmerman and his family, it is what it is. Can't stand that close with someone that has a target on their back.

Appreciate it. The real fight isn't with Zimmerman anymore. It should be attacking the flawed FL (and similar states) laws and attacking the inherently racist justice system. There's bigger fish to fry than George Zimmerman the individual.
This and getting rid of people's racial biases. It shouldn't take this crime to hit whatever race a person is for everybody to have agreement that stuff like,this is crazy. Now all that can be done is to work on changing these silly laws that give people a license to start fights get beat up then kill cause your life was in danger. Crazy stuff
Some of the posts in here man

You don't have to agree that Zimmerman was guilty, but at least respect the Martin family. This dude really said so what if we lost a fry cook at McDonalds
Some people are trying really hard to push others buttons under racially veiled comments.

With that said, everyone is going to have different opinions on the matter, some more egregious and inflammatory than others, but what I don't get is how the blame is being deflected to the victim. That's what I don't understand. You wouldn't blame a victim of rape or robbery for something that happened to them.
"Don't start nothing, won't be nothing."

GZ started the confrontation, so if he ever felt his life was in danger, his life was in danger because of something he started and initiated, and his mishandling of the situation ended in TM's death.

And it's his mishandling of the situation that wants me to see him do time. I don't want a hot head who initiates confrontation and then kills his opponent roaming the streets a free man.

some dude clipped my car last night when I was at a stop sign and he was turning onto my street. he stopped, and instead of exchanging insurance information, every part of me wanted to run up on him. if I had done that and he ended up dead because I felt at some point in the confrontation that my life was in danger, that is entirely on me for initiating the confrontation and severely mishandling that situation.
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