Self-Hating Rich Kid Goes On Shooting Rampage, NTers Write Paragraphs Arguing About It

He didn't suffer from a mental illness. To me, that is definitely a cop out of sorts. More aptly, this guy suppered from a severe bout of self hate, which triggered his severe lack of self confidence and self esteem. That's what drove him into thinking no female would ever want him or whatever. From that, he in a premeditated manner did what he did, being fully aware of the extent and outcome of his plan and actions.
He didn't suffer from a mental illness. To me, that is definitely a cop out of sorts. More aptly, this guy suppered from a severe bout of self hate, which triggered his severe lack of self confidence and self esteem. That's what drove him into thinking no female would ever want him or whatever. From that, he in a premeditated manner did what he did, being fully aware of the extent and outcome of his plan and actions.
Guy was diagnosed with Asperagers syndrome at a young age. Nevertheless, at the end of the day, his actions should be blamed on his selfishness and lack of integrity, not just mental state
First time I read up on this story 

 Can't believe what I'm reading

Some of his posts look like troll posts, but they're serious 
all this mental health talk sound like sympathy


No ones doubting he had issues, but some people are making it sound like an excuse.

1 in 4 people in this country run into some sort of mental illness whether diagnosed or not throughout their lifetime. It doesn't mean 1 in 4 people are expected to do the unspeakable things this kid just did.

It's a part of the puzzle for sure, but his mental illness isn't 100% of the reason for this tragedy.
Man this kid was pure evil... other peoples happiness was causing him anguish

Straight up loose screw status
Just wanted to clarify a couple things:
race really has nothing to do with the UCSB shooting...
WHAT?! Have you read ANY of the killers words from online forums and the videos he left? Race is at the central CORE of this killing.

Not trying to jump down your throat, but I'm definitely confused how you could think that.
It's a shame because if he had been a middle eastern American like myself, it wouldn't have mattered how many times he had seen psychiatric care.

He'd already be labeled a terrorist by a majority of (narrow-minded, Christian, conservative) society. Wouldn't matter if he had the worst mental illness in the world, a majority of (narrow-minded, Christian, conservative) society would not accept that as valid reasoning for the act.

But I don't know how you can say this:
I know this guy was mentally jacked up, but it doesn't excuse the fact that he was a horrible person who committed a horrible act against humanity. He knew what he was doing, mental illness or not. He obviously had it planned out. The manifesto speaks volumes.
He had mental problems, but he was also very aware of what he was about to do and how much it would hurt people and their families. He knew he'd become a celebrity hence the videos. He knew the outcome would be exactly what it is. Mental illness or not, he knew he was doing something harmful and cruel and he knew enough to shoot himself and avoid a lifetime of torture and misery in prison.
... and agree w/ this:
all this mental health talk sound like sympathy
If you understand that he had mental issues, then I would think you understand that fixing this problem in the next person involves understanding their mental state and dealing w/ that.

Like I already mentioned (I know these conversations tend to repeat themselves): if you've burned something and you think the reason is one thing, and I know the reason is another thing, it will help you prevent it in the future if we have a clear understanding.
all this mental health talk sound like sympathy

Because that's what it is. "he had mental issues" "he was spurned by love."
No one talks about his racism, and extreme misogyny, wanting to send all women to concentration camps?
had this been a young black, hispanic, arab man, etc... the narrative would have been completely different
Only sympathy from me goes to the people he killed. **** his rich, spoiled ***. If he really felt that bad about his situation should have killed himself instead of all those folks. Thus fool talking about blonde women like they are the holy grail of women, and upset he can't get it in despite wealth :smh: son should have just offed himself
The only racial component I see with the actual killings is him killing his three roommates. All of them were Asian and he specifically referred to them as Asian and called them nerds/geeks and he had no qualms in committing pre-meditated murder against them (he hated being marginalized by the "cool kids" when he adhered to and gave credence to the social hierarchy he supposedly despised).

Honestly race isn't even the issue here IMO... this is the case of extreme narcissism where everyone, even his sister who shared the same unique racial make-up, was beneath him... dude was like a real life movie villain
all this mental health talk sound like sympathy

Because that's what it is. "he had mental issues" "he was spurned by love."
No one talks about his racism, and extreme misogyny, wanting to send all women to concentration camps?
had this been a young black, hispanic, arab man, etc... the narrative would have been completely different

if a black/Hispanic/middle eastern man said the same things he said and behaved the same way he did, saying things like he was a gift to other people and that he felt women should be in concentration camps, would you say he had mental issues? Are narcissistic, antisocial, violent, threatening, abusive tendencies not signs of mental illness?

why is recognizing that a mentally unstable person is mentally unstable sympathizing? I could understand if someone said "yeah he killed people because he was crazy, don't blame him". But people are just pointing out that he had issues and other people someone decided that meant something else.

These aren't things normal people say or do. To think people are sympathizing when they're simply identifying why every racist, woman hater, and person who fantasizes about violence doesn't actually go through with it doesnt make sense. Tbh if you read any of his writings and still can't conclude why people are saying dude was mentally ill, I don't even know what to tell you.

People are saying his illness or illnesses will be used as a scapegoat when they're clearly contributing causes to what he did. Normal people do not behave the way he did. Normal people do not throw coffee at strangers unprovoked. Normal people do not listen to their sister getting pounded out. Normal people do not commit drive bys on random strangers and proceed to run others over.

But its a scapegoat. Because he's viewed as a spoiled white kid. And the next spoiled white kid who repeats this same pattern we see every year, we will hear about his mental issues and how people around him didn't pay enough attention or he was off his meds or the cops didn't take the threat seriously and we'll have this SAME THREAD and arguments again.
All jokes aside and this has probably been said before but now a days how hard is it to get laid even by accident?

Hopefully we hear from a chick that has gone out with him and get her side of the story.
so....umm... what you are saying.. is that he did a terrible thing and he had mental illness....

if he was a middle eastern guy who killed people because he wanted premarital sex... i doubt he would be labeled a terrorist

same way the guy who cut his daughters/wife's head off wasn't considered a terrorist

same way my egyptian friends father who put out a hit on his wife and was recently sentenced wasn't considered a terrorist...

you guys need more strawman argument to divert attention from the real issue....

the american mental health network needs strengthening...

I think his point is that this guy has one thing working on his side that anyone of any other race doesn't. And that's white privilege. Whether you believe it or not certain prejudge mends are ingrained in society. That's why you catch people crossing the street when a black guy is walking there way, or a woman clutching her purse walking past a group of black people or Hispanics. When a black person kills someone it's because "that's what they do" when an Arab person kills someone "they're a terrorists". You may not believe it personally and neither do I but it's still a current and persisting societal view. Even though this kid was white And 99% of these types of crimes are done by white guys, no one is ever going to associate these crimes with white people like black people and Arabs are associated with crime and terrorism. No ones ever going to fear for their lives when a white guy comes walking their way. White people will never have to be a representitive or answer for their race like other races do. If that's not white privilege I don't know what is.
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