Rape Discussion: Girl was almost raped tonight, thank you NYPD for protecting her this evening.

oh hai, what's goin on in this thread now?  oh......
 nomad people callin ducktales because well, it's ducktales.  you know it, errbody who's even slightly familiar with your posts knows it..that's part of the fun!  your threads allow people to let loose and laugh and i think you know it and feed it.  so you keep coming up with outlandish threads cuz you know people will bite.  that's cool, this thread was pretty fun till people started takin you serious.  you are a great internet persona and sometimes make some pretty lulz-worthy threads.  keep on keepin on playa, please keep talmbout how girls that are raped deserve it and that segregation was a great boon for the black community 
oh my dude, you are so good at trolling that i think you're pullin a bret hart and believin your own gimmick.
All that deflection :lol: and son "cleverly" edited the quotes so he could only reply to what he saw fit.

1. No ones jealous bruh. We think you're a cornball because you struggle to prove yourself all while "not caring". Use that education you value and focus on reading comprehension. I pointed those things out in reference to you "not caring". Had you not posted them, ONLY AFTER being called out, no one would mention them every time you say you're not worried about what we think. When you post your "humble" moments I'm most likely skipping them because I don't care.

2. We get it. New York is cool. Now how much of that education would you have if you were valued BY LAW as less of a person? I'm aware the exclusion is there. But if you were literally excluded BY LAW how far would you be right now? Please respond.

3. I deal with people all day long too, considering I'm a human being and can speak. What are you even saying? Are you trying to tell me everyone views black people a certain way? Not only are you a rapist apologist, you MIGHT be a racist. Please don't say we as I do not identify with the ******** you're speaking.

4. What does that have to do with me thinking your mindset would lead you to sexually assault your neighbor?

You make not a lick of sense. Seek therapy.
I thought dude was Anton, until I saw the stuff he said about ******s. :lol:

The stuff about segregation does have some credence however.

Please, you and Nomad coauthor a petition for change.org or whatever it is to bring back segregation.

Please, please, please.
Please we have to stop feeding the troll. This is beyond disgusting. Look how off topic it's gotten bringing up his previous troll attempts.
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Please, you and Nomad coauthor a petition for change.org or whatever it is to bring back segregation.

Please, please, please.
You think we not now? You're not in touch with your blackness if you think we live in a time where WE are equal. Most these non-black NT'ers won't tell you or even admit to it. But you ARE looked at as less and even if you have more THEIR MIND WILL DEDUCE your accomplishments down to molecular levels before they see you as equal. Maybe the younger NT'ers aren't as bad as their parents, but TRUST deep down inside they see it and don't know how to break it to you that you WILL NEVER been seen as equal. NEVER.

You ever ask yourself how is it that, Asians, Hasidic Jews, and almost every other group has come to America and surpassed blacks in quality of living in 2 generations or less?

Only time blacks got **** done is when we said "enough is enough" and straight declared WE ARE PROUD OF WHO WE ARE, WILL WILL NOT LET ANYONE DEDUCE OUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS and WE WILL SURVIVE.

...The movement got our leaders shot dead, and gave the government an excuse to infultrate and PACIFY US because we easier to CONTROL, opposed to the powerful words of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, the lyrics of the Harlem Renissance, Huey P Newton and countless others.

Only time we EVER saw change is when you rose up and DEMANDED IT.

But you new breed of blacks, all you 90's babies and horrible carbon copies of yuppie dopplegangers are a mission ACCOMPLISHED by the government, after systemic poverty, programs like welfare that give the government a line into the GHETTO. Almost like X-Men and mutant registration ...I don't know if most are aware but when law enforcement looks for criminals they check their public assistance records for family trees. They got you in the system for a can of similac and a couple of Food Stamps. Not to mention public housing and welfare don't allow black men to live in the household without a job or source of income. He can't even attend college to better his future. The division calls for desperation that usually means CRIME. CRIME feeds the system of politics, and judicial industry. So no you have controlled chaos. Can't get a job because you have a felony, can't live with your family because you don't have a job and your can't educate yourself. 

The 90's babies lucky enough to have parents that see this and WORKED HARD AGAINST ALL ODDS to get you out of the ghetto and into college where you became "cultured" deserve an applause. But you fake *** freedom fighters who think we can hold hands and sing rainbow songs for change got it twisted. The white man don't care about you. NEVER will. And just cause his kids are at ASAP and Kendrick Lamar concerts with your doesn't mean he likes you. His kids wont defend you either when it comes down to it. And I GUARANTEE these non-black NT'ers are not preaching this ******** they tryna kick in here to their parents who are discriminant.

Ask Ninjahood... while he's inviting you to "Da Heightz b". Ask him to swear on a stack of Bibles his Dominican community are whispering in corners about black people.... his hand would burn off into ashes if he says no.

I'm far from a racist and I think most of NT is aware my current girl is white. But I am a realist and don't pretend. I'm not brainwashed. The enemy isn't "the white man"...he lost BATTLE and he knows it. But he MAY win the WAR if we continue to keep feeding our young BACK INTO the system Malcolm and Martin died for. And these stupid kids (15-21) are doing it in these fake revolutionary  t-shirts and tumblr gifs. 

I'm glad I grew up on Spike Lee, without people like him who STAY BLACK regardless of how much "white love" they get makes me proud to know I'm not alone.

....peep that NoWhere USA thread, this is what happens to people like RIP Sleazyy out there, then when he realizes who he is and what he's up against for real he'll go Chris Dorner. Heart be hurt to learn the truth....

NO ONE will ever care about you the way the black man does BROTHER.... Ask them Asians to treat one of their own the way you treating me, WON'T HAPPEN, ask them Hasidic Jews, ask ANY of them. They won't do it.

You see NONE of them chiming in on this discussion...they laying low in the Jordan and jewelry thread gettin' their "swag" up and you in here fighting me "brother".
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Not trying to rustle jimmies...

But nomad is low key making some sense

Not about the rape thing though... can't get jiggy with that...
I'd be more than happy to discuss institutionalized racism with you if you didn't build upon strawman arguments or knew how to structure a real argument at all.
I'd be more than happy to discuss institutionalized racism with you if you didn't build upon strawman arguments or knew how to structure a real argument at all.

Guy it's Saturday night and the I'm semi-chillin with my girl right now.

And we all know if I structured an actual argument the way I would offline your reply would be "ain't nobody reading all that" or some joke about it being a dissertation and you know it.

But please don't challenge me to school you for real, I'd probably make your brain hurt while questioning your own existence.

Right now I'm just kicking some light knowledge so people know what it is...mind you from a mobile device.
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Not trying to rustle jimmies...

But nomad is low key making some sense

Not about the rape thing though... can't get jiggy with that...

what :lol:

first he said we should bring back segregation. and then he said we already are segregated (?)

then he started ranting, and saying stuff that most people already recognize.

he said "the white man" don't care about us, and made a bunch of points about "the white man", but he's not racist because his girl is white.

and then he said "the white man" isn't the enemy.

and he said all of this to essentially say "why are you arguing with me brother? we're black, let's work together."

I am not working together with a rape condoning Jim Crow advocate, b. I don't care how revolutionary you think you are.

....peep that NoWhere USA thread, this is what happens to people like RIP Sleazyy out there, then when he realizes who he is and what he's up against for real he'll go Chris Dorner. Heart be hurt to learn the truth....

what the hell is the NoWhere USA thread?

bruh I know enough to know that we do not need Jim Crow back in effect. we need to go in reverse to progress?

I realize what I'm up against and I work through it like every other normal human being in the United States.

what is the truth? the world is out to get black people?

or is it that black people forgot what unity means?
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Guy it's Saturday night and the I'm semi-chillin with my girl right now.

And we all know if I structured an actual argument the way I would offline your reply would be "ain't nobody reading all that" or some joke about it being a dissertation and you know it.

But please don't challenge me to school you for real, I'd probably make your brain hurt while questioning your own existence.

Right now I'm just kicking some light knowledge so people know what it is...mind you from a mobile device.[

no, we don't know.
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Why are we steering away from the original topic?

What train stop? What time? Did the cop arrest the guy? Im surprised this kind of story isn't getting some pub, any news like this would of def gotten NY1 coverage...
Smear tactics ...I never said I condone rape. I said if a woman knowingly puts herself in a rape situation she deserves it. Yes.

It's like acting suprised when a daredevil dies trying a stunt.
sillyputty vs nomad, who would win?
I feel like sillyputty believed what he was actually saying and was articulate

Smear tactics ...I never said I condone rape. I said if a woman knowingly puts herself in a rape situation she deserves it. Yes.

It's like acting suprised when a daredevil dies trying a stunt.

Mods, can we lock this thread up?
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Man shut up, how you not gonna contribute an ounce of title related advice, knowledge or input talking about locking up a thread?

You realize how stupid and childish you look? Not mention futher proving my point.
sillyputty vs nomad, who would win?

Putty, EZ

Smear tactics ...I never said I condone rape. I said if a woman knowingly puts herself in a rape situation she deserves it. Yes.

It's like acting suprised when a daredevil dies trying a stunt.

Accept and allow (behavior that is considered morally wrong or offensive) to continue.
Approve or sanction (something), esp. with reluctance.

What is a "rape" situation? :lol:
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