Ruptured Achilles .... Going under the knife today

Nov 12, 2002
First and foremost, I feel like an idiot for not keeping my insurance. I've never really utilized it anyways so i was like @!@@ it when they asked me if i wanted to keep it when i left my job. I'm between jobs due to a move back to my home city currently.
Everyone I know that has or knows someone that has ruptured their achilles all describe it the same way. (I was hoopin in CB34's if anyone cares on that d-rose level)

-Loud pop (like a gunshot)

- not a whole lot of pain (I could still walk on it if i really had to, just not a lot of balance)

- it sucks

So I've done a little research and I understand I'm looking at 10k+... ouch but I'm cool with that

But I want to make this as efficient as possible. I literally never get sick so I havent been to the doctor in at least 5 years. And to call me ignorant in the medical system would be an understatement. Here's what ive been able to figure out so far... If anybody is more knowledgeable on this please correct me or get at me with some guidance. 

It happened Sunday night (5/20)... it says I should be ok as long as I get the surgery within 15 days of the injury. So I'm not in panic mode YET.

-I looked at the non surgical route, but everything ive read says if you want to be athletically active later in life... get the surgery

I refused to go to the E.R. because I know majority of that is a hustle and they'll just hit you up with some crutches, an ace bandage, and a high bill. I'm pretty sure i did the right thing by not going

I spent all day monday in denial and i called a couple orthopedic offices but was pretty much rejected without a referral from a family doctor or general practitioner.  My question.... Is there ANY way around this? I know this is my body and no price should be too high, but do i have to pay 2 doctors?  Pretty sure I'll need an mri/x-ray... is that what the whole referral is about? Just to legitimize the injury?    

From the couple that would entertain me over the phone.... It seems like most places give decent discounts for money up front. Next question... How steep do these usually get? Should I get all crazy and try and play hardball? 

Thats all the questions I have for now.  If anybody can steer me in the right direction, PLEASE do so. Thanks. I'll be on NT all day considering I'm laid up with my leg propped and iced and a keyboard on my lap

Also whats a good message board for stuff like this? Any regional ones that can help me narrow down a surgeon?  Google is not helping out much right now. (either that or my search game is subpar)


-Achilles rupture

-No insurance

-What's the most efficient, cost effective way to work the system? Or where can I go to find out how?
Talk to your insurance, talk to your mom and dad.

In the mean time, try to call clinics and hospital and get estimate of cost. You might be able to remedy it for now, but it may need surgery later. Hospital bills are scary.
I don't have an answer for you....and sorry to hear that you ruptured your achilles


First and foremost, I feel like an idiot for not keeping my insurance. I've never really utilized it anyways so i was like @#@+ it when they asked me if i wanted to keep it when i left my job. I'm between jobs due to a move back to my home city currently.

you had the option to KEEP your health insurance and you didn't??? The $$** were you thinking??
IDK how to beat the system... But If I were you I'd def get the surgery.

... Try to get some insurance today and hopefully they wont require a pre-physical
There's no purpose in going to the ER...since, you know, it's not a emergency.

That being said, I partially tore mine (which doesn't require surgery).

My suggestion to you would be, pay for the session w/ a foot specialist to get their take and get the ball rolling there.

Discuss the notion that you're out of pocket and see what they can do for you.
Originally Posted by JesusShuttlesworth34

Still too late for that COBRA insurance? 

Cobra is not an option... 
Also, any specialist is requiring referral so I guess there is no way around seeing a General practitioner?  

I guess I'm asking at the wrong time, anybody working in an office would be at work right now 
I partially tore my Achilles 5 weeks ago also which doesn't require surgery.

However, OP If I were you I definitely would go to an orthopedist which may require a referral. What you need right now is a walking boot ASAP. If you don't want to waste time and money on the referrals then purchase a walking boot from a medical supply store and wear it as much as you can for daily walking situations. The most important thing here is that your ankle needs to be immobilized. The walking boot sucks and is big, clumsy and not fashionable at all but it will help strengthen your Achilles and make walking a lot easier.

I currently have to wear mine for 6-8 weeks before I can do PT and it is exactly what the Orthopedist will recommend to do. So save yourself some time and money and get a walking book and then work on getting insurance while wearing the boot so that you can then be properly evaluated later.
Call in advance and explain you're not going through insurance on this instance and see if they'll waive the GP. Insurance is usually the one that requires the GP.
Originally Posted by DWileykyoT

Originally Posted by JesusShuttlesworth34

Still too late for that COBRA insurance? 

Cobra is not an option... 
Also, any specialist is requiring referral so I guess there is no way around seeing a General practitioner?  

I guess I'm asking at the wrong time, anybody working in an office would be at work right now 
hey some of us office drones are still on NT

i know you mentioned that you had not been to the doctor in 5 years, but did you have a GP you saw before then?  I dont see my doctor all that regularly but there have been instances where I called him up and he sent me a referral without charging me for an office visit.  It cant help to try.

im surprised that the orthopedist is refusing to see you without a referral.  i went to go see an orthopedist when my knee was bothering me and they took me in with no referral.  i know its a longshot, but if youre in the socal area i can let you know where i went.

by no means am i an expert on the matter, but hopefully its not a full tear and just a partial tear.  my wifes cousin ruptured his achilles twice in the last 2 years (both ankle/feet) and i think he had to go surgery both times.  it seems like a terrible injury.  best of luck to you.

The whole medical field is in cahoots so no one is going to see you with out a referral unless you know someone at the office. So i would just bite the bullet and take the loss cause if this is time sensitive you cant really put a price on your ability to be active if you are really into sports
didnt read, if you go to the hospital and get treated. theyll send you a bill with a # to get financial assistance. they can easily knock off 60% of the fee.
Tried the foot/ankle specialist route and can't find any appointment before the 1st... Crazy

I think I'll try a few more orthopedists

Btw I'm not walking on it all. All crutches and ice after.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I don't have an answer for you....and sorry to hear that you ruptured your achilles


First and foremost, I feel like an idiot for not keeping my insurance. I've never really utilized it anyways so i was like @#@+ it when they asked me if i wanted to keep it when i left my job. I'm between jobs due to a move back to my home city currently.

you had the option to KEEP your health insurance and you didn't??? The $$** were you thinking??
All...of...this. Who opts OUT of health insurance? People sometimes take pay cuts in lieu of better health insurance. Smh..
All specialists usually require referrals in order to see them. Maybe they did you a solid on that Mojo, but that situation isn't typical.
I had a full tear almost 2 years ago now and had surgery (with insurance). I'm at work but will try to post more later. If I don't feel free to PM me this week or anytime during process.
Literature/Studies/Recommendations all recommend surgery vs casting if you wish to return to full activity. It also has a 10-20% lower re-rupture rate.

There is a blog out there that details someones similar story (ie. same injury/surgery) without insurance. Basically goes through what he did to save money/negotiate (mostly by paying in cash upfront). If you can't find it I may search later. I think the bill came out to less than 5k from original estimates around 10k.

There are also some good blogs about injury/rehab/process. Read up.

You will need an MRI (x-ray useless unless there is other damage) before any ortho can really evaluate you. I would call and schedule that now (not sure you can negotiate fees on these but worth a try). 
Completely tore mine 3 years ago! (OG Hypderdunks) Sucked so bad!

You basically have to get surgery and it's going to cost a lot no matter what. It can heal on it's own but it could take up to a year and then some if you don't. Also, you probably wouldn't get your strength back if you didn't get surgery.

After surgery you'll probably spend like 2-3 months in a cast. When it comes off you can slowly start to get back on can prob start doing PT by then. It would take maybe 6-7 months total with surgery as opposed to 1 year+ to fully recover. Depends on the tear though most likely.

I didn't do PT, but it seems like everything's gone back to normal for me.

Best of luck man!
Do what everyone else does, get the job done, wait for the bill, tear it to pieces...Orrrrr apply for carecredit, they usually have 1 year interest free the first time you use the credit line, hit them up.
I refused to go to the E.R. because I know majority of that is a hustle and they'll just hit you up with some crutches, an ace bandage, and a high bill. I'm pretty sure i did the right thing by not going

I would HIGHLY recommend buying a walking boot (they range $40-$100 depending on the specifics of the boot). You can buy these at your local medical supply store, I would ask the manager for help with sizing. You definitely do not want to keep walking on it. When you keep walking on it you are only making matter worse to the surrounding musculature and ankle, knee, and hip joint.

The boot will protect the abnormal force on the ankle, knee, and hip joints, but also minimize the forces on the gastrocnemius and soleus (the muscles making up the Achilles). I have not examined you or your ankle, but your subjective information like a "pop" and "not a whole lot of pain" leads me to believe it is in fact a full rupture. A physical therapist or an orthopedist specialst (like myself) can perform a special test that can indicate a partial or full rupture without an MRI. I would explain to them that you do not have insurance. Also, the surgery in "15 days" is not true.  Literature says that it is recommended for patients younger than 30, but for patients that tend to be older 50 we do not usually recommend surgery.

It can be managed with extended casting and treatment. I would HIGHLY recommend to either go to a Urgent Care center or go to a physical therapist for assitance, and most importantly they should check for a Deep Vein Thrombus that can build up as a result for the trauma (they can check for this). The latter is the most efficient and most cost effective pathway. Urgent Care centers tend to be less expensive and physical therapists can do an examination and help you with treatment at home.
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

IDK how to beat the system... But If I were you I'd def get the surgery.

... Try to get some insurance today and hopefully they wont require a pre-physical

this... i let my dental lapse

bared out the pain till my new plan was active... saved me like 300 summin bones

on second thought... im not even sure the pain was worth it
I appreciate all the advise and perspective fellas
Good news! looks like a friend of a friend got me in with an orthopedic in the morning.

Looking forward to getting off injured reserve
I'll try and throw an update on here from time to time if anyones curious what handling this would cost out of pocketAlso... Anybody with right foot only heat for sale... I might be interested
ruptured, meaning it is completely torn off? then you better hurry before it dies.. since you can only get is fixed within a few hours (24 if im not mistaken) at least that's what the doctor told me with i torn my achilles
Today is surgery day.... I haven't eaten or drank since midnight
Haven't been put to sleep since I had my wisdom teeth removed like 13 years ago.

The whole process will end up costing around what I expected...

- 1-2k for doctor visits, walking boot, prescriptions, etc...

- 6k for the actual surgery (60% off for paying in advance)

- $$ physical therapy (Haven't been quoted on that yet)

I'm just ready to get this over and done with... Not looking forward to the long recovery

At least I'll have drugs 

(Actually not really a fan of pain pills... but oh well)

Wish me luck NT
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