RACIST NBA FANS UPSET that Mexican 10 Year old Sebastian sang National Anthem,

Wrong. They're taking jobs because they're working for sub human wages. They can do that when there's multitudes of them in an apartment and they use social services knowing that the taxpayer will cover them. They're a huge reason why California is in the red. Amnesty my ***.

California has a budget surplus, the reason they were in the red is because they passed that ridiculous law that required a supermajority to raise taxes,fees, levies.
Wrong. They're taking jobs because they're working for sub human wages. They can do that when there's multitudes of them in an apartment and they use social services knowing that the taxpayer will cover them. They're a huge reason why California is in the red. Amnesty my ***.

California has a budget surplus, the reason they were in the red is because they passed that ridiculous law that required a supermajority to raise taxes,fees, levies.

But... but... but...

(I love this video.)
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So if DLH would've came out in black face to mock Money, wouldve been cool?

Nationalism is HUGE in boxing. People take pride in a boxer that is from their country. May knew the card he was pulling.

If you're Mexican and didnt see that as a clear spit in the face don't know what to tell you. Lost all respect for May after that moment.

Mayweather did that because real Mexicans do not consider dlh mexican. shoot, mexicans outside of cali hate dlh.
...why pay attention to the negative?
I bet this 10 year old knows nothing about twitter until someone older than him told him to be upset.

this thread is just moral masturbation.
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this is killing it

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Since he's mexican, doesn't that make him twice as american than most people?
this is the definition of "killing it." lets not get it twisted. the kid did a wonderful job and showed major confidence but this is perfection, fluidity, aka "killing it."

but not to take away from the topic, the boy did a superb job and showed that he can definitely sing for a boy his age. and he showed major confidence and maturity, by not letting these foolish, racist comments get to him. major props. boy has a gift, thats for sure
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