Simply dope bedrooms (pics)

Feb 12, 2005
If I were younger I'd probably be all over these bedrooms... but you'd definitely get no buns as an adult.
the second room is very nice

change the color in first one if you were needing space in NY size apartment
No lie i thought this was about SimplyDimply's bedroom
smh at me

Those rooms are tight, but they look pretty small..*+!! looks like a dollhouse
i don't see why you would say you "can't get buns" it looks better than a dirty!%% bed with old clothes all over it.

i like the last one but doesn't look very "liveable" seems more for a display or something
Yeah those are ill. Especially the 2nd and 3rd one. When I get my own spot I'm going to get a bed like that, really low to the earth.
I'm not feeling them at all. Why waste floor space with platforms like that? Someone post some truely dope bedrooms.. I need inspiration for mine..
Originally Posted by jawnyquest

too small
these are for little kids

although that 2nd picture makes the beds and desk look crammed into one part of the room while there's a lot of space infront of it, still for little kidsthough
i'd do that. theres a site i found that teaches you how to do that with all ikea furniture i lost it though. i saw some niiiiiice setups on there.
Looks dangerous, especially with how much I used to run around the house
lol that *!#* is pretty gay. i guess if ur extremely low on space, it makes sense to be efficient with what you have. but that's like a last option typething.

i hate those cribs that look like they came fresh out of an ikea catalog
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