Seattle SuperSonics Thread

I caught the second half of the rally (right when the Presidents of the United States were on stage). It was a lot of fun to see some of the old Sonics still out supporting the cause (GP, Kemp, Detlef, Slick). Nate Robinson, Spencer Hawes, and Aaron Brooks were there to provide a "youthier" (word to Stephon) presence of Seattle hoopers. The park was pretty much packed to the edge with a diverse crowd. A great turn out (and a great time) considering the time and day. 
been reading a lot of the Seattle articles and boards, lots of lines like "Sacramento fans still have the Warriors just 80 miles away, we have nothing; we deserve the Kings" comments

Reading stuff like that is starting to make me not like Seattle fans
my sympathy is running thin for those spewing that nonsense, its becoming more and more apparent some of them are getting Baltimore Colts syndrome
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

been reading a lot of the Seattle articles and boards, lots of lines like "Sacramento fans still have the Warriors just 80 miles away, we have nothing; we deserve the Kings" comments

Reading stuff like that is starting to make me not like Seattle fans
my sympathy is running thin for those spewing that nonsense, its becoming more and more apparent some of them are getting Baltimore Colts syndrome


That is the sad reality of it though, if it's not your team than it's another team, and some other fan is going to be pissed that Seattle fans are wanting to claim their squad.

I just want my team back  but I dont want other fans to have to deal with this #!$# either. Personally my mind is far from which team do we "take", there's alot of more steps in the process I'm focused on.
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

been reading a lot of the Seattle articles and boards, lots of lines like "Sacramento fans still have the Warriors just 80 miles away, we have nothing; we deserve the Kings" comments

Reading stuff like that is starting to make me not like Seattle fans
my sympathy is running thin for those spewing that nonsense, its becoming more and more apparent some of them are getting Baltimore Colts syndrome



They are just 80 miles away though......
Originally Posted by Elpablo21

That is the sad reality of it though, if it's not your team than it's another team, and some other fan is going to be pissed that Seattle fans are wanting to claim their squad.

I just want my team back  but I dont want other fans to have to deal with this #!$# either. Personally my mind is far from which team do we "take", there's alot of more steps in the process I'm focused on.
This, I 100% respect. 
If in a few steps, the Maloofs decide they want to sell and it is unpreventable that they won't sell to someone to keep the team in Sac, then by all means I hope to God Seattle gets the team. But to have folks just say "well there is a team just an hour and a half away with no traffic, then they should be cool with the Kings leaving Sac" is just
Its not that I'm mad Seattle fans want the Kings, its just that entitled mentality some of them are picking up is rubbing me the wrong way.
To me thats the equivalent of saying "Oh your dog is dying? Well just head over to the SPCA and adopt another dog, NBD"
Originally Posted by 1994SS

I mean the Seattle fans do have a point...

I'm not arguing the point of the Warriors being only 80 miles away; because yes its true they are about 80 miles away

I'm arguing the point of the Warriors being only 80 miles away so I should be ok and accepting of the Kings leaving for Seattle.

In all fairness though, as ElPablo said, if it was any fanbase or fans (Sac fans and myself included) I'd probably be saying the same thing
Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Originally Posted by Elpablo21

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

been reading a lot of the Seattle articles and boards, lots of lines like "Sacramento fans still have the Warriors just 80 miles away, we have nothing; we deserve the Kings" comments

Reading stuff like that is starting to make me not like Seattle fans
my sympathy is running thin for those spewing that nonsense, its becoming more and more apparent some of them are getting Baltimore Colts syndrome



Originally Posted by rck2sactown

been reading a lot of the Seattle articles and boards, lots of lines like "Sacramento fans still have the Warriors just 80 miles away, we have nothing; we deserve the Kings" comments

Reading stuff like that is starting to make me not like Seattle fans
my sympathy is running thin for those spewing that nonsense, its becoming more and more apparent some of them are getting Baltimore Colts syndrome

At some point some city will hate us... 
. I hope it's not Sac Town.
If the Kings relocate to Seattle and are sold to Hansen because his offer was the bes and topped any other potential bidder who wanted to keep the team in Sac, I don't think there will be any real hate; probably just a bunch of irrational fans will be butt hurt but if the Kings are gonna end up in Seattle one way or another I hope it's that way. Can't really be mad at that :/
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

been reading a lot of the Seattle articles and boards, lots of lines like "Sacramento fans still have the Warriors just 80 miles away, we have nothing; we deserve the Kings" comments

Reading stuff like that is starting to make me not like Seattle fans
my sympathy is running thin for those spewing that nonsense, its becoming more and more apparent some of them are getting Baltimore Colts syndrome
Ironically, the Seattle Times sports writers have been stirring the pot with talk of the Kings being the "logical" choice and supporting Hansen's mission, while the editorial board has been clearly negative about the whole idea of an arena and team coming here. It's like two entirely different publications in one.
The "logical" choice article is actually where I was reading a lot of those idiot comments
yeah, don't bother with reading "post-article comments"... so many trolls and people just going-off with dumb comments.

I guess another difference is that everyone knows what Hansen's intentions are. He's not dancing around the issue.

Good to see some folks in here actually have a civil discussion in here about this.
Originally Posted by SinnerP

yeah, don't bother with reading "post-article comments"... so many trolls and people just going-off with dumb comments.
Same thing with the newspaper here in town, when they would write pro-arena articles SOOOOOO many dumb !!$%% in there polluting the comments section
I really had to refrain from reading the comments

Your move Hansen!!! 350 mil + relo fees doesn't sound too bad right???

Edit: I forgot about the essential ironclad lease they have with Memphis
maybe Hansen could take the issue to court or just pay some large fee to the city of Memphis on top of the relo fee to get out of that lease??? 

- The Memphis Grizzlies’ sale to Robert J. Pera, announced this past week, is already in serious trouble, according to league sources. Pera owns Ubiquiti Networks, a Silicon Valley communications technology company. When its stock bottomed out in the last two weeks, his net worth plummeted from $1 billion to $200 million, according to league insiders who say that unless he has some wealthy partners lined up to help him finance the sale, it will likely fall through. In that case, the Grizzlies will continue to be owned by Michael Heisley. Pera agreed to buy the team for $350 million, a figure that raised many eyebrows around the league.

Read more: 
I'm not a fan of Seattle getting back their team at the expense of the city of Sacramento. They have a very strong fanbase, and are right now - trying to avoid what's happened to Seattle, play all over again in their city. I can see if they quite frankly don't give a damn about their team - but they're very adamant in keeping their team right where they are. I know there's not much we can do, espcially with the MaGoof's in charge.

I say take New Orleans, them on the other hand, are not very supportive of their NBA team, and it's barely a basketball town. Look at there attendence record.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

I'm not a fan of Seattle getting back their team at the expense of the city of Sacramento. They have a very strong fanbase, and are right now - trying to avoid what's happened to Seattle, play all over again in their city. I can see if they quite frankly don't give a damn about their team - but they're very adamant in keeping their team right where they are. I know there's not much we can do, espcially with the MaGoof's in charge.

I say take New Orleans, them on the other hand, are not very supportive of their NBA team, and it's barely a basketball town. Look at there attendence record.
New Orleans just got purchased by Tom Benson and got the #1 pick. They're not going anywhere.
Well how is it fair to sit here and root for the Sonics to come back, when more than it likely - it will be Sacramento who's taking the loss?

I don't support that.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Well how is it fair to sit here and root for the Sonics to come back, when more than it likely - it will be Sacramento who's taking the loss?

I don't support that.
Then don't support it

Like I said, most fans want their team back, it is out of our hands what team we get...and even that is looking WAY FAR AHEAD. There are alot of things that need to be settle on the arena plan alone and moving forward to even think which team might come here. The circumstances could be way different when that day comes, who knows the situation other teams will be in a couple years.

It's a #%$$$% cycle Stern has created in this mess, but it is what it is.

What do you expect fans to do? They know IF we get a team it's coming from a another city, it aint fair but don't knock the fans for doing it, we as fans don't control that +$*! on which team we could end up getting. I understand there are trolls who will push the agenda until you're irritated, but face the facts. Somebody from some fanbase is going to be PISSED just like most of us were when our team moved to OKC. If I had to pick a team, it would be Charlotte as bad as they are, they do have fans too and they would be pissed at the notion that Seattle fans are trying to claim them. I do agree I wouldn't want to Sac to lose their team

Like I said most fans I personally know don't care about that right now, we're following the plans for the arena deal getting done.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Well how is it fair to sit here and root for the Sonics to come back, when more than it likely - it will be Sacramento who's taking the loss?

I don't support that.

Well, there's not going to be any more expansion teams so if Seattle does get a team, it will have belonged to another city.  The guy in the Sonicsgate documentary made a good point at the end that if/when they do get a team, it will have moved from somewhere else so now Seattle is doing the same thing that was done to them and he pointed out it could still feel like a lose/lose situation. 
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Well how is it fair to sit here and root for the Sonics to come back, when more than it likely - it will be Sacramento who's taking the loss?

I don't support that.
It's never going to be "fair." The difference here is that people are more aware of these potential situations, thanks to the Seattle debacle. The media hasn't let anyone forget about it, either.

also, the situations are different. The Sonics situation was a case of Stern helping clay Bennett secure a team and ensuring its move to another city. In Sacramento's case, the league is actually trying to keep the team there, as well as the city. It's the owners that are being difficult (to say the least). In Seattle, Schultz didn't really care where the team ended up, he just wanted the profit on the sale (that's my "delusional fan" take on it). The league made it clear they wanted out of Seattle, and the city did nothing in any way to support the franchise.

In the end, a fanbase and a city are going to get their hearts ripped out. However, there isn't going to be a PR campaign as to why they need to move (you know, like the whole "Seattle didn't support them, so they didn't deserve them anyway" argument). If, and that's a big IF, the Kings eventually make their way north, I think the whole situation will be perceived a lot differently, mainly because it will play out entirely different. The key is to read a lot of diverse local coverage on both ends, talk to people on here (you know, actual Kings and Sonics fans), and get the real story.
dmbrhs wrote:stoneface:

It's never going to be "fair." The difference here is that people are more aware of these potential situations, thanks to the Seattle debacle. The media hasn't let anyone forget about it, either.

As I don't live in 206 anymore, what has been the US national media's take (or angle) on things?  Are they sympathetic?  Are they siding with the move?  And I'm referring to the initial Sonics-move... not "potentially" the Kings or Grizz or whatever. 
Also, I've seen how ppl complain on how national networks/stations keep applying the Sonics' history to OKC (for example saying how this is their first Finals appearance since '96, etc)... is that still happening a lot? 
Both have gone hand in hand, they continue to mention the Thunder/Sonics (that doesnt bother me at this point) history but they also show sympathy towards Seattle fans and the city on what happened. Every time I've heard someone mention the history part outside of Seattle media it's immediately followed by sympathetic offerings
Originally Posted by SinnerP

dmbrhs wrote:stoneface:

It's never going to be "fair." The difference here is that people are more aware of these potential situations, thanks to the Seattle debacle. The media hasn't let anyone forget about it, either.
As I don't live in 206 anymore, what has been the US national media's take (or angle) on things?  Are they sympathetic?  Are they siding with the move?  And I'm referring to the initial Sonics-move... not "potentially" the Kings or Grizz or whatever. 
Also, I've seen how ppl complain on how national networks/stations keep applying the Sonics' history to OKC (for example saying how this is their first Finals appearance since '96, etc)... is that still happening a lot? 

The media has been mentioning Seattle a lot more now that the Thunder have actually made the Finals. They don't generally take sides (although more think the team never should have left than do...if we're talking about media members who have the balls to take sides), but there's plenty of sympathy directed towards Seattle. And nobody in the national media is talking about any potential moves. There might be a blurb here or two about a potential arena, but that's it.
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