Serious topic: Why don't we care about the issues in the world more?

I realized this last night. So many people were happy and some were upset about the Gay marriage passing. I really didn't care either way... I guess this is the time frame of my life where I really dont give an eff about most of the things going on around me...

I'm sure when I get older I will care more about these things.
I realized this last night. So many people were happy and some were upset about the Gay marriage passing. I really didn't care either way... I guess this is the time frame of my life where I really dont give an eff about most of the things going on around me...

I'm sure when I get older I will care more about these things.
People are just looking in the wrong places.  There are websites, messageboards, forums, organizations, etc. that care about everything. The mainstream will never care about what "matters".
People are just looking in the wrong places.  There are websites, messageboards, forums, organizations, etc. that care about everything. The mainstream will never care about what "matters".
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

When everyone is suffering, everyone will care. That is the failing of humanity. The ability to be completely oblivious of other ppl's serious unacceptable problems and the even greater ability to be aware of the problems in the world and either ignore it, rationalize that you can't do anything about it, or simply not care.

I agree with this for the most part.
If you feel you can't do anything about it you've already been defeated.

The media shares the blame with the individuals (society). There's no excuse in 2011 when we have the Internet and other technology to inform the masses.

People chose to live in ignorance, and I see no difference between a person who idolizes a celebrity versus a person who's an avid sports fan. Entertainment is entertainment, just different venues. A lot of people can argue issues all day but when it actually comes to taking action they (read: majority) bail before even getting started. It's easy to take a stance behind an issue but the challenge comes in bringing about a "true change".
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

When everyone is suffering, everyone will care. That is the failing of humanity. The ability to be completely oblivious of other ppl's serious unacceptable problems and the even greater ability to be aware of the problems in the world and either ignore it, rationalize that you can't do anything about it, or simply not care.

I agree with this for the most part.
If you feel you can't do anything about it you've already been defeated.

The media shares the blame with the individuals (society). There's no excuse in 2011 when we have the Internet and other technology to inform the masses.

People chose to live in ignorance, and I see no difference between a person who idolizes a celebrity versus a person who's an avid sports fan. Entertainment is entertainment, just different venues. A lot of people can argue issues all day but when it actually comes to taking action they (read: majority) bail before even getting started. It's easy to take a stance behind an issue but the challenge comes in bringing about a "true change".
Originally Posted by I AM THAT DUDE

Caring about real world issues and caring about comparatively frivolous things aren't mutually exclusive though. Many people care and know about both
Thank you. Why don't people understand this?
Originally Posted by I AM THAT DUDE

Caring about real world issues and caring about comparatively frivolous things aren't mutually exclusive though. Many people care and know about both
Thank you. Why don't people understand this?
Originally Posted by ReJimen

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Aren't there threads on here talking about racism, homosexuality, politics, and relief efforts in Japan? Last time i checked those were world issues.

Clearly you don't read. The topic is discussing media's disregard to pertinent vs. non-pertinent issues, "(not NT)".

I read it as in general, so clearly you can't read my mind.
Originally Posted by ReJimen

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Aren't there threads on here talking about racism, homosexuality, politics, and relief efforts in Japan? Last time i checked those were world issues.

Clearly you don't read. The topic is discussing media's disregard to pertinent vs. non-pertinent issues, "(not NT)".

I read it as in general, so clearly you can't read my mind.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by ReJimen

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Clearly you don't read. The topic is discussing media's disregard to pertinent vs. non-pertinent issues, "(not NT)".

I read it as in general, so clearly you can't read my mind.

ignance at it's weakest!

Meanwhile... in the real world.

Some of you are really not seeing the issue here. I take it that these sad opinions come from those without experience of life's hardships. Like how could you say it's not possible to change these worldly issues when you can't even think past your ignorant self to even try and make a difference. Ill even put it in lame-mans terms (If you dont attempt to take the test, then how the.....You Will Not Pass) You dudes Have to wake up and smell the radiation in the air. It exists while you all are stuck in the moment. Think Future! Think as if you were in charge of worldly issues even. Would you handle crisis or prolong it just because you cared less about anyone else's problems. If you are truly that selfish then how do you even relate to anyone or have lasting relations with anyone that's Real. The thing is...I used to be just like you, but puh-lee b-lee change is Gonna come regardless of your immaturity. You'll wake up one day, but in the mean time I'll be praying for you like a loving mother. No Karamo!
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by ReJimen

Originally Posted by whyhellothere

Clearly you don't read. The topic is discussing media's disregard to pertinent vs. non-pertinent issues, "(not NT)".

I read it as in general, so clearly you can't read my mind.

ignance at it's weakest!

Meanwhile... in the real world.

Some of you are really not seeing the issue here. I take it that these sad opinions come from those without experience of life's hardships. Like how could you say it's not possible to change these worldly issues when you can't even think past your ignorant self to even try and make a difference. Ill even put it in lame-mans terms (If you dont attempt to take the test, then how the.....You Will Not Pass) You dudes Have to wake up and smell the radiation in the air. It exists while you all are stuck in the moment. Think Future! Think as if you were in charge of worldly issues even. Would you handle crisis or prolong it just because you cared less about anyone else's problems. If you are truly that selfish then how do you even relate to anyone or have lasting relations with anyone that's Real. The thing is...I used to be just like you, but puh-lee b-lee change is Gonna come regardless of your immaturity. You'll wake up one day, but in the mean time I'll be praying for you like a loving mother. No Karamo!
Originally Posted by scshift

I just read the Kim K fake mass thread again and it's ridiculous how much the media and the rest of the world (not NT) cares about her. We got so much wrong in the world, earthquakes and serious radiation issues in Japan, a war in the Middle East, depleting oil resources, and just terrible conditions for many Americans. Yet is all people care about celebrities and that stuff? I can see why people love sports, but then there's people who idolize celebrities and spend all their time following and reading about them when there's so much going down in the world.

The 12 things the media isn't showing us thread might not be 100% credible, but it's an example of how everything isn't going perfectly. But step outside and all people care about are who's dating who, the latest pop single and who hit them up on facebook last night...

Do people not see what's wrong with the world? Or do they not care? Because while you might not know of every problem, there are some major ones that everyone knows about... and they just say forget that and look at petty things?


whats them reporting that stuff gonna do? the *%#* are you gonna do? what difference is it gonna make what they report???  seriously im asking you this?

do you want everyone to panic rather than enjoy living their life?

how about instead of complaining on the internet about this %%## why dont you go put your ++@@+@@ shoes on and solve these problems? after all you KNOW all the stuff thats not being shown on the news right? go out there fix these problems Captain Solution!

the best that we can do is live our lives. if we can help with charities fine. community service yes. but you act like the problems of the world are gonna stop if its being reported in the news.

quit worrying. i doubt they will let you volunteer to help in the clean up at the nuclear spill so why are you crying? north korea is making missiles? hows it being reported on the news gonna stop them from doing that? new sonic jets? it was on the news few days back. are you happy?

jesus stop complaining and live your life fool!
Originally Posted by scshift

I just read the Kim K fake mass thread again and it's ridiculous how much the media and the rest of the world (not NT) cares about her. We got so much wrong in the world, earthquakes and serious radiation issues in Japan, a war in the Middle East, depleting oil resources, and just terrible conditions for many Americans. Yet is all people care about celebrities and that stuff? I can see why people love sports, but then there's people who idolize celebrities and spend all their time following and reading about them when there's so much going down in the world.

The 12 things the media isn't showing us thread might not be 100% credible, but it's an example of how everything isn't going perfectly. But step outside and all people care about are who's dating who, the latest pop single and who hit them up on facebook last night...

Do people not see what's wrong with the world? Or do they not care? Because while you might not know of every problem, there are some major ones that everyone knows about... and they just say forget that and look at petty things?


whats them reporting that stuff gonna do? the *%#* are you gonna do? what difference is it gonna make what they report???  seriously im asking you this?

do you want everyone to panic rather than enjoy living their life?

how about instead of complaining on the internet about this %%## why dont you go put your ++@@+@@ shoes on and solve these problems? after all you KNOW all the stuff thats not being shown on the news right? go out there fix these problems Captain Solution!

the best that we can do is live our lives. if we can help with charities fine. community service yes. but you act like the problems of the world are gonna stop if its being reported in the news.

quit worrying. i doubt they will let you volunteer to help in the clean up at the nuclear spill so why are you crying? north korea is making missiles? hows it being reported on the news gonna stop them from doing that? new sonic jets? it was on the news few days back. are you happy?

jesus stop complaining and live your life fool!
Hazeleyed Honey wrote:
Just imagine how much of a better place this world would be if we had more awareness and conscienceness of the issues that do matter. The elite who run the world and corrupt it would never want it to become to that level. So the people stay dumb and they can keep destroying the world and feed us !*#!+%%! to take advantage of us to pursue their agendas.

what fairy tale bull #@*! land you live in? that is the biggest load of crap i have ever read.
Hazeleyed Honey wrote:
Just imagine how much of a better place this world would be if we had more awareness and conscienceness of the issues that do matter. The elite who run the world and corrupt it would never want it to become to that level. So the people stay dumb and they can keep destroying the world and feed us !*#!+%%! to take advantage of us to pursue their agendas.

what fairy tale bull #@*! land you live in? that is the biggest load of crap i have ever read.
it should either be: 1) no one cares about other issues in the world and only focused on local problems so no none meddles in anyones business or 2) Everyone is concerned and aware

but i guess in todays interconnected world, the latter is pertinent 
it should either be: 1) no one cares about other issues in the world and only focused on local problems so no none meddles in anyones business or 2) Everyone is concerned and aware

but i guess in todays interconnected world, the latter is pertinent 
It's because of the American mentality and close-mindedness that Canadians get bashed so much. 
It's because of the American mentality and close-mindedness that Canadians get bashed so much. 
at the American and Canadian bashing.

We're informed of current real world news all the time here. Maybe y'all just have #*+! news shows, and you're drowning in celebrity gossip and news. Unfortunate.

I take stock of what's happening in the world, but right now I've got my own nightmare of multiple daily earthquakes to deal with in my city. And following that in the many years to come, the rebuild of my city.... Oh wait. Y'all wouldn't really know much about that cos it probably didn't hit the news there
at the American and Canadian bashing.

We're informed of current real world news all the time here. Maybe y'all just have #*+! news shows, and you're drowning in celebrity gossip and news. Unfortunate.

I take stock of what's happening in the world, but right now I've got my own nightmare of multiple daily earthquakes to deal with in my city. And following that in the many years to come, the rebuild of my city.... Oh wait. Y'all wouldn't really know much about that cos it probably didn't hit the news there
facing reality can be painful and cause suffering. ordinary people would rather escape reality, and enjoy reading about kim k's buttocks and be entertained, rather than be informed of much serious issues and think critically about them.

the replies here that talked about "well i cant do anything about it", why do y'all feel powerless?

people have the power to speak out and protest which can pressure those who have political power to pass the changes you want to see. yes it will take sacrifices, time, hard work, and perseverance among other things. hasn't this been done in the past and worked?

even if you can't solve poverty, poorly funded education, incredibly high spending on military in a day or in your lifetime, little things you can contribute by volunteering, donating, or informing others does make better the world even the slightest bit.
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