they're probably going to do what they should have done from the start... release without tweeting it. Just have them fir sale at the store on a random date smh
I'm assuming they said it would be available before everyone lined up. With that said that is really bull-ish for them to pull that. April fools or not, you had people lining up. Man I'm surprised that place didn't get trashed for doing that. If it was LA I think it would have been a different story. That's crap!
Well there goes any dream of me rocking the only pair of actual Roshe Runs I liked for retail. I had a feeling 21 Mercer was nothing but lies after they played me for Galaxies.
Feignin for the mango 2s...nebody with any info on those PM me

Needa complete the whole spring line, hoping my local footaction will still have TCs by friday...PBC ain really on roshes
I'm heated.  I could have easily sold my 6 extra pairs for even higher than I did if I just waited for the hype to build!  ARRRRRRRRRRG 
I hope my application gets accepted today so I can become an official Broshe[emoji]174[/emoji]!!!!
in the end do what you do, it's a free country, but i can't understand why you care so damn much about what other people think and act so immature about it.....if you don't care why be so defensive? just do yo thang
I'm heated.  I could have easily sold my 6 extra pairs for even higher than I did if I just waited for the hype to build!  ARRRRRRRRRRG 

I hope my application gets accepted today so I can become an official Broshe[emoji]174[/emoji]!!!!
in the end do what you do, it's a free country, but i can't understand why you care so damn much about what other people think and act so immature about it.....if you don't care why be so defensive? just do yo thang

+ saying "im done with this thread" a week ago & coming back 2 days later with the exact same non stop trolling

well played 21 mercer. Well played.

:rofl: :rofl:

:lol: @ the people who waited in line at 21m, a moment of silence for them

they deserve that :lol:
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daaaamn, i dont care if the line was full of resellers or people were trying to buy roshe fb's for their grandma. you dont do do what 21mercer just did. so bad

Meh, I'm already up, I figure I might as well.

Anyways, "What got me into Roshes":

It was near the end of summer, I saw a pair of Black/Sail Roshe Runs in my friends closet and it peaked my interest. At the time I wasn’t really into shoes and what not so I was just like “Awesome, that’s a pretty dope shoe.” I don’t know why I didn’t just go out to the mall and cop me a pair immediately (Oh the regrets). So months come and go and I just simply forgot about the shoe. When I went to my friend’s house again in December, I saw the pair of Roshe’s just sitting there looking all pretty and I just felt like I needed them. Ever since then, I’ve gotten that Roshe Run fever I guess you could say and have been on the hunt for the OG's. The Nike Roshe Run, as everyone can agree, has got that simple, yet clean look. It’s also light and the most comfortable pair of shoes. The Nike Roshe Run is the only shoe that have peaked my interest enough to actually collect. I’m really stingy about my money, but these shoes have gotten me going crazy. All I wear now is Roshes and all other shoes feel like crap compared to the Roshes lol. Looking forward to helping others get pairs and hope I can be a part of the team. Eh, I'll try and help either way.

Here is my collection so far (personally only like the OG mesh and it's original color-ways, and so I'm capping it here for now until I find myself a pair of Sirens & the highly sought after Calypsos) :

Good Luck ****ies! I'll apply later tonight--my collection will be together by tonight, hurry up USPS & UPS man!

Anyway, hope you get in! #TR
I hope my application gets accepted today so I can become an official Broshe[emoji]174[/emoji]!!!!

Why exactly do people want to be on Team Roshe? I read the first page, I don't get it...

Isn't everyone who wears Roshes, on "Team Roshe" :rofl:

Awaiting people trying to flame me...
With BS write ups like this, I can see how the Roshe game will take a major turn for the worst. Glad that happened at 21M today.
21 Mercer is the SHADIEST Nike location by far, remind me more of a HOH. I am surprised Nike hasn't regulated on them by now.

Maybe they can't find replacement employees in NYC, because New Yorkers are all a little shady?

:lol: I kid, I kid.
Why exactly do people want to be on Team Roshe? I read the first page, I don't get it...

Isn't everyone who wears Roshes, on "Team Roshe"

Awaiting people trying to flame me...
Sense of belonging / obsession with material things.

No big deal, life's hard for us all. 
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Why exactly do people want to be on Team Roshe? I read the first page, I don't get it...

Isn't everyone who wears Roshes, on "Team Roshe" :rofl:

Awaiting people trying to flame me...

THIS!! I liked their tee, but I will not spend $35 for that. I guess it's cool to be on teams on the internets lol. That Efame lol
UPDATE: According to @kevkashhh, who was waiting in line: "[They] sold about 13 pairs before it got bum rushed."

Apparently the staff wasn't expecting the turnout and could not control the crowd. It got rowdy and they shut it all down. Props to 21M for not tolerating that kind of behavior.
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Why exactly do people want to be on Team Roshe? I read the first page, I don't get it...

Isn't everyone who wears Roshes, on "Team Roshe" :rofl:

Awaiting people trying to flame me...

I think if you are on the "team", you help out other team members to find roshes before you help out non members? That's my guess
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