Saw my grandma take her last and final breath (R.I.P. Grandma Mui 5/5/27 - 2/1/10)

Jan 30, 2002
 I don't know where to begin, this past week was one of the most emotionally and physically draining time our family had endure.

Alzheimer's Disease is no joke! It destroys your brain and you lose all the functions to think, talk, walk, etc...

She was in the hospital since last Monday. All last week she was able eat(last thing is was able to do) very little of what we fed her, mostly liquids. Friday was when it took the turn for the worse when the doctor said she wasn't going to live pass that day. Guess what?! She proved the doctor WRONG! Saturday and Sunday went by and she was still breathing. All she had was IV and morphine for 4 days! We all believe that her strong will to live kept her going. She would have difficulty breathing and have seizure like symptions from time to time.We would cry and kept telling her to give up because we didn't want her to continue to struggle. A higher dose of morphine was given on Sunday so she would go more peacefully. Guess what again ?!Monday comes and goes, she is still breathing! The doctor said the high dose of morphine would make a fragile little woman like her go instantly. All I can say is that you don't judge the person's strength from the outside.

Now it's Monday night and my brother and I are staying overnight again. *He was there by her side almost the entire week. He didn't want to leave her, he spent 4 straight days in the room. Yeah he stunk but he didn't care because he was very close to her that he wanted to be there just in case something happened. He fell asleep so I stayed awake to look after her. Well I dozed off(I didn't sleep much the whole week either) for a minute and I wake up I saw her stop breathing.

This whole "experience" has opened my eyes to life completely. She had a tough life and the way she stayed alive this long after the doctor saying she would not live a certain day, says a lot about how strong she was. She will always be remembered.

I thought I would share with NT so it would open a lot of eyes as well. It also makes me feel better letting it out.
Doctors don't know anything more about when a death is going to happen than a regular person.

Sounds like she was a strong woman. Just remem
ber we ALL have to go sometime...

wow... crazy that this thread came up. i'm experiencing something very similar with my grandmother on the brink of death...

RIP to your grandma man.
Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

wow... crazy that this thread came up. i'm experiencing something very similar with my grandmother on the brink of death...

RIP to your grandma man.

best of luck with yours.
Your grandmother was a very strong woman. At least she had her loved one by her side when she passed.

R.I.P. to your grandmother bro.
at override.

Karma is on her way.

OP -

sorry to hear fam.. ALZ is no joke, i work in that field & it is very very depressing. I suggest you have the rest of your family look into early stages of ALZ , There is a genetic gene.

Think Positive , Stay strong
Stay up bro. Remember the good times and that you'll see her again.

these type of threads always make me call my granny.
I'm sorry for your loss

My grandma also had Altzheimer's. It was really hard to see the effects of the disease whenever we visited her, so I know just how you feel.

RIP to your grandma (RIP to mine too).
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