Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

Just tried to listen to a new Onyx joint but I don't find it very honest, too much attitude at this age...

It seemed as a parody of themselves, Fredro screaming instead of rapping, and Sticky lost of his voice since few years, they would better accept to age. Plus Made in the Streets from Fredro in 2014 was great. Can't understand, it seemed as fan service for their EU fans :rofl:

It reminds me from another moment just doing too much, some kind of interview I think with backpacks where Sticky was agressive for free

That's typically the problem of rappers who care about street credibility, they watch themselves doing what they do, no spontaneity

This was definitely NOT the example for certain groups to use today when defending the "realness" of hip-hop back then. There was just as much stupidity and buffoonery in the 90's. It just wasn't rewarded and recorded nearly as much as it is now.

Underrated album, a lot of great songs in fact, couldn't listen to Eminem's albums released after this one, even if he's even better that before as flow is concerned, but today he's only about technical, no soul, so, very pleasant to listen for a short period, but a whole album...
There was great stuff on The Slim Shady LP, The Marshall Mathers was great and The Eminem Show and Encore got a lot of great stuff too, he really did something incredible with The Marshall Mathers LP as it's a 5/5 in its whole

" My thoughts are sporadic, I act like I'm an addict "

EDIT : Love this song, he succeed to make a screaming song enjoyable

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Underrated album, a lot of great songs in fact, couldn't listen to Eminem's albums released after this one, even if he's even better that before as flow is concerned, but today he's only about technical, no soul, so, very pleasant to listen for a short period, but a whole album...
There was great stuff on The Slim Shady LP, The Marshall Mathers was great and The Eminem Show and Encore got a lot of great stuff too, he really did something incredible with The Marshall Mathers LP as it's a 5/5 in its whole

" My thoughts are sporadic, I act like I'm an addict "

Eminem's pre-Relapse music aged like milk to me. A lot of fantastic songs but also a lot of borderline unlistenable corny songs.
Everything after Relapse is just lyrical miracle trash. Relapse was his last project I mostly enjoyed.
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Eminem's pre-Relapse music aged like milk to me. A lot of fantastic songs but also a lot of borderline unlistenable corny songs.
Everything after Relapse is just trash.
Yes, Puke songs like were horrible, and all the "farts noises" not necessary, and as you said when he get clean, it was over.
Besides that I could appreciate his second career but certainly not as full albums. That's the paradox about Eminem : one of the best rappers with the "worst" albums, but when he's on featuring or dissing someone, that's another story...Plus his irritating voice don't do him favor as it's quite difficult to make something melodious with it, so it does prove he's an excellent rapper as technical is concerned as we listen to him anyway (for some of us). I had difficulties to appreciate Rap God at first, but finally the technical makes it pleasant...
Encore was *** man, that was the first brick in his catalog
The album deceived me at the time, but as I bought the CD I used to listen it a lot and with time I used to appreciate quite a lot of songs in fact, to be honest I haven't re-listened to it for a long time, but I remember having enjoy a lot of songs, but anyway when I listen to an album of Eminem, I'm not listening like other rap, I think I'm indulgent because this was one of the first US rappers I listened to back in the days. Some classmate gave me a burned cd of The Marshall Mathers, I guess I used to see My Name Is on MTV and maybe Guilty Conscience but this is really when he gave me this CD I listened to him. And my taste for english is due to him. As I wanted to know what he was saying. So I won't be objective as Eminem is concerned. And even when I truly know there is a lot of defaults I kind go over it. What I wouldn't do for some artists I discovered as an adult. What you discover as a kid or as a teen bring you back. If I got to be objective I would say he did only one nice album from A to Z, TMMLP, and that's all.
Wish Reggie rapped more on beats like this. His newer stuff all sounds like early 2000s stuff that hasnt aged well.
Still can rap his *** off and always will be able to.
Yes, Dunfiato proves he doesn't need anything else than an old school beat to kick it, and love his albums from 94 to 01 included, maybe I should re-listened to his first one, don't remember well.
He's one of the most enjoyable to listen to, nothing else than energetic flow and positive vibes with some lines to make you grin
MajinZuub MajinZuub

EDIT : Tracklist :

tracklist red.jpg
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Yes, Dunfiato proves he doesn't need anything else than an old school beat to kick it, and love his albums from 94 to 01 included, maybe I should re-listened to his first one, don't remember well.
He's one of the most enjoyable to listen to, nothing else than energetic flow and positive vibes with some lines to make you grin

Hes right there around my personal top 5
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