***SF Giants 2009 Season Thread (88-74)***

Already with the bases loaded
welp team ended up going 5-5 this roadtrip could have been way better but im satisfied. if giants can go 7-3 or better this upcoming homestand before theall-star break that would be huge
Originally Posted by patrickcakes

Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

^ Is there going to be another one of those picnic on the field things like last year for the season ticket holders?

Yeah, it's on Saturday August 8th. I called the season ticket hotline a few weeks back to find out the date. The lady asked me if I was a season ticket holder, and I was like "Uhhh...yeah. My uncle is."
Last year I bought mine on eBay, but wristbands should also pop up on craigslist when it gets closer.

Have you been trying to get autographs at the park this season?
Thanks for the info.

I haven't tried at the park this season. The only baseball I've done is MiLB in San Jose. I just hit up Posey, Bumgarner, etc like 5 times and theyracked like crazy. What about you?

I was thinking about doing something like this, but for Giants players.
[h2]Giants sign pitcher Marvin Barrios to six-figure deal[/h2]
Posted by Andrew Baggarly on July 2nd, 2009 at 6:50 pm | Categorized as Uncategorized

I just got off the phone with scouting director John Barr and he had one relatively important international signing to pass along. The club signed Marvin Barrios, a 17-year-old right-hander from Panama, to a six-figure bonus.

Note: His name is Marvin, not Manuel. In my haste, the original post was incorrect.

Barrios is 6-foot-2 and 190 pounds. He's significant not only because of his arm, but because of where the Giants found him.

"The Braves and Yankees used to own Panama, but these are areas we're aggressively looking for players," Barr said. "We signed two Colombian kids recently. We're looking in Guatemala. We're looking on the Pacific Rim. We'll go anywhere to find talent."

(Note: I can't verify one of the Colombians is outfielder Leonardo Fuentes, but ESPN is reporting that the Giants are aggressively going after him, even getting Edgar Renteria to place a call on the organization's behalf.)

The Giants didn't immediately get involved in the million-dollar kids except for outfielder Wagner Mateo, who signed with he Cardinals more than $3 million. Perhaps coincidentally, perhaps not, but the Giants were the club that spent $2.55 million last year to outbid the Cardinals for outfielder Rafael Rodriguez.

"You can't go crazy. You just can't," Barr said. "You want to be prepared (financially) if and when someone comes along that you really like."

The Giants will make an official announcement on Barrios soon.

Barr also said the Giants have looked at LHP Noel Arguelles and 2B/SS Jose Iglesias, two teenagers who defected from Cuba while playing in an international tournament in Edmonton last year. They've just been certified by MLB to sign.

"I won't give you a full-fledged ringing endorsement," said Barr, "because that's going to get crazy, too."
That poster is so clean. I actually have the same idea as you. I saw that on SCN last off season, and purchased...


from the MLB photo store. I think it was $20 for a 16x20. I have about 10-15 signatures on it, but I want to start a new one. Burriss, TI, Dave Roberts, randomscrubs, etc. signed it. Sergio Romo's sig covers half of the LF sky.
Looks pretty bad. It would be cool to get Mays, McCovey, Cepeda plus Lincy, Cain,Pablo and old timers like Kruk, Kuip, Snow on one. Let me know if you find a legit photo or poster.
Originally Posted by GSDOUBLEU

So what makes this Barrios kid special?
Probably not much right now. Just gives the organization some depth and different options. Maybe one day he pans out. Half of these 16, 17 yearold International kids lie about their age and really turn out to be 20 somethings.
I said it before and I'll say it again, ishikawacannot keep taking these strike outs and expect to contribute. Make contact, guy.
^he got worked that at bat. he was seeing sliders the whole at bat, then he brought 96 mph heat on the inside corner which was a great pitch. paulinoabsolutely worked him with heat and location on that 3-2 after seeing about 5 sliders in a row.
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