She's Out of My League - hilarious movie

Originally Posted by bijald0331

I saw Hot Tub a couple weeks ago (special screening). Didn't think I would like it but I really enjoyed it. I would recommend it.
CO sign.  Saw a special screening and it was really funny to me.  It was DEFINITELY better than Hangover, imo.  Hot Tub Time Machine...GO WATCH IT!!
If hangover wasn't that funny, you either were too hyped for it based on all the good reviews, or you don't have that sense of humor. Hangover was hilarious to me, but Hangover and Forgetting Sarah Marshall weren't close to as funny the 2nd time.  I'm thinkin this movie will be as funny the 2nd time around
Originally Posted by classified

looks typical, rather watch the hottub one.
My girl went to a screening. Said hot tub was hilarious.
Anyways, I've heard good things about this movie too.
I saw the movie tonight. It had it's moments, nothing special.

The friends and family > Kirk.
Really.......I don't think I'll be watching this ever.

Judging from the commercials:

- The jokes seem predictable
- The plot is over done
- Lame friends who come up with dumb names for types of people
- Nothing new and fresh
- Ugly guy with hot chick (gee I wonder if he's going to get with her, will she go for the under dog?)

From the commercial alone I would give it a 1-2 out of 10. It seems like a knock off version of every damn underdog guy trying to get a hot chic movie out there....but this one is redundant in storytelling and plot...

This is Hollywood still trying to catch up and make up for the major loss they received when the writers strike was going on....and Hollywood is still bleeding. That is why we get crappy movies like this and nothing but remakes and 80's revamps. . .hence Alice in wonderBLAND.

Please someone ruin the movie for me...I bet you I know what happens in the end.
^ I haven't read your post yet but I can tell by the way its put together its gonna suck
Originally Posted by 6demonbag

The Hangover was horrible plain and simple, Dr. Ken and Iron Mike were the only good parts of that cup of garbage juice...

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