Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

i can’t tell if buddy is being sincere, it might be a lil too late for him tho. He might say he off it and apologize, but cats are still going try him.

In Chicago, definitely, they won't forget. But today is different. Too much **** going on in Hip Hop. People will forget about all that if he putting out good music.
:rofl: nah nah nah, keep that same energy. There are no morals in Hip-Hop.
He in too deep anyway *shrug* them ****** he taunting watch half their homies get xxx ‘d so they ain’t sparing son cuz he lost a colleague and wanna change up.
That’s good for 69.

A life is a life.

I’m sure them street ****** don’t wanna hear that, but the fact still remains.

xxx is especially sad because he was really chilling.
I live in Pittsburgh. My bro was literally telling me about xxx. 1mjns later local news broke of shooting but didn’t say it was him
6ix9ine gotta wear that gangsta **** he was talking bout. He wasn't dealin with regular pedestrians, he was f'n off with real street *****s. These *****s hold grudges, and with the mouth 6ix9ine got, they ain't sparin ****. 6ix9ine gotta get that **** in blood.
this is suppose to be entertainment these dudes need to learn to make their money and go about their life.
RIP to him and his family

That's why you people need to be cognizant of the energy they give off.

Bruh said “perfectly parked car” :lol: :smh:

If you’ve seen somebody get shot before it’s not always like a movie scene man, when you don’t see blood is when you REALLY get worried

This was real

They have hollow and self defense ammo to cause more internal damage. It's actually better for a bullet to go straight through.

The True Story Surrounding The Death of Jay Z’s Mistress Cathy White

HSK was the first to reveal that 28 year old Cathy White was Jay Z’s mistress. Don’t believe me? Ask Claudia Jordan.

Yesterday, I got the news that Cathy Michelle White had suddenly passed away, so I quickly began my investigation and guess what? Cathy did not die from a brain aneurysm as reported widely around the internet today. According to an NYPD detective who told me, “Cathy’s cause of death is uncertain” and, “later today we will have the autopsy and toxicology reports”. Right now the death is considered. suspicious.

Cathy White died exactly ONE YEAR to the day from when I broke the story of her and Jay Z’s affair.

Here’s exactly what the NYPD told me:

“A 911 call came in from an apartment on 130 West 19 street in Manhattan. Ambulance came and took Cathy because she was sick. They took her to the Beth Israel hospital and that’s where she expired.

It’s was to early to be speculating that an aneurism killed her. They will be doing an autopsy later today to check out her cause of death. But someone might have given Cathy a bad drug so they’ll do a toxicology and we’ll have to wait two weeks for that report.”

Wait there’s more!!!

Two weeks prior to her death Cathy was contacted by a major tabloid that was investigating the Jay Z connection. She gave them little information to go on – but according to one of our sources, following her conversation with the tabloid, she called Jay and told him that she was going to go public with their affair (for a price). This all happened in the last two weeks.

Then little more than 48 hours after the announcement that Beyonce was pregnant with Jay Z’s baby this young lady suddenly dies under suspicious circumstances.

Was Cathy trying to extort Jay Z? I don’t know, but if Jay Z and Cathy had a phone conversation the cops will be talking to him. Know why? Because Cathy’s death is going to be investigated mane.

Here’s what a close friend of Jay Z said:

“Are you kidding me? Jay had nothing to do with her death, he wouldn’t throw his life away. Beyonce knows Jay ***** around everybody knows. If Cathy was going to expose Jay no one would believe her.

Jay got too much to lose the baby coming and all. Take Jay’s name out of your conspiracy theories.”

I find it fascinating that this lady's autopsy report never came out? Neither did any of this fascinating information find it's way to the media. Not even the Enquirer?

There are several deaths associated with both Jay Z and Beyonce. There was a bodyguard recently killed/died. The media control in this country is amazing.
From another source on jay having his mistress killed

Ok Due to this being a very touchy situation and because I knew Kathy
white for years Let me give my disclosure. The Following post and
views you are about to read are not the words of Incaseyoudidntknow
Gina Torress or S.T.S Inc These are strictly reports that have been
relayed to us from colleagues, friends, and Reporters. When there is
something that we know specifically we will note in the post

Now Let's start from the Beginning For everyone who does not know what
a publicist does. A publicist is a person hired to contact media and
generate publicity for their clients. in 2000 the Publicist really
started becoming a necessity in Black Hollywood. Now the publicist had
been around for years but around 2000 is when everybody started hiring
Publicist and out of Howard University was a young Black woman
determined to make it in the entertainment world as a journalist,
Cathy Coreana White better known as Cori. She knew she would have to
find some sought of stepping stone so she started writing on some
online publications such as Global Grind and other industry related
sites.She allegedly started generating media for new personalities
such as Claudia Jordan and Julissa from B.E.T. Cathy created her own
At age 22 she was fully invested in the industry scene and it is
rumored to be around 2001 where Cathy Met Jay-z at a radio interview
in DC at the age of 19. According to Members of The Beat she told him
she was A Publicist but wanted to be a journalist and she was
interested in doing some PR work for him' Allegedly Jay-z was smiling
and very intrigue with Cori. they exchanged numbers:

J said he would get her in touch with his firm. Cathy started hanging
more around Claudia and she stayed with her on occasion when she would finish late from doing Pr work.
After graduation, she was fully indulged in the
NewYork Industry Life taking trips to Los Angeles and Las Vegas.She
connected with Sean Puffy Combs through Claudia and Diddy was
interested in her doing some Pr Work for some of his artists. Cathy
hung around the circle of Claudia Jordan J**** Puffy and Russell
Simmons for years to come. People in the industry say that Cathy White
since the Age of 20 had a relationship with J.. This was before His
Marriage. He was dating his wife but not married Several
trips to Las Vegas with Claudia and Diddy and other friends with J****
to make it seem more business-like ....
This is a quote directly from me Gina Torress it is a industry known fact that j likes them much younger than him it is also a known fact that whenever j..
Was up to know good a lot of the times sean puffy combs was not to far behind diddy was his (excuse for a lot of years)
As Cathy started to come up friends in the circle allegedly said that claudia started to get a little jealous.
You Can quote me on this. Everyone on the new york side of the industry knew about j and Cathy
there relationship pretty much remained private until one night in vegas changed everything. It was the Mayweather/Marquez fight .

Cathy was allegedly caught on camera by a photigrapher for a tabloid. Allegedly Body guards got that picture because several online websites were saying they had the pic then all of a sudden those pics disappeared but wwhen a well known messy blogger said " he wasnt afraid of J and started to report the story. Cathy found herself in a battle aganst him .. At this point and time the blogger allegedly received death threats but then a tabloid got the news and offered Cathy a large some of money to come out. She then according to one of her close friends who does not want to be named but she has confirmed to me that Claudia had started feeling jealous that Cathy was in a side relationship with J****. Now it gets deep because Cathy according to the circle had contacted Jay and let him know what was offered and told him she wanted to go public.Reportedly J**** was very upset becauase at this time Cathy was starting to feel like it was coming to an end because he is now married and when he first got married one of her friends quoted claudia as saying " he didnt even tell cori. Now regardless of what people want to believe j****s wife has been aware and skeptical about j.. And his infidelities (all you have to do is listen to songs like Ring the Alarm ) she found out about Free she found out about the trinidadian model who j has long been rumored to have a secret child with .but the rumor around the pr world is that Giselle once called Cathy because Jay made her seem like some crazed stalker and that helped convince Cathy to decide to go public because according to Cathys Friend Giselle Threatened Cathy

Cathy is going Public she has made up her mind she has pretty much
not dated any men since J.. allegedly told her in 2004 he doesn't want
her seeing anyone else even though he was dating Giselle. He would
complain about her hanging out with Claudia too much. Claudia
according to numerous people is badmouthing Cathy saying "she flying
everywhere and got all these bags and **** but living in a messy 1
bedroom apartment" but Cathy was loyal to Claudia she even bought her
a bag worth $2500 Yes! J kept her laced even buying her a ring years
before he bought a similar ring for his wife years later.

Ok on September 2, 2011, Cathy White a young promising LA Publicist
was found dead roughly 48 hours after the announcement that Giselle
was pregnant. Did J..z Have his mistress KILLED

Noone knows that is a industry secret no one wants to uncover

Well, Let's go by what we do know we do know J**** got killers I mean
Hey Kanye even says that, we know that 2 days before her death All of
Cathy's social media accounts were suddenly deleted. All of them. We
know for a fact that she was contacted by a tabloid about her
relationship with J**** and what do we always tell you? In those cases
when you are not there the first story is always the most accurate.
The very first report was she died from Trauma to the head, by the
time the spin doctors got a hold of it it was a brain anurysem. Oh, i
forgot one more thing that Publicist do, they also spin bad stories so
their client isn't attached to it. To this day Cathy's social media
never got recovered and during her funeral not one family member or
friend confessed to deleting her social media.
and some hate for beyoncé too

Word is on the streets Beyonce is NOT as innocent as you guys would like to think she is. I really don’t know how true the story below is but I will say I know for a fact more than 70% of the story below is true and there is more to the story that was not told. If you have ever wonder anything about “B” here’s your chance to find out all the dirt…

1. Rita Ora-Jay Z and Beyonce have threesomes with new songstress Rita Ora. Beyonce and Rita have a close relationship, if you know what I mean. Beyonce likes to get it on with Rita without Jay Z, which has caused strains in their relationship. THINK ABOUT IT, why else would Beyonce, who is very insecure when it comes to other female acts have Rita Ora, a pretty young thang around her husband 24/7? Beyonce didn’t like Rihanna especially since Jay Z had a affair with her and that’s why they are rarely photoed together even though Beyonce and Jay Z consider her a “little sister”.

2. Beyonce was not PREGNANT- Yeah, I know this tired old rumor again? Well its NOT a rumor. Beyonce had a surrogate which means her eggs and Jay Z’s sperm were used but she didn’t carry the baby. That is why the timing was so off and the whole pregnancy was rushed. She announced the pregnancy in August and already gave birth on January 7th . She knew her loyal hardcore fan base wouldn’t question her, white media wouldn’t care enough to question her and the people with an actually brain would be labelled haters for questioning her pregnancy. Half of the reason is because Beyonce didn’t want to lose her figure and the other half is because Beyonce realized her music wasn’t as popular as it was before. ’4′ didn’t necessarily flop but you have to admit it didn’t do huge superstar numbers that Beyonce is used too. She wanted that fame back and nothing brings more fame than a baby. Beyonce’s surrogate is unknown latina female.

3.Cathy White-Jay Z’s fingers are all over this. He got rid of her and Beyonce is happy. Thats all you need to know.

4.Jay Z and Beyonce don’t sleep in the same room-They try to play up a huge front like they are a picture perfect happy couple but they can’t stand each other behind doors. There is a power struggle. Beyonce wants control but Jay Z needs it.

5. Beyonce is not as dumb as you think.-Its a front, she is not a good speaker but she is far from stupid. She hates that some people few her as a stupid singer and is trying to change that.

6. Blue Ivy-Beyonce rarely takes care of her, she has several nannies and they all do the hard work. She is not mother material, all she wants to do is sing and dance. She doesn’t have a bond with Blue Ivy.

7. Jay Z on the other hand.-Can’t get enough of his new daughter and is obsessed with her looks. He doesn’t want her to look like him at all, she thinks it will ruin her. Jay Z is very insecure about his looks after hearing he is ugly all his life and even hearing it from his own wife. Beyonce is a heavy drinker. She has done cocaine before but not frequently. She smokes weed from time to time.

Jay Z’s true love is a woman from Brooklyn. He still visits and takes care of her but they do not have a sexual relationship. Cathy White had threatened to reveal her relationship with Jay Z and that’s why she was killed. Then little more than 48 hours after the announcement that Beyonce was pregnant with Jay Z’s baby this young lady suddenly dies under suspicious circumstances. This is legit tea but people are not believing it because of who its about.

Its sad. Thats how Beyonce and Jay Z will never fall from the top. Too many gullible people out here worshiping them.
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