Ray Donovan; new series on showtime

when all you can do is say stop typing or attack me personally then i know u got nothing to disagree with except the claim, not the evidence

ray is gay as far as im concerned, and the show gives enough evidence to prove it

just because they dont spell it out and make it obvious doesnt mean the breadcrumbs arent there

but for this to be a topic not worth discussing yall sure have an opinion on it 

here yall are trying to decide if being molosted can make someone gay or if theyre already gay when they get molested

thats the point i made a page ago about either being gay already or liking it 

All the evidence you provided was either made up or you putting your spin on it though.

You talk about Terry fighting the priest off him like Ray was there to see it or like you know for a fact Ray knew that happened. You talk about Ray being jealous that the priest moved on to Bunchy but it was never ever stated like that in the show.

All you're doing is lying because you have no evidence to support your claim.

Believe what you want though. This aint the first time or the last time I've seen you make up **** for dumb theories and keep going with it. It's better that you do though, more ppl will see how ridiculous they are and then more ppl will ignore you in the future.
Hahaha im lying now :lol:

If u wanted to chalk it up to difference of opinion that would be fine

But u take it to the next level when u start disparaging simply because u dont agree

U say the evidence is made up or non existent simply because you dont agree, not because it doesnt support my claim

My "own spin" is called interpretation, just becuase you dont see it like i do doesnt mean its not open to interpretation

You also act as if they are obligated to come right out and spell it out, and do it immediately

Everything you literally called evidence is either made up or something you're skewing to fit your theory.

You can not cite any ep with the stuff you're claiming that happened in the series. Nothing in the show has shown that Ray saw or knew Terry fought off a priest that tried to molest him, the show never had a single scene that said Ray was jealous Bunchy got attention from Father O'Connor.

That's not a disagreement. It just never happened like that in the show and you literally can't prove it did :lol:

If you want to call making stuff up your interpretation, fine. I'm not actually discuss it like it happened in the show when it only happened that way in your head. The rest of your theory deals with your own problems, your warped view of homosexuality and children who were sexually abused that you're just applying to content in the show. You display that with all of your examples.
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Before they killed the priest, ray asked terry which hand he broke when the priest tried to rape him (cuz the priest was lying about it)

so tell me again how does ray not know about terry and the priest?

and im basing ray being jealous off of the fact that the priest told ray he saw something special in him, and then after the fact that they established a relationship he then turned to bunchy.

seeing something special in him implies that he should have been the only one, and the fact that he wasnt enough for the priest leads me to believe there may have been some hard feelings.  

you could have just followed your own advice and ignored this theory altogether, so im curious as to why you feel the necessity to continue replying about a topic you feel is so "dumb"
That was after the fact not when they were children. Which is why Ray had to ask that question but stuff like details and facts seem to not matter to you. You specifically said Terry set the example for Ray. There is literally no proof of that.

Again this is more stuff you're making up or didn't pay attention to properly the first time around.

I'm not actually discussing the theory with you. I'm just telling you your alleged evidence is made up which you seem to want to deny and go with the version in your head.
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so ur saying the priest tried to rape a grown terry?

you dont understand, you need to go back and rewatch

terry broke his hand when he was a kid and it was permanently damaged

the priest was trying to lie about his identity, thats why ray asked terry about the hand as proof that he was who they thought he was

the priest tried to say he had arthritis

so ray knew terry fought off the priest, he just didnt do it himself

terry even said he felt about bad what happened to ray because he didnt protect him from the priest

you really need to get over yourself, because you are not the arbiter of anything
so ur saying the priest tried to rape a grown terry?
What? :rofl:

Your reading comprehension on zero in the negatives.

He asked him the question after the fact. There was no scene when they were children where Ray asked Terry which hand he broke. Your misunderstanding of that scene does not prove that at the time Terry set an example for Ray for how to deal with the priest.

You should probably re-watch w/e ep you think you're talking about when you say Terry said he felt bad about not protecting Ray.
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That was after the fact not when they were children. 
so terry broke the priests hand as a grown man?

ray knew from when they were kids that terry broke the priest's hand

he was asking him which one, because he didnt remember after x amount of years which hand it was

but ray obviously knew about what terry did
That was after the fact not when they were children. 

so terry broke the priests hand as a grown man?
I just addressed this poor question though.

If you can't understand the simple words I'm saying why should I believe you understand what you were watching?

Ray asked him the question when they were grown men not when they were children.

That does not prove that Ray knew when they were children that Terry fought off the priest and broke his hand before the priest had molested Ray. You keep pretending like you know exactly how everything went down in their past in regards to the priest but you don't and you can't prove w/e made up stuff happened in your head is what happened on the show :lol:
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Terry fought off the priest as a little kid. Pretty much knew what was happaning to Ray since he was crying. but didn't get involved. Could have been scared and or confused. Or was in denial

Terry never told anyone about it. That's how i took it.
how is ray going to have knowledge of terry breaking the priests hand as a kid if he didnt know about it from when HE HIMSELF was a kid?

ray asked terry "Which hand did you break when he tried to touch you?"

meaning, ray knew from all those years ago that the priest tried terry, and terry broke his hand fighting him off

terry didnt say "hey ray, you know 20 years ago i broke his hand when he tried to touch me"

so the only way ray could know, is if he knew if it from years ago
Terry fought off the priest as a little kid. Pretty much knew what was happaning to Ray since he was crying. but didn't get involved. Could have been scared and or confused. Or was in denial

Terry never told anyone about it. That's how i took it.
That's an interesting take since the way had been acting was like nobody knew but him and the priest.

I specifically remember when Ray did reveal he was molested the look on Bunchy and Terry's face as if they were shocked but Terry's reaction I guess could be taken as he was shocked Ray finally admitted to everybody.
dude tells u terry knew about it, and its an interesting take

i tell you terry knew about it, and im making stuff up 
how is ray going to have knowledge of terry breaking the priests hand as a kid if he didnt know about it from when HE HIMSELF was a kid?
You should read this question out loud. It makes no sense.

You yourself said Terry set the example for Ray on how to deal with the priest by fighting them off. It your ridiculous theory that because he didn't fight him off that Ray was hay and wanted it.

I'm saying you can't prove that Ray knew Terry fought off the priest before the priest had already molested him. Therefore there would be no example to be set since in that situation Ray would have already been abused.

Right now you're pretending like you know the sequence of events of who the priest tried to molest first, second, and third. You don't know that AT ALL.

ray asked terry "Which hand did you break when he tried to touch you?"

meaning, ray knew from all those years ago that the priest tried terry, and terry broke his hand fighting him off
Again, that doesn't mean Ray knew that before he was sexually abused.

terry didnt say "hey ray, you know 20 years ago i broke his hand when he tried to touch me"

so the only way ray could know, is if he knew if it from years ago
You still don't get it :lol:

I'm not saying Terry told him when they were grown but it's clear no matter how many times I explain this you'll just reply with some dumb **** further showing lack of comprehension.
dude tells u terry knew about it, and its an interesting take

i tell you terry knew about it, and im making stuff up :smh:
It's not my fault you can't convey your thoughts in a manner that makes sense.

Watch the ep again.

Also Terry knowing about anybody getting molested doesn't have anything to do with your theory that Ray is gay and the alleged evidence you claim supports it.
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that WAS the sequence of events

he started with terry, couldnt get him and moved on to ray

after ray, he went after bunchy

thats why terry felt bad, because he was first, he knew what the priest was, but didnt protect ray
Just tell me what ep they say that was the sequence of events and I'll watch it right now.
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The order was never spoken on, Bunchy mentioned it but didn't specify who was first because Bunchy ain't kno bout Ray and the priest and to some degree Terry didn't know either.

He could've been taking advantage of both Ray and Bunch at the same time.
Now that I look back at my earlier posts in this thread, there's no way that Ray was jealous of Bunchy. The only reason Bunchy even got molested the first time by O'Connor was cuz Ray wasn't there cuz he thought he was going to the ball game with Mickey. That was S1 (2 years ago). The father just moved on to Bunchy. Ray wasn't jealous, he felt guilty that Bunchy ended up getting molested because he wasn't around.
So why would terry apologize to ray for not protecting him if he didnt already know what the priest was?

terry gets tried, but says nothing > ray gets tried, does nothing > bunchy gets tried, does nothing

that has to be the order otherwise it wouldnt make sense
Like I said as far as what you're claiming happened, just tell me what eps. I'm not taking anything you say happened in the show as a fact anymore. You could tell me Mickey snorted coke off a prostitute and Imma ask you what ep. Can't trust your comprehension.

Shouldn't be that hard to fact check if you're telling the truth.
That's an interesting take since the way had been acting was like nobody knew but him and the priest.

I specifically remember when Ray did reveal he was molested the look on Bunchy and Terry's face as if they were shocked but Terry's reaction I guess could be taken as he was shocked Ray finally admitted to everybody.

The writers could have retconned it.

This season I remember a scene with Terry saying he should have helped Ray and that he heard Ray crying and knew what it was about. I binge watched everything except the finale so i think i remember correctly.

Terry may not have truly accepted this knowledge of "letting him down" until he was older. He could have even thought he would have gotten in trouble if he got involved. We are talking about little kids dealing with someone with the highest authority. A man of god. To this day Terry is the most religious and fearful out of the 3.

The whole thing is one of the more ambiguous (to a point) and layered plot device in the show.

I never thought Ray was gay or jealous of bunchie. He loved the priest because he gave him attention and praise. Ray loved him in a twisted, stokholm syndrome, troubled child way.
Terrys apology was that he heard Ray cry at nite and should have put two and two together not that he knowingly did nothing.

Terry could have been in denial but that still doesn't mean the priest targeted Terry first.
how is ray going to have knowledge of terry breaking the priests hand as a kid if he didnt know about it from when HE HIMSELF was a kid?

ray asked terry "Which hand did you break when he tried to touch you?"

meaning, ray knew from all those years ago that the priest tried terry, and terry broke his hand fighting him off

terry didnt say "hey ray, you know 20 years ago i broke his hand when he tried to touch me"

so the only way ray could know, is if he knew if it from years ago

He could have realized that later on. Like after alot of thought he figured well he touched bunchie and me... why wouldn't he go after another brother as well. Then connected the dots about the hand.

don't remember how thag comversation went.
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