RIP George Floyd

Oh lord. Its a wrap.

I wish I could go back in time to Nov 8th, 2016 and change the outcome.

Stay safe everyone.

I’m just waiting...
Actually, that’s what might get him re-elected. “They” are gonna love that move.

He made sure he led off with justice for George and then went full heel mode. He’s definitely getting re-elected with this stunt.

But this dude really just used the military to clear out the church area to have a photo op. Might as well fly out to nyc and get that photoshoot at the Joker steps while he’s at it.
This mofo is holding up a bible. A bible while standing in front of a church. A church. LOL!
I watched part of the speech that George Floyd’s brother gave and man what he said got me. RIP to George Floyd and may his family find justice.
You really think his supporters care about that? This is exactly what they wanted to happen.
It’s not as if he gained supporters since 2016. The Black demographic will come out for Biden heavy and possibly Latino as well. Biden will have to try hard to lose the election at this point.
Belgium Belgium called it on him using The Act of 1807 to use the military.
I need to catch up on the past 30 minutes but from what I can tell he still hasn't actually invoked the 1807 Insurrection Act, though his rhetoric certainly makes it sound like he did.

Deploying active military domestically does not require statutory authorization, however the Posse Comitatus Act makes it illegal for them to engage in "law enforcement duties" without proper statutory authorization, which would be the Insurrection Act.

Without that Insurrection Act's statutory authorization, this means that the deployed troops are only legally allowed to perform "security" activities, though I'm not sure what exactly that means. I assume that to be something like guarding government buildings.
In any case, it's 100% illegal for them to engage in any law enforcement duties until the Insurrection Act is formally invoked.
It’s not as if he gained supporters since 2016. The Black demographic will come out for Biden heavy and possibly Latino as well. Biden will have to try hard to lose the election at this point.
It's not like he won the popular vote in the first place
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