Rape Discussion: Girl was almost raped tonight, thank you NYPD for protecting her this evening.

Not a good look that your girl is getting twisted like that when she isn't in your presence.

THIS is the reason why.

Glad she is fine though
Smear tactics ...I never said I condone rape. I said if a woman knowingly puts herself in a rape situation she deserves it. Yes.

It's like acting suprised when a daredevil dies trying a stunt.
'a woman puts herself in a 'rape situation'.'  

what in fact, is a rape situation 
 are there parties that do this sort of thing or what nomad?  oh please never stop being you!
hey like whoopi said, as long as its not "rape" rape then its saul goodman.
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The Nomad's new name is "Doctor Deflecto".

I suggest everyone start addressing him as such.
If your girl was that drunk without you do you think she has ever hooked up with other guys while she was scummy and you weren't around?  I mean when people aren't around their boyfriend/girlfriend and there drunk and around the opposite sex things happen.     If she likes to get that wasted and hit up the town without you she might not be the one for you.
It's always a possibility, but relationships are built on trust. She hasn't gave me a reason not to. Can't worry about things like that, if she cheats obviously she doesn't want to be with me. l'm not into keeping women against their will. Love is free.
It's always a possibility, but relationships are built on trust. She hasn't gave me a reason not to. Can't worry about things like that, if she cheats obviously she doesn't want to be with me. l'm not into keeping women against their will. Love is free.
I agree but  I'm just trying to save you the headache if shes doing things behind your back because to me that is a red flag if your girl/wife is out getting drunk around other guys without you.   If she wants to get drunk why not just buy some drinks and get scummy at the crib with you and a few of her friends?  
They went to a LBGT bar with gay males. I don't mind.

Again if she cheated then obviously the relationship wasn't enough. What am I holding on to if I gotta clock her movements like that?

She hasn't given me indication not to trust her.
They went to a LBGT bar with gay males. I don't mind.

Again if she cheated then obviously the relationship wasn't enough. What am I holding on to if I gotta clock her movements like that?

She hasn't given me indication not to trust her.
ok well that's different    lol   Hope everything works out for you and hopefully this taught her a lesson if the story is true.
Why are we steering away from the original topic?

What train stop? What time? Did the cop arrest the guy? Im surprised this kind of story isn't getting some pub, any news like this would of def gotten NY1 coverage...
Lol word

Almost like he derailed the thread to take away from the OG story's holes . . .

I kinda see what he's saying with Jim Crow . . . I do not think segregation or Jim Crow should be brought back at all, but I see how he's making sense in that we gotta stick together and work for and with each other and look out for each other like other ethnicity groups . . . But it's stupid to say that we should have privileges rights prohibited in 2013 for that to happen

Nomad is cool to me doe . . . that Ducktales acoustic is still the funniest thing I've seen on NT in a while though
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Nomad is probably one of my favorite posters

He's a little misguided and neurotic sometimes but I actually think he keeps it super real

He made some decent points in this thread

I think alot yall go into a mob mentality against him, when it really isn't needed
Nomad is probably one of my favorite posters

He's a little misguided and neurotic sometimes but I actually think he keeps it super real

He made some decent points in this thread

I think alot yall go into a mob mentality against him, when it really isn't needed

that could be said about most of nt's villians.
I saw this and I realize it's probably ducktales

But why was this supposed to be a discussion on rape, and not getting sloppy drunk amongst strangers in the first place?
Nomad I really suggest you stick to discussion topics instead of personal ones. I didn't read the whole thread but caught you post this page n it's a well put together post.
>taking nomad seriously
>any time of the year

He lost his credibility some time back. How many duck tales can you hear before you take a step back and realize that's not funny anymore?

The boy who cried wolf in a nutshell.

Also, that duck tales video was legit.
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