R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

That interview going down in history

They treating him like and F1 car at a pit stop...
Shouts out to all my folks here who were around back then and saw the lil kim tape and r kelly tape being passed around in da hood.
Yea we knew that fool was a sick ***** back then
I can’t get over the fact that someone ponied up $161k in child support yesterday so that this man could be released from jail.

I’m gonna start telling women that if you can’t love me the way that anonymous person loves R Kelly, I don’t want it.

You know dude went straight to the Telly to wear out a minor.

Craaaaazy times we live in!!
How does he even get to owing that much without getting in trouble til now?
I'm not on child support, but dudes iknow that are on it areare stress over owing waaaaaaaaay less.
2001: Sued by intern
Tracy Sampson sues R Kelly, accusing him of inducing her "into an indecent sexual relationship" when she was 17 years old.

The woman, a former intern at Epic Records, claimed she was "treated as his personal sex object and cast aside".

"He often tried to control every aspect of my life including who I would see and where I would go," she said in her legal case against him. The case was settled out of court for an undisclosed sum, said the New York Post.

April and May 2002: Two more court cases
Kelly is sued for a third time by Patrice Jones, a Chicago woman who claims he impregnated her when she was underage, and that she was forced to have an abortion.

A woman named Montina Woods also sued Kelly, alleging that he videotaped them having sex without her knowledge. The recording was allegedly circulated on an R Kelly "sex tape" sold by bootleggers under the title R Kelly Triple-X.

The star settled both cases out of court, paying an undisclosed sum in return for a non-disclosure agreement.

How you ask if people googling and then you turn around and use google...

This guy. :lol:
How does he even get to owing that much without getting in trouble til now?
I'm not on child support, but dudes iknow that are on it areare stress over owing waaaaaaaaay less.

Back child support perhaps. It builds over time. Nobody is going to court for missing one month payment.
How you ask if people googling and then you turn around and use google...

This guy. :lol:
Right, because there isn’t a difference between using resources to prove a point, versus misusing those same resources in order to create a false narrative.
Right, because there isn’t a difference between using resources to prove a point, versus misusing those same resources in order to create a false narrative.

You were wrong earlier, period. You said he gave up his publishing rights to get acquitted. That never happened. No one you know in the music industry told you that (if you know anyone in the music industry).

The random lawsuits you posted don’t have anything to do with his acquittal. Rich people get sued all the time. They settle for tons of reasons other than guilt. It is what it is.

If Kelly did what he’s accused of, it’s terrible. But I have no idea one way or the other. And it’s weird that so many in here seem to know for sure.
Exactly what ninjahood ninjahood said. 2002 was way worse and more charges. He's gonna beat this case again. Hopefully he gets signed to a label and continues to put music out. Wish there was a video for "I Admit". :lol:

You were wrong earlier, period. You said he gave up his publishing rights to get acquitted. That never happened. No one you know in the music industry told you that (if you know anyone in the music industry).

The random lawsuits you posted don’t have anything to do with his acquittal. Rich people get sued all the time. They settle for tons of reasons other than guilt. It is what it is.

If Kelly did what he’s accused of, it’s terrible. But I have no idea one way or the other. And it’s weird that so many in here seem to know for sure.
You do not know who knows what on here. A presumptuous position held by someone of your stature, comes as no surprise.
Exactly what ninjahood ninjahood said. 2002 was way worse and more charges. He's gonna beat this case again. Hopefully he gets signed to a label and continues to put music out. Wish there was a video for "I Admit". :lol:

Naw I’d say things are worse now because of all the pressure . It’s a way bigger uproar than the first time. We’ve literally seen social media pressure get people fired , put in jail, etc. he’s going to jail.

Continue to listen to his classics about little girls , not getting a new album any time soon
The selerate the art from the artist doesn’t work for Robert unfortunately

It’s even on some of his early lyrics
I can’t listen to man that has sex with kids sing about sex
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