Should i rally up the goons? updates if yall care...

Yes I'm turning this into a Post Your Teeth thread

Come at me OP
props with coming through with a full story before these jerks could ask for it.
too crazy/funny to be made up.

those kiosks are a scam/problem waiting. you should find out who owns it and let him know about the scum he employs.

me- arab arabic same difference
him- its different
me- i dont care fix my phone man

"i come to this mall often so you will see it and imma say wassup habibi evertime... and there aint +!!@ you can do..."

Originally Posted by breezylocks

me- im leaving man

security- ok well hurry before cops get invloved...
me- what the f?
security- yup and youre banned
me- ok whatever haha ill be here tomorrow you wont remember me (walks faster to car)

Real life...

If OP says real life one more time I'm going to lose my ++*%. ++*% got hella annoying to read over and over.

You should have just taken your ++*% to the apple store man. It might cost more, but you don't run into these kidns of problems. It's like 100-200 dollars to fix, kinda steep yeah, but still cheaper than a new phone.
Originally Posted by PRIME

Real life...

If OP says real life one more time I'm going to lose my ++*%. ++*% got hella annoying to read over and over.

You should have just taken your ++*% to the apple store man. It might cost more, but you don't run into these kidns of problems. It's like 100-200 dollars to fix, kinda steep yeah, but still cheaper than a new phone.
Ive seriously wondered why this dude says it EVERY time he posts.
 gets old son.

Originally Posted by MarcMac360

Originally Posted by PRIME

Real life...

If OP says real life one more time I'm going to lose my ++*%. ++*% got hella annoying to read over and over.

You should have just taken your ++*% to the apple store man. It might cost more, but you don't run into these kidns of problems. It's like 100-200 dollars to fix, kinda steep yeah, but still cheaper than a new phone.
Ive seriously wondered why this dude says it EVERY time he posts.
 gets old son.
The mother #@!~@! has cancer bros let him live
ninjahood got banned

and i always get OP and the yambs/fambs guy confused
Originally Posted by snaggykicks

Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

Originally Posted by CJ863

Fam srsly did you do this just to post pics of your gf?
Humble braggin' on errbody
I swear NTers are a bunch of sour haters. Had he not provided pics several posts on the 1st page would've been post pics of your gf. He does it without being asked and now he doing it to showoff.

Props even if it is a humble brag. Aint like his girl looks that good.
real life...
hmmm challeges accepted


now one with no shirt guys


(i have not many more photos on my computer 
Here is my rebuttle:

Last year with one of my good friends. Peep the difference in shades between our teeth 

Damn we all got good teeth fams 
My dude dont let dude get to you. You HAVE to know his job to get over with charging the most for the least amount of work. Sucks he messed it up that bad and was a jerk about it. But his view on the world isnt going to be yours at all.

Seems like it ended as well as possible and keep it moving; great chick and I would assume you got a great family behind of luck with it all.
Because of this thread, I had a dream that I started forming a huge gap between my two front teeth and they began to push outward.

I do not appreciate this thread.
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