Resume help, can one of you professional brova help me out?

Jan 16, 2002
Y'all know how to reach me, but I need to do a stimulus package on my resumé, got a possible gvt job in the works.

You talkin about this one?

Just dont do a Gimmicky or Standard Rez son son... Find a simple Middle Ground...

Most folks reading dont need all that jazzy key word filler just the facts...

Let me know if you want a version of what wows em...
Originally Posted by MyTsharp

Y'all know how to reach me, but I need to do a stimulus package on my resumé, got a possible gvt job in the works.


Keep it simple if you are looking at the Govt.... Make sure your references are legit
u should use the format from if you're applying for a govt. job. they usually look for specific information that other companys don't,that's where i did my resume at

good luck
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