Serious chicken pox outbreak in Indiana due to....

what the ****, chicken pox vaccinations??

i need a more credible source.

i never got vaccinated and as far as i know usually people let kids hang around kids who have chicken pox so they can get it and build an immune early on.
but but... i just got mine

ninja edit: they had a similar incident with vaccinations with indian children getting deformed and crap. horrible stuff...people need some regulations on this. GMO foods are also scary to read about to.  
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I never had chicken pox.
you'll probably did and didn't remember it. 

if you didn't. RIP man... 
I never had chicken pox.
I had it when I was an infant. my dad caught it from me & told me years later that my mother had to talk him out of killing himself. said it was the worst period of his life, and he grew up poor
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I still remember when I had chicken pox as a kid, one of my few very early toddler memories. It was brutal but I look back on it and laugh.

I never had chicken pox.
you'll probably did and didn't remember it. 

if you didn't. RIP man... :frown:

Why would I die?

If a kid can handle it, I certainly can.

You get that now or the mumps if you never had it and you're in store for an agonizing death.
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You know whats funny, i didn't know there was a correlation between catching the chicken pox early and getting shingles later. I thought you were susceptible to shingles period if you have the chicken pox virus because it is the same thing. Isn't shingles just the re-awoken chicken pox virus?

The reason I ask that is since Merck has created the Shingles vaccine, I've seen all these "concerned" infomercial like ads leading you to their site to pump the shingles vaccine. Shingles has been around forever but only now since the vaccine is created, they're worried about the population? With the Chickenpox vaccine hindering peoples immune system, they're more likely to experience Shingles, so can their be an argument that the drug companies set up an atmosphere for everyone to get paid by the situation they created?
I had chicken pox back in like 91. It sucked. I guess I'm glad I got it, over getting poison pumped into my body
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