RIP George Floyd

Oh Pac was bleaching his skin? Hella lightskin right there.
thats one of the problems with PD's
they hiring unfit ppl to be cops. ppl who already have a chip on their shoulder and are physically unable to de-escalate situations without excessive force.

Perfectly put. Said this a few hundred pages ago and somebody came out the wood work saying it has nothing to do with this. This^ and core racism is what's exactly being exposed during these times.
It’s almost like they utilize people who will escalate situations or resort to violence on purpose

almost like they choose veterans, wanna be military, bullies, and people who display psychopathic traits on purpose

almost like they take people who are easy to program and hammer into their heads that everyone not in uniform is a potential enemy

almost like protect and serve was never meant for the people being “policed”

No having backbone, uneducated, gullible pooh butt a$5 followers..

This nation is flooded with them..
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