Re-release the carmines??

Originally Posted by marley

Originally Posted by homer420

meh..not really feeling the carmines.
hahaha.  so basically you're not really feeling Jordans then? since that is one of the most defining pairs of the entire line.

Carmines were not a defining Jordan buddy. It wouldn't even rank in the top 10 defining Jordans. Just because someone doesn't like a Jordan you like doesn't mean you gotta get all female about it. I loved the fact that they were releasing in the CDP's, since it was a Jordan that wasn't retroed since it's OG release. Once I got my hands on a bunch of packs, I couldn't get myself to wear them. I tried them on and all, but they looked like a clown shoe. Literally. I'm all for white/black/red J's, but these were just OD. I like the way they look on the shelf, but I don't like the way they look on my feet, or anyone else's for that matter. Made a pretty penny selling all of them though, so I can't complain, but to each his own. If you like them, more power to you, but a lot of people don't. I bet you have an aneurysm when someone makes fun of the Bulls or the Lakers.

Cmon son, grow the F up.
at this thread. dudes acting like they really know what jordan's going to do.
Originally Posted by rcjbbp1313

what an idiot. and just because you have a higher post count doesnt make you smarter than anyone else.
Yeah you proved that with your well worded post didn't ya.  Who even said I like them "idiot"?  I simply said they are one of the defining colorways.  Didnt realize opinions werent allowed in here anymore.  Seems to me a lot of people over here lately are pretty opinionated and always talkin crap about quality this and quality that.  God forbid someone come in here and actually make a positive statement about some Jordans.

Man I make one comment in a pointless thread and get a bunch of dudes trippin and callin me female when y'all cryin like baby girls.  I love comin in to the JB forum from time to time.  Its entertaining in here.  The Nike forum is way too mature and refined to read all the time, lol.  Gotta come over here and go slummin once in a while.

On to the next one....

I sold my 17's from this pack for 175 the day of the release. Then came home on NT about 8 in the morning, posted the 6's in the buy/sell lounge for 325 shipped, and they sold the same day. 500 for the pack

The money was better than the 6's for sure. I could use a pair at 150 retail though
Ok obviously no one read what i put in my post...i didn't say JB was gonna release these anytime soon...I was just saying that "NOT THIS YEAR...OR NOT THE NEXT...BUT IFFFFF/WHEEEEN they release...please make them like they did the oreos....or at least use the same leather that was used on the varsity red 6's. Geez... some people dont know how to read....

it was just my OPINION on what JB should/could do with a "FUTURE" carmine release.

I love how it got all drama-fied REAL quick lol.
Originally Posted by marley

Originally Posted by SCOTTY PIMPIN

@Marley. How the hell are you going to sit there and knock another man for not liking what everybody else likes? IMO, dude is entitled to like whatever the hell he wants. He's not a hypebeast. He doesn't have to like what u do. Get real man
haha, ok man.  thanks for your input with your big bad 20th post.  welcome to niketalk. 

Yeah there you go, knock him for not having the post count you do. At least he isn't a hypebeast like most of the people on this forum and all those who keep buying garbage shoes. Why do you care what he likes? Because he doesn't have your exact taste you're gonna try to down him. Get a life man. Get your own style. BEAST.
And Marley. You might want to change your avy come Tuesday night bruh... Buh-bye hypebeast.
everyone in thie thread is like >18 huh -_-

not coming out.

oreo vi best quality leather? -_- try OG carmine leather then LMK wasup
everyone in thie thread is like >18 huh -_-

not coming out.

oreo vi best quality leather? -_- try OG carmine leather then LMK wasup
and then you go and contradict yourself? telling me that you should have your opinion but you knocked someone elses first? i repeat, what an idiot
Originally Posted by MECKS

everyone in thie thread is like >18 huh -_-

not coming out.

oreo vi best quality leather? -_- try OG carmine leather then LMK wasup

I never said they were coming out anytime soon. Look at what happened to the 9's...they getting retro'ed again so IT IS possible...

But you me and everyone on NT knows that it will never be as good as OG quality...But an Oreo 6 with carmine red instead of black would be a better alternative than the CDP quality. that's pretty much the ONLY point that i was trying to make..why did everyone had to take it out of had with saying that I think they are gonna come out soon? that's not what I said.
And maybe you took my highest quality leather thing out of context....what I meant by that was the Oreo 6 wasn't the best colorway of the 6 THIS YEAR, but it had the best quality leather on a retro 6....THIS YEAR. not the highest quality leather EVER. I love how you dudes come in here and try to think your all bad because you know How good the quality of the OG was...I know, We all know. anyone who has owned a pair of OG's does. Even those who HAVENT owned a pair of OG's knows because they hear people like you ranting and raving about it all the time. I don't really care about the OG's anymore...because the quality will enver be that good again...Guys like you just won't accept that who are trying to live in the old days. Your like those 45+ year old guys you see trying to hang out at the younger Age range bars and pick up younger chicks lol. Or like those guys who never grew outta high school...always talking about "the good ol' days" This isn't highschool anymore...I'll be willing to bet that you probably were in Highschool when all the OG were coming point exactly.
Oh you mad ?

I'm 19 by the way. Def. 45+

They aren't going to retro VI's after th onslaught this years /thread
have you no patience?
i know your plea is guised as a quality issue
but, wow - entitled a little
it's an og 6 colorway - they are stingy with those
they shouldn't really retro anything less than 5-7 years
apart, and I know about the 9 but different shoe

suckitup and buy the cdp, and pay the high price
everyone else would have to
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