R.I.P Trayvon

'Brand new names come in here and really think they dooooooin it 
"he thought he was doin it, but he wasn't dooiiiiinnn it"
In this thread: 287 pages of DUMMIES who think it's O.K. to sucker punch a dork trying to keep his neighborhood safe.

keep the thread alive so those dummies stay in front of their computers arguing and i don't have to deal with them in the outside world . . .
i think i know how it works now...

white racist white people treat race relations like how a man would do his wife...

in the beginning you say all these nice things, virtues and what not...

then comes the ring... aka the shackles.... after the honeymoon period of slavery ended, she start getting fat....

he start resenting her, deep seeded and he try to act like he dont notice puttin on the pounds but it drive him crazy...

he try to give her rules, diets... jim crow, segregation...  but she say ima eat what ima what mfer....

justice, equality, ish like that... he thinkin cuz she fat she lazy.... like makin assumptions based on race...

but he gonna show her.... he'll fix that cow....
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i think i know how it works now...

white people treat race relations like how a man would do his wife...

in the beginning you say all these nice things, virtues and what not...

then comes the ring... aka the shackles.... after the honeymoon period of slavery ended, she start getting fat....

he start resenting her, deep seeded and he try to act like he dont notice puttin on the pounds but it drive him crazy...

he try to give her rules, diets... jim crow, segregation...  but she say ima eat what ima what mfer....

justice, equality, ish like that... he thinkin cuz she fat she lazy.... like makin assumptions based on race...

but he gonna show her.... he'll fix that cow....

It's the nature of prejudice to make blanket statements.

Surprised...I am not.
2 different types of cases though.

What's the point in bringing it up when it has nothing to do with the TM case and isn't similar in anyway?
Ok JJ, so you didn't see the post that I was responding to? I even quoted it...

So they can convict Zimmerman wife for perjury but can't convict her husband with anything for killing someone
Florida is a real life troll
My post was in response to this. Did you ask why this was being brought up? 


Come on bruh...
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You must've missed the whole "beyond a reasonable doubt" part.

Surprised....I am not.
so it is beyond a reasonable doubt that a man followed and killed someone? like someone else hypothesized, if TM was white then race would not be a factor.  In that case, is it still beyond a reasonable doubt as to whether or not GZ murdered TM?

In that case, GZ would be found guilty.

In this case, no.
at what point should this thread be locked?

I don't know who brought up the double-dutch analogy, but it was on point :lol:
There's still a on going Federal Investigation though .. so why should it be locked?

Because it's being counter-productive. No one is really willing to hear the other side's story w/o taking offense and there are all sorts of side tangents.
so it is beyond a reasonable doubt that a man followed and killed someone?

Yes. You having to ask this speaks volumes.

like someone else hypothesized, if TM was white then race would not be a factor.


In that case, is it still beyond a reasonable doubt as to whether or not GZ murdered TM?

It always has been beyond a reasonable doubt that he killed Trayvon. The point was, under the Florida law and based on the evidence at hand, was there grounds for it?
Yes. You having to ask this speaks volumes.
It always has been beyond a reasonable doubt that he killed Trayvon. The point was, under the Florida law and based on the evidence at hand, was there grounds for it?
murder = motive + opportunity

motive = 911 call, opportunity = getting out of car

all i can see is the continued justification of a murderer under the law.
basically, a jury is willing to ignore evidence to the contrary, and continue to act as if there is any doubt.
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People are so quick to stand behind this law that doesn't even affect them. Like yall are ride or die for this law that's not even countrywide.

Where was the Zim being beaten to within an inch of his life?
What does everyone think of the Presidents speech on this?

I'm really appalled at no one in this thread mentioning it.

Obama hit a lot of points. Even said "35 years ago I would've been Trayvon Martin."

He also said "What if Trayvon had a gun in this situation? Would he have been standing his ground?"
Yeah, he could have left it alone. I respect that. Right after I posted **** Obama this morning when I felt like he should have at least said something. 
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