R.I.P Trayvon

its like this, theres life and theres court.  if everything in life happened according to court, there would be videotapes, eyewitnesses for every case.  in the cases where these things are not available, how are we to explain?  how can we deduce what has taken place?

TM's evidence of self defense is circumstantial.  GZ's accounts are "circumstantial". but we accept GZ's position and not TM's?
Dudes from Alabama though...

Barkley tried to run for Ala state governor on the Republican ticket too...
What does that have to do with anything?
It means Charles Barkely, just like YOU at one one point in time wanted to join the establishment, but they (the Republican party) ended up showing his black *** the door just like they would and probably have done the same thing to you ninjahood.  Barkely at one point in time tried to fit in, and got bounced.  With some of your statements in this thread and other comments in the past ninjahood, it's quite clear to see that YOU want to fit in as well. 
too bad the only person alive to know what happened is GZ and you've already decided he's a racist baby killer
i didnt decide that, his actions did.   did i even know who GZ was before all of this so say he would be a racist a baby killer?

why even tell dispatch "they always get away?"  was he looking for someone to validate his actions before he took them?
its like this, theres life and theres court.  if everything in life happened according to court, there would be videotapes, eyewitnesses for every case.  in the cases where these things are not available, how are we to explain?  how can we deduce what has taken place?

If you don't know this, I'm guessing you didn't follow the trial at all.

Watch courtTV/TruTV to see investigation the procedure.
Barkley is right in one regard...there are racist views coming from both black and white on this issue.
One more time for those that don't seem to know or have a proper understanding on the matter.  In this country (United States of America) black people CAN'T be racist.  WE (black people) can be prejudice but not racist for a number of reasons.  Simply put, there is no system set up currently for black people to be racist.  White people can be racist because they have and have had a system set up for them to advance while keeping the black race down, which should be obvious to anyone that knows the history of this country. 
If you don't know this, I'm guessing you didn't follow the trial at all.

Watch courtTV/TruTV to see investigation the procedure.
can i do like yall do and accuse of taking things out of context?

quote my whole post and explain the latter half?

why is GZ word gospel?
One more time for those that don't seem to know or have a proper understanding on the matter.  In this country (United States of America) black people CAN'T be racist.  WE (black people) can be prejudice but not racist for a number of reasons.  Simply put, there is no system set up currently for black people to be racist.  White people can be racist because they have and have had a system set up for them to advance while keeping the black race down, which should be obvious to anyone that knows the history of this country. 

You're joking....right?
One more time for those that don't seem to know or have a proper understanding on the matter.  In this country (United States of America) black people CAN'T be racist.  WE (black people) can be prejudice but not racist for a number of reasons.  Simply put, there is no system set up currently for black people to be racist.  White people can be racist because they have and have had a system set up for them to advance while keeping the black race down, which should be obvious to anyone that knows the history of this country. 

So black people can't be racist against Mexicans?
One more time for those that don't seem to know or have a proper understanding on the matter.  In this country (United States of America) black people CAN'T be racist.  WE (black people) can be prejudice but not racist for a number of reasons.  Simply put, there is no system set up currently for black people to be racist.  White people can be racist because they have and have had a system set up for them to advance while keeping the black race down, which should be obvious to anyone that knows the history of this country. 
You're joking....right?
Actually, I was going to say the exact same thing to you my friend.  Please tell me how a black person can be racist in this country, or show/tell me when specifically a black person has been racist?? 

So black people can't be racist against Mexicans?
In this country as it currently stands........NO.  There is a difference between being prejudice and being racist. 
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can i do like yall do and accuse of taking things out of context?

quote my whole post and explain the latter half?

why is GZ word gospel?

I never said his word was gospel. I don't even personally believe everything he said.

You asked how we deduce what happened during a crime without video evidence. I told you. If you don't know the procedure, then you have homework to do.
Actually, I was going to say the exact same thing to you my friend.  Please tell me how a black person can be racist in this country, or show/tell me when specifically a black person has been racist?? 


In this country as it currently stands........NO.  There is a difference between being prejudice and being racist. 

I actually looked into this and there is validity to it, philosophically speaking.

Doesn't mean being black and racially prejudiced is better or worse than being white and racist, but there is a different meaning beneath the surface of the word so I can co-sign Deuce from what I've learned.
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I'll say this

Black people have never set up an infrastructure that promoted and was set up for black people to fail.


Jim Crow

The Glass Ceiling

Disparate sentencing among minority offenders compared to their majority counterparts

Its really not made up fellas.
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Well from what i've read on forums and social media sites over the years, minorities can't be racist in America. Only white people can. To be racist you need to have privilege and power. So a minority can't be racist against another in America. The more correct terms to use would probably be to say they are prejudice against or discriminatory against.
And I'm sure this has happened before...

So if a group of blacks jump a Mexican dude only because he's Mexican...then that's not racist?

But if a group of Mexicans jump a black dude only because he's black....then that IS racist?
And I'm sure this has happened before...

So if a group of blacks jump a Mexican dude only because he's Mexican...then that's not racist?

But if a group of Mexicans jump a black dude only because he's black....then that IS racist?
sounds more gang related than anything else.

Mexican gangs and Black gangs have been having run ins like this for years.
Actually, I was going to say the exact same thing to you my friend.  Please tell me how a black person can be racist in this country, or show/tell me when specifically a black person has been racist?? 


In this country as it currently stands........NO.  There is a difference between being prejudice and being racist. 

If you're one race and you specifically seek out someone of another race to torment b/c you don't like their pigmentation, isn't that racist?


I get the hierarchy of institutional racism...but let's be real. There are black racists in this country whether you want to acknowledge it or not.
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Black people cant be racists... Thats rich :lol:

"Creepy *** cracker" got that fat broad hosed

On da witness stand for a reason.....
Barkley is right in one regard...there are racist views coming from both black and white on this issue.

One more time for those that don't seem to know or have a proper understanding on the matter.  In this country (United States of America) black people CAN'T be racist.  WE (black people) can be prejudice but not racist for a number of reasons.  Simply put, there is no system set up currently for black people to be racist.  White people can be racist because they have and have had a system set up for them to advance while keeping the black race down, which should be obvious to anyone that knows the history of this country. 

That is so absurd... your really clinging to strict definitions and textbook rhetoric. Charles is 100% right.... this case is bringing out the worst in both sides.
Hate is hate.

Racism, bigotry, prejudice = Kleenex, tissue, handkerchief = Coke, Pepsi, Cola = Phone, Mobile Device,Handset

Not the exactly same, but close enough for any reasonable person understand the intention of Mr. Barkley's statement in the context used.
sounds more gang related than anything else.

Mexican gangs and Black gangs have been having run ins like this for years.
But what if all involved are not in a gang? Then what would it be considered. Just a possible scenario...
I have no idea.  I mean I guess you could ascertain the intentions of the attackers.  There could definitely be racial motivations....but in the long run, both those groups of people have to deal with severe INSTITUTIONALIZED racism every day of the week.

I remember when I was 13 at summer camp, one of the only black kids there.  And 3 of the white counselors threatened to "Rodney King me".  My counselor also happened to be black, and beat the **** out of one of them.

I'm sure we dont think he's racist for lashing out against that white dude for that..
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