Rihanna allowing fans to feel up on her

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

DC Actin like Rihanna is just some random female... Shes RIHANNA fam, she might not be the most attractive girl in the world, but she's still RIHANNA...

I'd pay the extra $150 for me and my girl to take Raunchy pics with Rihanna. -shrugs-

Sometimes I think you just like going against the favored opinion, Which is cool, but sometimes you come off looking silly fam...
She is just a human being dude. Maybe you place her above the rest but she is just a woman to me. I don't care who she is. Paying $ just to TOUCH her is a sucka move. And the fact that you are trying to flip it on me to make ME look like the loser in all of this is equally as funny.
yo it's no that big of a deal.... if you lookin to feel up on a cute girl.... go hit a strip club or something
$150??? Meh, if I had the time and was extra bored. For that, I can hit up any random strip spot in NYC and get to really feel up a chick
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

StaXX wrote:
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

^ Are you being serious? $150 bucks is enough to grab a few cheeks? Come on man, you can't be serious dude.
What if they're a genuine fan who enjoys her music and performance?
That number is subjective.
Number 1, 2, 3. It is still a loser move. Who pays for ultra controlled solicitation? Might as well get head for that $150. Her butt isn't special.

man shut up. damn.
you know damn well that we only like this %*%!! cause she is famous. touching, hugging, $+#*%$% a famous chick such as rhianna is the thing to do because there are millions of people that lust and dream about her that will probably never get to see her in real life.

a square such as yourself couldnt relate to that feeling, but gosh golly some of us do.

you the type of #@@@@ to try and hold this %*%!! hand.

Could find a better looking chick at Wal-Mart and grab her buns probably even smash, all for free.

But again, It's Rhianna
StaXX wrote:
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

^ Are you being serious? $150 bucks is enough to grab a few cheeks? Come on man, you can't be serious dude.
What if they're a genuine fan who enjoys her music and performance?
That number is subjective.


Some people will actually pay that price to see her actual act. The picture is just an added bonus. Yes some people will pay that much for a VIP pass (don't even know if this is a VIP type of ticket) just like some people will pay $200 for a pair of jeans, and others will pay for paintings, etc etc...
Yes I know people are pressed because she is famous, which I feel makes it ridiculous. Her butt isn't special. Bragging rights to that, I mean YOU PAID FOR IT. How exclusive is it really? It is a PAID service. If you HIT her for free off of your GAME, cool. No issues. But you are paying for a damn butt touch. Nah, it isn't going to make sense to me at all. It is foolish.

LOL @ Rationalizing it by saying they might be a fan of her music. LOLOLOLOL Right
Originally Posted by JD214

Could find a better looking chick at Wal-Mart and grab her buns probably even smash, all for free.

I saw a rainbow once and managed to get to the other side, I am now swimming in gold and live in Dubai.
I can create fantasies as well.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

LOL @ Rationalizing it by saying they might be a fan of her music. LOLOLOLOL Right


Cus artists don't have true fans right?
I stand by my first post but dc right. you can hit up the internet and get an all inclusive "massage" for that price

DC you still the buzz killington of this thread. no one wants to hear all that.
you're that kid on the line for the roller coaster who says "Well its not even worth it. The rides going to be over in 2 minutes anyway."

that's the guy who gets in the lonely cart without someone next to him.
Originally Posted by JD214

Could find a better looking chick at Wal-Mart and grab her buns probably even smash, all for free.

But again, It's Rhianna
i highly and i mean HIGHLY doubt that
Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

Cus artists don't have true fans right?

Clearly not what I am saying. What is the definition of a true fan? An indirect way of saying that the human worships that artist? That is what it sounds like to me.

I still don't see how bragging rights matter if you PAID for the services. What the hell kind of bragging rights is that?

I have more respect for you dudes, so I know for sure that none of you would pay for it.
i mean this in the best way possible DC...............
Spoiler [+]
you are my favorite troll
Troll or not, I am 100% behind what I am saying. It just so happens that what yall say is usually not what I believe. But yea, I am dead serious. Only a sucka of a grown man would pay for a damn butt touch.
Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

Originally Posted by JD214

Could find a better looking chick at Wal-Mart and grab her buns probably even smash, all for free.

I saw a rainbow once and managed to get to the other side, I am now swimming in gold and live in Dubai.
I can create fantasies as well.
@ Telling me I am hating because I can't afford it. Ok. You have access to my account now somehow. Nice one.
Can't you just go to a strip club and give like $20 for a lap dance? *Never been to one before so I'm not sure how much they cost

Don't know why you'd spend so much just for a pic.
Originally Posted by HankMoody

I really don't think people are paying 150 just to feel her up...

Exactly. DC's just hard headed with his arguments. That's all he's focused on.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

Cus artists don't have true fans right?

Clearly not what I am saying. What is the definition of a true fan? An indirect way of saying that the human worships that artist? That is what it sounds like to me.
That's what it is for some. When you see a famous person, they seem to be 'higer' (thank you media, for portraying such a thing) than the rest of the people, when in reality their the same as us. It's the fact that they are in the spotlight 24/7 that causes people to worship some of these artists. I'm sure you know this, so why are you even asking?
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