Self-Hating Rich Kid Goes On Shooting Rampage, NTers Write Paragraphs Arguing About It

Son every week gets crazier. 

And dude did sound like an anime character.
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his biggest problem was getting girls lol.....:smh:

Not: losing his job, not being able to pay his bills, losing a love one, being in terrible health, not having a shelter, not having food.... but
I bet you this dude was so quiet he wasn't even bullied.

Right. There are guys and women out there worried about how they're going to take care if basic needs out there, and you're trippin off of not having sex?

I mean sex is great, but man.
I went to Arizona State, it never gets that bad to where you want to kill somebody.  Can be frustrating for sure though so I feel you as far as that.
You are speaking from a different perspective though. This guy was clearly off mentally and channeled all of his energy in the wrong direction.
That's the crazy part though. You could've even gotten some superficial dumb broads to give you a lil play just based off of "image" alone.

You'd have to have the sh*ttiest of sh*t personalities to even mismanage that.
Most likely this was the case with this guys. It's crazy how ugly humanity can be.
anyone get the american psycho vibe off him? reminded me immediately of when Bateman does his monologue in the mirror of his morning routine


i'm ugly, ive got a big nose, thick caterpiller eyebrows i need to trim every 2weeks one is lower than the other, my right eye squints a little, i also got scars on my forehead when a ladder fell on me, big lips too, not in the good way, i remember being called a 'thick lipped twink' this year by a friend of mine, funniest thing ive ever heard after i found out what twink was, i nearly died...but i still somehow manage to get girls

it's not even confidence, i don't know what is it, it's like somehow they know youre alright, and you just go with it, make the first move and it works out/sex happens, don't get needy, ignore them sometimes, call them out of the blue, etc

anyways, just throwing that out there for people who may feel this way, women come and go, you can't make them the end all and be all of your life
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Sometimes, you have to learn how to take the L and move on.

This is coming from someone that's taken plenty of Ls.

Nobody needed to die because you couldn't get any pie.
The video of him rockin' out to 'How Will I Know' while driving in his car is so strange.. this dude really is the real life Patrick Bateman.
What a goddamn loser. RIP to the people that lost their lives over this stupid ********. Blaming others on his social setbacks when in reality it's his fault because he's a giant douche :smh:
I have seen some pretty pathetic people in my lifetime but this dude takes the cake. Mad at the world cause your a virgin?! Man the world can really be a scary place.
Damn... this loser was on Misc just a few days ago asking whats wrong with the world because he saw an Indian dude in a Honda getting more girls than him in his BMW. He said he would climb up Mt. Everest 10 times just to get a girl like that.

Dude was a racist, a simp and a snob.... he wont be missed.

RIP to all the victims... such a sad situation.
Watch a few minutes of the "Why do girls hate me so much?" video and it gives you a better of some of his issues.  He was delusional and likely was only interested in legit dimes whose level he felt he was on.  He clearly was delusional and had this warped sense of reality where these females owed something to him.  Disgusting that it had to come to killing anyone, let alone a mass shooting.
Son seemed a little ayo to me, if you got bread and a nice whip, and still can't pull no broads, you have to have the worst personality ever.
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