Self-Hating Rich Kid Goes On Shooting Rampage, NTers Write Paragraphs Arguing About It

Laughable to read this kids "traumatic" life events... He witnessed the son of a family friend make out with a chick and he declares the kid his eternal enemy? I'm convinced he wasn't really bullied, he was an ******* and his peers simply handled that

I can't understand this kids rage. PDA is common, it's not THAT common...
Oh please. That is the biggest pile of s*** Ive ever heard. Is that the same media who manufactured a "white hispanic" race to make George seem like a racist, the same media who doctored phone calls to make Zimmerman seem to say slurs, the same media who portrayed Trayvon as a sweet little 12 year old and Zimmerman as a blood thirsty, racist stalker? I am so sick of this pathetic "woe is me" stuff. The media villified an innocent man and ruined his life. Not once was he defended. Not once. I dont know how you can be so delusional. Black on white crime and black on black crime does not exist while every white on black crime is a result of racism.

The Trayvon case has no relevance to this at all and I don't get why you feel your defetist, racist views pertain to it
did you just call zimmerman an innocent man?

the media ruined the life of an acquitted child murderer?

i hope that one day you're able to remove that veil and free your heart of prejudice and bigotry. it's no way to live. do better.
Oh please. That is the biggest pile of s*** Ive ever heard. Is that the same media who manufactured a "white hispanic" race to make George seem like a racist, the same media who doctored phone calls to make Zimmerman seem to say slurs, the same media who portrayed Trayvon as a sweet little 12 year old and Zimmerman as a blood thirsty, racist stalker? I am so sick of this pathetic "woe is me" stuff. The media villified an innocent man and ruined his life. Not once was he defended. Not once. I dont know how you can be so delusional. Black on white crime and black on black crime does not exist while every white on black crime is a result of racism.

The Trayvon case has no relevance to this at all and I don't get why you feel your defetist, racist views pertain to it
:stoneface: :stoneface:

White on black crime of the only crime talked about?

The media literally creates black on white crime (wildin' , knockout game)

I bet you get upset when you call customer service and they say "press 2 for spanish"
reddit user Fractail made great points concerning Rodger's mental illness which is being downplayed and/or outright ignored by some. I'll put the post in spoilers but I would recommend for everyone who still has interest in discussing the issue to give it a look; it's only some paragraphs long but is succinct in identifying the underlying issues.

This had less to do with sexism (or MRM, redpills, PUA,, etc.) and more to do with mental illness (specifically narcissism) encouraged by his upbringing, and reinforced by the culture of Hollywood. Elliot Rodger felt that money should give him what he wants. This was the case for everything else in his life. Reading his manifesto and online posts, you see him reference how "unfair" and "impossible" it is that men with cheaper cars get women. He did not see women as people, but as objects that could be purchased or traded (or won, in some cases.) He had absolutely no understanding of what other people feel at all (classic sociopath) and this included men, but his obsession was particularly with white blonde women. He exhibited all the traits of a psychopath, and the "dark triad." That is:

Narcissism - egotism, pride, lack of empathy. Elliot felt that he was the best man for ANY woman, and was unable to understand why he was avoided. He literally believed he was perfect. Vanity hardly describes the enormity of his infatuation with himself.

Machiavellianism - focus on self-interest at the expense of others. Elliot believed it was his right to take women, and that society was the reason why these people did not want to interact with him. As we saw, he had a complete disregard for morality, and when he speaks in his videos he explains why his own interests are more important than those of the people around him (especially the women.)

Psychopathy - selfishness, antisocial tendencies, bold and uninhibited behavior. He fought with strangers, insulted random people, and pushed his way into situations where he was not welcome. He was violent, unresponsive to interpersonal relations, had a poorly integrated sex life, and was a complete failure when it came to understanding love as a process of reciprocation. He thought he deserved love (here, perversely understood as sex) and it was his absolute right to take it.

This person was a killer. He was born a killer, and his environment fed the notion that he could do what he wanted because he was Elliot Rodger. To blame some kind of institutionalized sexism, patriarchy, mens groups, or even idiots like redpills and PUAs is to reach for an easy answer. Those forums have hundreds of thousands of confused boys and men (some may be your brothers, your friends, your fathers?) but they are not psychopathic mass murderers. Sexism is an issue, but it is not related to this crime in the political way reddit describes it. That would be like blaming Islam for suicide bombers or the Protestant church for the IRA. Are they related? Yes, but millions of followers are not claiming ownership of the actions of a single nutjob. Similarly, /r/againstmensrights[1] seems to encourage the killing of men, but I am not outraged by some crazies online. Crazy gon' craze.

EDIT: Incomplete analogy between IRA and the Protestant Church - read "IRA are connected to the Catholic church not Protestant church" Thank you u/NJ_ and others for pointing this out.
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Young white murderers always get the mental illness cop out :smh:

Minorities get the blame game with the family included
Young white murderers always get the mental illness cop out :smh:

Minorities get the blame game with the family included
Wait wut lol every murderer has mental problems, regardless of skin color
But if you are basing it on lamestream media, then I agree
Too bad this loser took some people on the way out.   Shoulda just offed himself. 

Look at this freakin weirdo.  My goodness. 
Young white murderers always get the mental illness cop out :smh:

Minorities get the blame game with the family included

seems about right. i forgot, but did the DC sniper get the mental illness cop out?

btw this dude is the cringe king for me...i can't even..
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Young white murderers always get the mental illness cop out :smh:

Minorities get the blame game with the family included

seems about right. i forgot, but did the DC sniper get the mental illness cop out?

btw this dude is the cringe king for me...i can't even..

dc sniper was trying to kill people in order to cover up a planned murder.....

not the same.... wasn't suicidal, didn't lose touch with reality... just came up with a really complex plot to get away with a crime...
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Screw death and jail, this guy should be forced to watch a jock and a cheerleader have sex everyday in front of his face. Freakin idiot.
Screw death and jail, this guy should be forced to watch a jock and a cheerleader have sex everyday in front of his face. Freakin idiot.
The beta dude is dead already. Anyway RIP to the seven that were killed by this monster
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to say sex, or lack thereof, drove this kid to murder would be oversimplifying to say the least. his issues with his virgnity was a symptom of a truly deep rooted dissatisfaction he had with himself. the ease with which he was given everything he owned created a insatiable sense of entitlement within this guy. so much so that he couldn't fathom having to actually work to attain anything, be it respect, admiration or women. this is his main issue. once he started smashing, he would've found an issue with the lack of reverence women treated him with, or something else.

this situation is dejecting, and i imagine his parents must be humiliated. what a fatal example that money can't raise your babies for you. in his videos, i view this guy as nothing more than an empty shell, draped in the finest goods money can buy while missing everything that makes a man a man –– substance, character, dignity. everything his parents, his father especially, were responsible for investing in him is absent. but what requires no effort to give –– money –– is there in abundance. his father could direct some of hbo's biggest sitcoms but couldn't steer his son down a path of respect. :smh:

i haven't read through much of this thread, so my apologies if i'm repeating an argument already made.

but, within minutes of a serial killer's white identity being revealed, the media wastes no time to label him "mentally ill." these are children who were reared by educated parents in safe and financially stable environments, yet they evoke so much sympathy from us. but no question of a mental state is mentioned when a minority murders or steals. poverty-induced depression and psychosis is very real, and in my opinion, much more valid than the derangement of an overly entitled spoiled brat. trayvon was murdered in innocence, yet zimmerman was met with overwhelming support as the media spent months attempting to prove an unarmed boy deserved to die. elliot rogers premeditated his attack, documented the erosion of his sanity and the inflation of his ego, before carrying out a senseless string of violence.

why are such an overwhelming % of serial killers of the same demographic and background? not just racially, but economically. their actions seem to have no actual cause, and the media goes to unbelievable lengths to try to create one. by the way we're blamed as "naturally violent," it makes me stop and wonder, why aren't black kids shooting up public high schools? or hbcus? or elementary schools? if it is our skin color, and not our circumstances/environment, that makes us behave this way.

when will we wake up? when will we begin to develop less biased, racially skewed, more objective standards for murderers?

have all my reps.
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I wonder what kind of drugs/scripts he was on.... Dude wreaks of a heavy amphetamine/adderall user

Idk whether to discount this for possible inexperience with the drug/users on you behalf
But seriously?
Id bet The money I have the kids not on uppers
He's like every other over prescribed awkward white kid I've ever met
Antidepressants... Pain killers... Anti anxiety pills... All that yeah
But there's a thousand reasons why he's clearly not a kid on stims
Sucks that this has become about this monster and not about the people he robbed of their lives.
First of all RIP to the victims, but people get killed everyday. Doesn't take away from the horror that happened, but the motive/life of the killer is just more interesting to most folks.

The lives of those killed could be covered, but then the lives of all of those killed would be covered as well, which would be a very large amount of people.

Also, the discussion of the monster is mainly based on the idea of how he sank to that point and what can be done in the future to prevent this from happening with other men.

I'm more interested in that than mourning those killed. 
First of all RIP to the victims, but people get killed everyday. Doesn't take away from the horror that happened, but the motive/life of the killer is just more interesting to most folks.

The lives of those killed could be covered, but then the lives of all of those killed would be covered as well, which would be a very large amount of people.

Also, the discussion of the monster is mainly based on the idea of how he sank to that point and what can be done in the future to prevent this from happening with other men.
I'm more interested in that than mourning those killed. 

The more attention we continue to give these mass murderers, the more are going to do it. It's the only way a lot of people feel they will ever be noticed. But we are so intrigued by evil as a society, that these mass killings will continue to be covered for weeks at a time, continuing the cycle.
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