Shows you never knew were good...

Originally Posted by chris steez

Originally Posted by infamousod

Arrested Development and the Office are my two favorite comedies along with Curb, ever.

Family Guy is actually horrible, you just haven't realized that every episode is exactly the same
When and where does it give arrested development...ive been hearing this show is o.d. funny i know michael cera from superbad is in for the office and curb your enthusiasm..i bug the hell out everytime i watch them shows..i need to catch up on those shows...

As far as drama mines are The wire hands down and Entourage....

The Wire is the best show ever. Love Entourage too. Arrested Development is on DVD only now and maybe HDNet cause Mark Cuban is a fan too. Look for deals inBest Buy Ads for AD, only 3 seasons shouldn't be much more than $30-35 if you wait for the right deal.

They throw a lot of subtle commentary about real-life events like when FOX cut season 2 down to 22 episodes from 24 they worked in a story about their housingorder going from 24 to 22 houses "but we can make it if we lower our offices one floor (change tv time slot) and lease out the top floor (give the primetime slot to someone else)"

or another one when they were trying to get HBO to pick up the show: "The deal with the Home Builders Organization doesn't look good" "Yeah,the HBO's not going to want us, so now what?" "Well I guess its *showtime*, we have to have a show during dinner (a gala) to gain support andkeep going" classic.
2 and a half men

Heroes... caught up with the end of season 3 within 5 days. amazing stuff.. too bad i didnt catch it live a few years back to show my support first i was like what is the big deal about this show until i saw an episode at myneighbor's crib....D/L'ed seasons 1 &2 as soon as i left his all caught up now

Newsradio - just started watchin it on Hulu....Phil Hartman[R.I.P.] was sofa king funny...great dude
24. At first -"whatever who cares." After watching one episode- "OMG JACK BAUER IS THE MAN! HOW DOES HE DO ALL IN ONE DAY?!" It was likecrack...
Stargate Atlantis; I was a huge SG-1 fan and I tried to watch the first season or so of this but it lost me, not even Jewell Staite could make me interestedand I love that woman. Last week they had their week long marathon of all five seasons so I caught up and it wasn't as I bad as I thought it was.
infamousod wrote:

They throw a lot of subtle commentary about real-life events like when FOX cut season 2 down to 22 episodes from 24 they worked in a story about their housing order going from 24 to 22 houses "but we can make it if we lower our offices one floor (change tv time slot) and lease out the top floor (give the prime time slot to someone else)"

I think it was from 22 to 13, but eh...


I just started watching Seinfeld a few years ago, I was only a kid when it was on, plus I always hated the intro song. But now I watch it whenever its on.
Also Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia, I have only seen one episode so far but from now on im gonna be lookin out for it.
Pretty much every show that I watch now, I picked up at least a season or 2 after they premiered. I always ignored The Office until I saw Little Miss Sunshineand then I became a big Steve Carrell fan. Curb Your Enthusiasm, Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Desperate Housewives, just to name a few.
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