scripture of the day

I made you an avy, so I wont be harsh on you. I'm sure half of NT knows where I stand on religion.
edit: By harsh, I mean I wont post my thoughts on religion. So,

Get ready for a war.
edit cont.: It happens in every religion thread, I was just making sure he knew. I dont have a problem with people who follow religions, only the religionsthemselves. I'm glad you all have a faith and belief, I almost envy that. I dont mean any offense by anything in this post.
thanks. just thought we havent had this in a while
dont mean no harsh or to offend people
Originally Posted by 18key

I made you an avy, so I wont be harsh on you. I'm sure half of NT knows where I stand on religion.

Get ready for a war.
Was this really necessary? why didn't you just stay out the thread?
Whoever sacrifices to any god, except the Lord alone, shall be doomed. (Exodus 22:19 NAB)

Give no woman power over you to trample upon your dignity. (Sirach 9:2 NAB)

A priest's daughter who loses her honor by committing fornication and thereby dishonors her father also, shall be burned to death. (Leviticus 21:9 NAB)

Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ. (Ephesians 6:5 NLT)

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Google FTW, Religion FTL
Isn't it sad when people will misconstrue passages to benefit their own beliefs?

I am aware the words you wrote are verbatim, but please have some sense in interpreting what is said. Before I get into this mess, I want to claim I amagnostic.

Your copying and pasting passages to make God as an evil being that everyone has to obey or face eternal doom is highly exaggerated in this case. I am in noway disregarding your opinion, but let's be real. You don't believe in religion, why? Don't come in here trying to make God into something everyoneshould hate.
Originally Posted by Nike Fo Life

Originally Posted by 18key

I made you an avy, so I wont be harsh on you. I'm sure half of NT knows where I stand on religion.

Get ready for a war.
Was this really necessary? why didn't you just stay out the thread?
I highlighted what I was in here to say. Every religion post I've seen on NT has turned into both sides bashing the other, with maybe 5rational people in the whole thing.
And I hope you're not taking offense to my post, I didnt mean any harm.
Through him I can do many things
Originally Posted by 18key

I made you an avy, so I wont be harsh on you. I'm sure half of NT knows where I stand on religion.

Get ready for a war.

He didn't ask for your opinion nor is this a thread to discuss. This thread is obviously for Christians and anybody else willing to read some motivationaland inspiring scriptures. If you dont have anything positive stay out.
"However, as it is written:
No eye has seen,
no ear has heard,
no mind has conceived
what God has prepared for those who love him"
-1 Corinthians 2:9

"He mocks proud mockers
but gives grace to the humble."
-Proverbs 3:34

"Not to us, O LORD, not to us
but to your name be the glory,
because of your love and faithfulness."
-Psalms 115:1
"It's in Christ we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ, He had His eye on us, had designs on us forglorious living, part of the overall purpose He is working out in everything and everyone." Ephesians 1:11

"I praise you Lord for being my guide. Even in the darkest night, your teachings fill my mind. I will always look to You, as You stand beside me andprotect me from fear. With all my heart, I will celebrate and I can safely rest." Psalm 16:7-9
Hebrews 13:5 Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, "I WILL NEVER DESERTYOU,NOR WILL I EVER FORSAKE YOU,"

Deuteronomy 31:6 "Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail youor forsake you."
Originally Posted by Worlds Enemy

Isn't it sad when people will misconstrue passages to benefit their own beliefs?

I am aware the words you wrote are verbatim, but please have some sense in interpreting what is said. Before I get into this mess, I want to claim I am agnostic.

Your copying and pasting passages to make God as an evil being that everyone has to obey or face eternal doom is highly exaggerated in this case. I am in no way disregarding your opinion, but let's be real. You don't believe in religion, why? Don't come in here trying to make God into something everyone should hate.

I didn't interpret anything. You did.

You interpreted the passages I posted as "passages to make God as an evil being that everyone has to obey or face eternal doom."

I don't believe in religion because I don't see the need for it.
Originally Posted by NT OG

Originally Posted by Worlds Enemy

Isn't it sad when people will misconstrue passages to benefit their own beliefs?

I am aware the words you wrote are verbatim, but please have some sense in interpreting what is said. Before I get into this mess, I want to claim I am agnostic.

Your copying and pasting passages to make God as an evil being that everyone has to obey or face eternal doom is highly exaggerated in this case. I am in no way disregarding your opinion, but let's be real. You don't believe in religion, why? Don't come in here trying to make God into something everyone should hate.

I didn't interpret anything. You did.

You interpreted the passages I posted as "passages to make God as an evil being that everyone has to obey or face eternal doom."

I don't believe in religion because I don't see the need for it.

do you think there's a difference between faith and religion?

if so, what is it?
OK thread so far. I hope it sticks around without dudes dropping in to tell us that we're wrong. I'll post some later today. Remember everyone, be thelight in this dark world.
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