RIP Nipsey Hussle

Yes everything is a choice but when you are taught that what is right is actually wrong then all the right choices are blurred.

Some individuals lack the requirements to make choices. Very broad article but applies in a socioeconomic context.
And @theregothatman I'm not gonna call you a troll or anything because I get your sentiment but I just really need you to understand that sometimes a young negro just has absolutely no chance.

Many of us here are probably from the hood or "made it out" but I promise you there is at least ONE circumstance beyond our control that allowed for this to be possible.
NYC had the gangs, but the Black communities in NY had a different dynamic going due to the Police presence and corruption in government. Also, Black and Latin gangsters that were a part of organized crime ruled our streets. Numbers runners, drug runners, NYC was different from Cali because of that. Dudes like Bumpy Johnson knew many of the young dudes who were at risk back then, and they would have had you working for them, instead of running with a gang recklessly. One of the gangs were named the Jolly Stompers, out of Brooklyn I believe. But most of these gangs worked along side of those gangsters like Nicky Barnes, and provided protection where it was needed. During the Blackout in NYC in the sixties, John Lindsey was the mayor. He was White and rich. During the Blackout, he decided that he was going to walk the streets of NYC, Harlem, to make sure that everything was alright. The police were not around to protect him. He was not a disliked Mayor, wasn't an outright racist, but he was white. Walking around in Harlem back then was dangerous for anyone. So Bumpy Johnson got wind of this. Bump sent his daughter out to meet the mayor on 125th during this Blackout. Mind you, there was no electrical power at all in NYC. No street lights, no stop lights. So people turned on their car headlights in order to light the streets. Once Bump's daughter got with Lindsay, Bump's other people came out and acted as the bodyguards, when the police could not. They were busy protecting the rest of the city.
EDIT: My bad, Bump protected the Mayor after the King assassination. Wrong event. There was still a Blackout in Harlem due to all of the fires and such.

Black and Latino gangs in NYC, were under the control of people like Johnson, because stupid gang violence was bad for business.

Of course all of that changed once crack came on the scene, because that made all of those who wanted money and then got it, powerful.

At the root of all of this is White supremacy. Once that is addressed, gangs should focus on the real enemy. it isn't the person in the mirror that is oppressing you.

They want you to think that, but it isn't true. You cannot pull yourself up by the bootstraps, if someone else owns your boots.
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I mean they ask you the highest level of your parents education when applying for college.

It creates a divide before your accomplishments can be measured.
This is so true. Most people who make it out or avoid the nonsense (like myself) did so because they were exposed to a specific set of favorable circumstances

Be it hard working parents/family, sensible friends, being sent off to better schools than the ones in the hood, etc

Yeah that works fine in NY for the most part, but in LA ain't no Ps or Qs to mind at all. The nonsense is pervasive

Exactly. I lived in the hood until I was 14, but I was one of the fortunate ones who had educated parents. They spent hours tutoring me because my local public schools were absolute garbage, and because of that, I was able to get into a good private school in the suburbs.

A lot of kids in my neighborhood were from working class families with little to no education. Many kids were born into families where the parents were addicts or dealers. When your schools aren't teaching you @$#@ and you have no role models to put you on the right path, it's easy to fall into this type of life. @$#@, I had strict parents and I still got into trouble frequently throughout most of my youth, so imagine how bad it is for kids who have parents who don't care or aren't even present.
Millions of black and brown kids came up through these very neighborhoods and conditions to be decent law abiding citizens. Even if you did not choose that life as a child you’re fully capable of changing your circumstances as a young adult.
This is a huge assumption resting on plenty of variables, one of which being the ability to even recognize that the way you're living is wrong.
This is a huge assumption resting on plenty of variables, one of which being the ability to even recognize that the way you're living is wrong.

Like teenagers grasp that living in the projects or in the hood is weird....that’s all they’ve known their whole life.
Bunch of small thinking individuals in this thread and it’s honestly sad. You’re a prisoner to your minds thinking “that’s just the way it is”. Millions of black and brown kids came up through these very neighborhoods and conditions to be decent law abiding citizens. Even if you did not choose that life as a child you’re fully capable of changing your circumstances as a young adult. I’m not buying that it’s just how it is excuse.

Having multiple babies is a choice
Doing and selling drugs is a choice
Abusing Alcohol is a choice
Killing another human being is a choice
Dropping out of school is a choice
Not respecting the elderly is a choice
White supremacy doesn’t cause you to do any of these things and all of them plague the black community.
100% facts! Wish more people saw it this way. You get it.
Bunch of small thinking individuals in this thread and it’s honestly sad. You’re a prisoner to your minds thinking “that’s just the way it is”. Millions of black and brown kids came up through these very neighborhoods and conditions to be decent law abiding citizens. Even if you did not choose that life as a child you’re fully capable of changing your circumstances as a young adult. I’m not buying that it’s just how it is excuse

i like your thinking, sometimes thats all it takes for you to change your whole environment.

NYC is very sterile in that respect. If you wanted to be completely low profile and not draw attention towards yourself, you can.
i like your thinking, sometimes thats all it takes for you to change your whole environment.

NYC is very sterile in that respect. If you wanted to be completely low profile and not draw attention towards yourself, you can.

LOS ANGELES AINT NEW YORK. And you are black.

100% facts! Wish more people saw it this way. You get it.

Nebraska. King of corn. You get nothing.
Bunch of small thinking individuals in this thread and it’s honestly sad. You’re a prisoner to your minds thinking “that’s just the way it is”. Millions of black and brown kids came up through these very neighborhoods and conditions to be decent law abiding citizens. Even if you did not choose that life as a child you’re fully capable of changing your circumstances as a young adult. I’m not buying that it’s just how it is excuse.

Having multiple babies is a choice
Doing and selling drugs is a choice
Abusing Alcohol is a choice
Killing another human being is a choice
Dropping out of school is a choice
Not respecting the elderly is a choice
White supremacy doesn’t cause you to do any of these things and all of them plague the black community.

The very thing that gets in the way of you being aware of other choices, is white supremacy.
How racism works is to make you think that you are less than human, not worthy of respect. You are taught by society that you should not even respect yourself. You look at the entertainment that they make for you, you look at the things that are marketed in your direction, you pick the white doll over the Black doll, you kill your brother/sister, but you turn the other cheek when a white person calls you the Nword. The way that you speak reeks of tactical stupidity.
They taught the Black people to love a white god, more than they love themselves. They taught Black people that if they got an education, that they would have chance in this world, YET! You have white people, rich white people, stacking the deck for themselves by paying for the admissions to these universities under the table. Yeah, a few Black people slip through, but they can't even kneel during silent protest in the NFL.
Bunch of small thinking individuals in this thread.

Having multiple babies is a choice
Doing and selling drugs is a choice
Abusing Alcohol is a choice
Killing another human being is a choice
Dropping out of school is a choice
Not respecting the elderly is a choice.
You’re right in regards to accountability. But when you are dealing with trauma while growing up in poverty, it affects the choices you make. It’s not so black and white
This is a huge assumption resting on plenty of variables, one of which being the ability to even recognize that the way you're living is wrong.
I think people know by the time your adults the way you’re living isn’t right even in a bad neighborhood because it’s not like everybody around you is some bad person. You see good people who are doing the best they can without doing bad so that excuse doesn’t hold weight past teenage years to me. I’m willing to say a young kid don’t know but as you get older I’m less willing to let that same excuse fly.
Lots of blaming and finger pointing for your own downfalls and mishaps. I gotta check out of this thread too much ignorance going on.
Are you white?
Yes I’m white. But you have no clue about my background and how and who I was raised by. I’ve seen it and lived it from every angle. Because I’m white don’t mean I don’t know what is going on in the black community. I was raised by a black man from Jackson Tennessee who’s parents were slaves. I’ve seen and lived it all.
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