Russ Wilson and Ciara?

That's are probably some of the best pics I've seen of her. Wilson was in his last 2 years of HS when Ciara was first blowing up, so he was probably sprung back then, and launched his ex from the top of the hell in a cell when he saw an opening to get Ciara
Russel's departure from the NFL and emergence into rap is about to be something serious. That mixtape about to be flames. :smh:
That's are probably some of the best pics I've seen of her. Wilson was in his last 2 years of HS when Ciara was first blowing up, so he was probably sprung back then, and launched his ex from the top of the hell in a cell when he saw an opening to get Ciara
That is a good point. He probably used all types of dirty socks and rags on her back in his HS days. Damn, no wonder he can't look at her as a regular human
Can't wait to meet the real him when she leaves.

Why would Russell Wilson need to ask for pats on the back tho ? You be talking just to talk I swear
So explain to me the purpose of telling your girl how much you love her using social media (public for everyone to see).

Since I am just talking to be talking.

Because that's what most people his age do in the digital era :stoneface: he's not the first or the last to express feelings for their spouse on social media but all of a sudden it's different when he does it :lol: y'all miserable
Why would Russell Wilson need to ask for pats on the back tho ? You be talking just to talk I swear
So explain to me the purpose of telling your girl how much you love her using social media (public for everyone to see).

Since I am just talking to be talking.

Because that's what most people his age do in the digital era :stoneface: he's not the first or the last to express feelings for their spouse on social media but all of a sudden it's different when he does it :lol: y'all miserable

If everyone his age jumped off a bridge...

"Everyone his age" is doing it for the likes too so...
Especially towards a 2 years old kid whose parents were in court for a custody battle the day before
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Why would Russell Wilson need to ask for pats on the back tho ? You be talking just to talk I swear
So explain to me the purpose of telling your girl how much you love her using social media (public for everyone to see).

Since I am just talking to be talking.

Because that's what most people his age do in the digital era :stoneface: he's not the first or the last to express feelings for their spouse on social media but all of a sudden it's different when he does it :lol: y'all miserable

If everyone his age jumped off a bridge...

"Everyone his age" is doing it for the likes too so...
K ..

We see countless people post their kids or stuff pertaining to their kids and/or significant others so why can't Russ do it? Hell we have PYG and PYKids threads on NT, what exactly is the issue?
And the sole purpose of the thread is to display you and your family.

It ain't a knock man. Doing things for viewership. It is cool. WE ALL DO IT IN SOME FASHION.

But don't make it seem like someone is a super deep romantic because he chose to post it online vs. offline. And don't think for a second that, "How will people view this" doesn't go through someone's mind when they post something like that to their man/woman
Nothing wrong posting your kids but, do so in moderation. I hate parents who use their children as a form of collateral. To spite a person that THEY CHOSE TO SLEEP WITH (If it was consenual, of course). It shows bitterness and a lack of ownership.

Don't pit children against their parents. Or, try to compete. Everyone in Russell's "generation" (which I am apart of) does not document every waking moment of their lives. :lol:
If you're proud of your family and you wanna post it, thats cool. But your fiance who've you've know for 11 months and HER 2 year old, nah, you're doing entirely too much.
If you're proud of your family and you wanna post it, thats cool. But your fiance who've you've know for 11 months and HER 2 year old, nah, you're doing entirely too much.

Doing too much for who? Since when we created time frames and regulations on how relationships move? Homeboy in TAY fell in love one month, and said him and his chick thinking about moving in by the third month :lol:

Stop it fam, trying to shame someone for doing stuff that happens in everyday life just because he has money .. star struck *** :lol:
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Because that's what most people his age do in the digital era
he's not the first or the last to express feelings for their spouse on social media but all of a sudden it's different when he does it
y'all miserable
So WHY do you think people do stuff like that on social media when they could do it face to face to that individual person it is directed towards?

Other than, "That is just what people in this age do."
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