Serious question, am I wrong for not wanting to date a girl that have kids?

i'd never do it, especially after my whole ex fiasco..just makes me angry.

my mother never dated anyone outside my father and i appreciate da **** outta that.

there's NO upside to it at all, UNLESS you also have kids..then ya on equal footing.
Some ignorant stuff being said in this thread.

Women with kids being called "damage goods"? :smh:

Not even surprise it comes from a poster who has a back up SN to back himself up on a sneaker forum. :rolleyes

I know Im getting trolled by one of the lamest dudes in General. But damn dude must have taken to many blows to the head from his "MMA training". :x

a lmp joke AND a gay joke.

yep, you definitely grew up in a fatherless household

and hey, thats ok. im not going to judge you

I got a felony too brah 8)

:lol: Nah it wasn't a gay joke. You post all the time you train MMA. I just thought you took to many fist to the head. That would be the only reason to post something like that.

But come on man "LMP" you have to be :smh: at yourself. :lol:
Too many variables for this blanket statement scenario

There are plenty of scandalous, gold-digging, triflin' *** ho's that don't have children and don't have their heads on straight.

There are plenty of women with children who are great females, independent, and have bright careers

And vice versa on both scenarios.

Dating a woman with a child is not for the selfish, insecure, faint of heart, jealous, or other weak traits.

The girl I dated for a long time had a son and I would put her up against any woman on this board. Gorgeous, determined, dedicated, great career making good money (six figures in another year or two), we bought a spot, etc. Priorities and maturity level was on target when I met her.

I've said enough....just don't do it if you have doubts or are not ready for serious work.
But come on man "LMP" you have to be
at yourself.
not really, the truth has been put out there. You'll all continue to believe what you want for your own reasons, and thats ok with me. If i cared that much i wouldnt keep making 'Club' screen names every time i get banned 

But I personally think you need thicker skin if the lamest guy in general made you so upset (you were upset, dont even try to brush it off like you werent because we all would see through it anyways) over a mildly crass comment. 

I'm not here to e-fight, im on too tight of a leash for that with a certain Cyborg (and I love 

I just state my opinions. They're not always popular. I do it in real life too, if that matters to you at all.

Take care.
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Off that relationship. Once you break up with a girl like that; she will turn on you instantly with some ish like why you wasted my time. I'm trying to find a provider b.s. Trust me, they're trouble. Theres a reason why they end up in the situation they are in. Not saying all but most.
But I personally think you need thicker skin if the lamest guy in general made you so upset (you were upset, dont even try to brush it off like you werent because we all would see through it anyways) over a mildly crass comment. 

You been known to rep yourself. Im gonna be a nice guy and rep every post you made in this thread. Just to show no e- beef since Meth got you on that tight leash.

Enjoy. :pimp:
You been known to rep yourself. Im gonna be a nice guy and rep every post you made in this thread. Just to show no e- beef since Meth got you on that tight leash.

See now you're just resorting to blatant lies in order to "get me". Just stop man, its sad.

i promise on my own future grave that i have never repped myself 

Never needed to. Alot of people agree with alot of what i say, or are entertained by my "shtick", so to speak. 

Now you're just going the passive aggressive route with your posts. Its just blatantly transparent what you're trying to do. I really dont mean that to sound malicious in any way
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You're not wrong for your opinion OP. I used to be like that, I always told myself I would never get with a girl that had a kid.

That changed though. I met an amazing girl over a year ago that has a little girl. She was really sheltered by her very religious parents that never taught her anything about sex, and when she got a car and a little freedom she ended up pregnant by her first boyfriend and had a kid when she was 17. She was with the baby's dad for 4 years till she met me a year ago. He's a good dude that is still in the kids life that is pretty much completely financially responsible for the kid.

She doesn't push the kid on me at all, I haven't had to take care of her or pay for anything, even though I wouldn't have a problem doing that.

The thing I like is that she is so mature and honest. She works hard and has a good job. She also doesn't like going out all the time and drinking. The only time she goes out is when she's with me. Plus she's only been with the baby's father and me, which is far from damaged goods. I'd rather have a chick with a kid than a chick that has been with a ******** of guys honestly.

She's a beautiful Spanish chick that's an atheist and loves science, cars, video games, sports..... She's literally perfect for me. Her having a kid doesn't affect me at all. There may be a chick out there that may be perfect for you but has a kid. Doesn't hurt to try it out, you never know.
Too many variables, it depends on what she has to offer. I will makes exceptions for the following

1. Her kids father is responsible and actually takes care of the kid.

2. She is fit.

3. She is accomplished and has no interest in me financially caring for said child.

If these three criteria are met then it's all good. :smokin

If it's your regular high school drop out, had the kid at 17, doesn't know the dad, and relies on welfare mother....then it would be irresponsible for me to have anything to do with it aside from a one night stand......with a condom and extra spermicide.
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You're wrong for asking are you wrong :lol:

I used to be just like you, thinking to myself that everybody deserves a chance. I wouldn't want people to type cast me.
But then I thought to myself the long laundry list of qualities that women in this country make on their dating profiles about men who must be X height, build, have X amount of status, X amount of income, willing to do such and such for her able to take care of her kids and her while looking at least attractive in her eyes.

To be honest most of them do not have a clue about 50/50 in a relationship and most believe just cause they have a high paying job, or a college degree it makes them GOD.

So the answer is no, you are not wrong, kids cost money and other resources. Not saying kids are bad but if you ain't ready for them or you're dating that type of chick with that mentality (see 1st paragraph) I suggest you stop for a minute and think about it.
Once you do there is no going back and you'll have everyone around you kicking you that you don't even need to be kicking yourself.

I'll go on a date with one, but that's about as far as I'll take it. I have my own expectations I don't need another HUMAN judging me about how I live my life.
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You're not wrong for your opinion OP. I used to be like that, I always told myself I would never get with a girl that had a kid.

That changed though. I met an amazing girl over a year ago that has a little girl. She was really sheltered by her very religious parents that never taught her anything about sex, and when she got a car and a little freedom she ended up pregnant by her first boyfriend and had a kid when she was 17. She was with the baby's dad for 4 years till she met me a year ago. He's a good dude that is still in the kids life that is pretty much completely financially responsible for the kid.

She doesn't push the kid on me at all, I haven't had to take care of her or pay for anything, even though I wouldn't have a problem doing that.

The thing I like is that she is so mature and honest. She works hard and has a good job. She also doesn't like going out all the time and drinking. The only time she goes out is when she's with me. Plus she's only been with the baby's father and me, which is far from damaged goods. I'd rather have a chick with a kid than a chick that has been with a ******** of guys honestly.

She's a beautiful Spanish chick that's an atheist and loves science, cars, video games, sports..... She's literally perfect for me. Her having a kid doesn't affect me at all. There may be a chick out there that may be perfect for you but has a kid. Doesn't hurt to try it out, you never know.

To tell you the truth, maybe one in ten chance you find a woman who has those values.
You are lucky man.

My brother has a girl who has 2 kids, I know my mother isn't fond of the fact that she has kids, cause well frankly my parents are old fashioned.
Get married, get a house, have your kids. Times aren't the same as back when my parents met. So it's a little foreign to them.
But his girl has 2 kids and expects not a DAMN thing from my brother except for him to respect the kids.

So hard to come by.

Another one of these guys I know basically raised his girlfriend kids and when anything goes down his hands are tied...
Or they say "you not my father though!"

Especially when he looking out for their well being. It's sad actually.
To tell you the truth, maybe one in ten chance you find a woman who has those values.
You are lucky man.

My brother has a girl who has 2 kids, I know my mother isn't fond of the fact that she has kids, cause well frankly my parents are old fashioned.
Get married, get a house, have your kids. Times aren't the same as back when my parents met. So it's a little foreign to them.
But his girl has 2 kids and expects not a DAMN thing from my brother except for him to respect the kids.

So hard to come by.

Another one of these guys I know basically raised his girlfriend kids and when anything goes down his hands are tied...
Or they say "you not my father though!"

Especially when he looking out for their well being. It's sad actually.
One of the reasons why I wouldn't do it. Nailed it!
You're not wrong for your opinion OP. I used to be like that, I always told myself I would never get with a girl that had a kid.

That changed though. I met an amazing girl over a year ago that has a little girl. She was really sheltered by her very religious parents that never taught her anything about sex, and when she got a car and a little freedom she ended up pregnant by her first boyfriend and had a kid when she was 17. She was with the baby's dad for 4 years till she met me a year ago. He's a good dude that is still in the kids life that is pretty much completely financially responsible for the kid.

She doesn't push the kid on me at all, I haven't had to take care of her or pay for anything, even though I wouldn't have a problem doing that.

The thing I like is that she is so mature and honest. She works hard and has a good job. She also doesn't like going out all the time and drinking. The only time she goes out is when she's with me. Plus she's only been with the baby's father and me, which is far from damaged goods. I'd rather have a chick with a kid than a chick that has been with a ******** of guys honestly.

She's a beautiful Spanish chick that's an atheist and loves science, cars, video games, sports..... She's literally perfect for me. Her having a kid doesn't affect me at all. There may be a chick out there that may be perfect for you but has a kid. Doesn't hurt to try it out, you never know.
To tell you the truth, maybe one in ten chance you find a woman who has those values.
You are lucky man.

My brother has a girl who has 2 kids, I know my mother isn't fond of the fact that she has kids, cause well frankly my parents are old fashioned.
Get married, get a house, have your kids. Times aren't the same as back when my parents met. So it's a little foreign to them.
But his girl has 2 kids and expects not a DAMN thing from my brother except for him to respect the kids.

So hard to come by.

Another one of these guys I know basically raised his girlfriend kids and when anything goes down his hands are tied...
Or they say "you not my father though!"

Especially when he looking out for their well being. It's sad actually.
He should do like their real dad and leave. He's willing to raise them but has no say in disciplining them. Hilarious.
lol women with kids
. really no reason to mess with them .damaged goods is 100% correct. imagine all the other dudes she went thru tryin to find the next daddy.
thats a false generalization. tell that to your boys who grew up with single mothers and see if  they agree
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