So do all the white people hate Beyoncé now?

It seems white hate when you speak out about police brutality and standing up for black unity
It seems white hate when you speak out about police brutality and standing up for black unity
Its 2 months into the year and these type of people are getting exposed. They're so angry they aren't as sly with it any more. Its all out in the open.
lol YT people love using the "Jews have been oppressed much longer" argument, which is false btw. They've also received reparations for the injustices that were done to them, meanwhile a black person can't even get the average police officer to treat him like a human being.
I hate how white folks speak on our problems like we are the majority.

They put this scope on us and every problem we have amongst other blacks.

They never read off the full stat sheet.  It's never yeah black on black crime is crazy, BUT......

we've been killing african americans for years! Enslaved them for over 400 years, raped and tortured

their wives and daughters while killing off the men.  African Americans make up a small percentage 

of the US population, but if we listened to every media outlet you'd swear it were the other way around.  

We as African Americans can't do anything in this country without it being picked apart and flipped to 

be this horrible thing when thats far from the truth.  I swear deep down they don't want us to unite 

amongst each other and actually help one another like that other race that runs the world.  

There are more white americans on government assistance than blacks, more white americans killing

each other and every other race than blacks, more white americans in poverty than blacks

and theres for damn sure more white americans doing corrupt acts out here as well.  

Problem is they focus on the black communities and look for any opportunity to lock our people up first chance they get.  

That's why you see what you see when you look up these stats on prisons and who's occupying them.

It's quite sad honestly and the media won't ever broadcast these blatant facts.  Malcolm said it best, 

"He who controls the media, controls the masses" and they will put anything out there to make us seem as crazy, unstable,

hateful, dishonest, lowlife as possible.  We aren't saints by any means, but until they can fully admit to the damage 

they've done to my race of people we have nothing to discuss.  They can play dumb all they want,  I won't even entertain it.  

Not all white people are bad, but a lot of them won't even acknowledge the things they've done to put another race down.

If you aren't helping you're adding to the problem, so which will it be? 

Before I go did you guys know that a white convicted felon is still more likely to find a job than a african american with a clean record? 

Another example of their blatant racist ways to put down a race of people for no exact reason.  
We just gotta agree to disagree. To me black single parent homes are tied to black on black violence, that's why i mentioned that. Slavery was a long time ago and thankfully people who are likely to agree with it are dying off. I truly don't believe that blacks we're "designed to fail" because that just makes problems worse for America. Nobody benefits from it. The same way nobody benefits from black people going to jail. You are more useful to the government out of jail and paying taxes and contributing to society. 

My God :smh: :smh: :smh:

This shows an immense amount of ignorance about how systematic racism works. And news flash, terrible things happened to African Americans after slavery. Jim Crow laws were in place until 1965. Michael Donald was lynched by members of the Klan in 1981 and John King in 1998. The KKK as an organization still exists today with the same damn beliefs they had fifty years ago. African Americans weren't allowed to sit at the front of the ******* bus if a white person wanted their seat up until a few decades ago, and you're really gonna try to come in here and act as if everything was perfectly fine after slavery? Equality just instantly swept across the nation huh? You're out of your damn mind.

Where every single race is today as a whole is the result of the actions members of said race took in the past. Do you honestly believe that whites would hold the position in America that they do today were it not for the actions they took against first the Native Americans and then the African Americans? Are you that blind? It literally does not matter how long ago slavery was, because it was an event of such magnitude that it will always continue to effect the race. It's as simple as understanding that a runner who is shot in the foot isn't going to be able to compete equally with one that hasn't. One is starting with a very clear advantage over the other as it is. Then say that the runner who hasn't been shot also has the benefit of making the rules and decides that he doesn't have to run as far as the other person. Then say he also makes it so that the other person can't start until 30 seconds into the race. This is a very smal comparison to how racial relations work in this country.

Blacks live around each other more than they do any other race, therefore the people that are the most prone to suffering from crime by a black man or woman are other blacks. It is literally the same for every other race in the world. That is a fact. So attempting to look at the black race and bring in all these other reasons and ignore that simple fact is the height of ignorance to the actual issue. "Black On Black Crime" is an overblown concept and always has been. Notably, you never see the media talking about "White On White Crime" or "Hispanic on Hispanic" crime, despite the fact that it happens. But it's just the fault of black people right? Because they're the ones that control everything in this country. They developed heroin. They developed cocaine. It's all on them. :rolleyes

Blacks were designed to fail because they were thrown into a race without being taught how to run. They were then prevented from learning how to run with a series of oppressive measures. It's as simple to understand as that. Trying to even argue that "Oh slavery's over and y'all blacks should be able to get over it and do just fine now" is the dumbest thing in the world. It's a fact that African Americans make up a massive portion of the criminal justice system. It's also a fact that African Americans are more likely to be sent to jail than whites for the same exact crimes. This doesn't even begin to touch on the major flaw in the justice system itself, which is the matter of Institutionalization and the inability of former convicts to even find work after they have been in jail. But the system's not set up for them to fail right? :smh:

The problem with racial issues in America today is that a large number of people that talk about them have no idea about them or the history behind them, specifically the history behind why different groups face different problems today, which is the same problem that you have.

"slavery was a long time ago" :smh: :smh: :smh: Keep that nonsense to yourself.

I hope people watch these videos in their entirety. Lenon is a great man and spreads a wonderful positive message to all.
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Woman has more cojones than her spineless husband
As soon as the media caught on to what his 5 percenter chain meant he threw that joint to Jay Elec so fast
Scum bag HOV will scumbag
Evidently you didn't have too many to lose in the first place

Saw that joke coming down 6th avenue in a cab.
Thanks to Uber and Lyft I don't have to roll a die to see if that cab will actually pick me up. Thank you technology! Fighting against racism!

My man, you're more right than you think. Technological innovation is the only solution going forward, which is why I believe people should be coding instead of protesting.
We just gotta agree to disagree. To me black single parent homes are tied to black on black violence, that's why i mentioned that. Slavery was a long time ago and thankfully people who are likely to agree with it are dying off. I truly don't believe that blacks we're "designed to fail" because that just makes problems worse for America. Nobody benefits from it. The same way nobody benefits from black people going to jail. You are more useful to the government out of jail and paying taxes and contributing to society. 

My God :smh: :smh: :smh:

This shows an immense amount of ignorance about how systematic racism works. And news flash, terrible things happened to African Americans after slavery. Jim Crow laws were in place until 1965. Michael Donald was lynched by members of the Klan in 1981 and John King in 1998. The KKK as an organization still exists today with the same damn beliefs they had fifty years ago. African Americans weren't allowed to sit at the front of the ******* bus if a white person wanted their seat up until a few decades ago, and you're really gonna try to come in here and act as if everything was perfectly fine after slavery? Equality just instantly swept across the nation huh? You're out of your damn mind.

Where every single race is today as a whole is the result of the actions members of said race took in the past. Do you honestly believe that whites would hold the position in America that they do today were it not for the actions they took against first the Native Americans and then the African Americans? Are you that blind? It literally does not matter how long ago slavery was, because it was an event of such magnitude that it will always continue to effect the race. It's as simple as understanding that a runner who is shot in the foot isn't going to be able to compete equally with one that hasn't. One is starting with a very clear advantage over the other as it is. Then say that the runner who hasn't been shot also has the benefit of making the rules and decides that he doesn't have to run as far as the other person. Then say he also makes it so that the other person can't start until 30 seconds into the race. This is a very smal comparison to how racial relations work in this country.

Blacks live around each other more than they do any other race, therefore the people that are the most prone to suffering from crime by a black man or woman are other blacks. It is literally the same for every other race in the world. That is a fact. So attempting to look at the black race and bring in all these other reasons and ignore that simple fact is the height of ignorance to the actual issue. "Black On Black Crime" is an overblown concept and always has been. Notably, you never see the media talking about "White On White Crime" or "Hispanic on Hispanic" crime, despite the fact that it happens. But it's just the fault of black people right? Because they're the ones that control everything in this country. They developed heroin. They developed cocaine. It's all on them. :rolleyes

Blacks were designed to fail because they were thrown into a race without being taught how to run. They were then prevented from learning how to run with a series of oppressive measures. It's as simple to understand as that. Trying to even argue that "Oh slavery's over and y'all blacks should be able to get over it and do just fine now" is the dumbest thing in the world. It's a fact that African Americans make up a massive portion of the criminal justice system. It's also a fact that African Americans are more likely to be sent to jail than whites for the same exact crimes. This doesn't even begin to touch on the major flaw in the justice system itself, which is the matter of Institutionalization and the inability of former convicts to even find work after they have been in jail. But the system's not set up for them to fail right? :smh:

The problem with racial issues in America today is that a large number of people that talk about them have no idea about them or the history behind them, specifically the history behind why different groups face different problems today, which is the same problem that you have.

"slavery was a long time ago" :smh: :smh: :smh: Keep that nonsense to yourself.

Oh, don't forget to add that this whole "black" race is farce. You take Africans from different cultures and lump them into one group and out of necessity of survival they're forced to get a long.

This is more evidence backing my claims.

These are white owned events on white owned networks that work closely with the FBI, CIA, NSA, Military, Prison Industrial Complex etc. If they were spreading a message that was a threat to their white supremacy agenda, you think they'd let them do it on their biggest stages?

Please watch the 2 videos I posted. They shed a little bit of light on race based media programming and the subconscious mind.
So why the lack of coverage over Flint which was poisoned by a white man? Isn't that situation the perfect story for race based media programming
So why the lack of coverage over Flint which was poisoned by a white man? Isn't that situation the perfect story for race based media programming

I've wondered those things as well and id venture to say its because when they dont report on something it causes even more of a hateful reaction and probably ends up getting more coverage through social media. Its like if they report it, its news but if they dont report it its bigger news. Still benefits them.

Not reporting it makes it look even more so like its racist. Makes it even more of a conspiracy.
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We just gotta agree to disagree. To me black single parent homes are tied to black on black violence, that's why i mentioned that. Slavery was a long time ago and thankfully people who are likely to agree with it are dying off. I truly don't believe that blacks we're "designed to fail" because that just makes problems worse for America. Nobody benefits from it. The same way nobody benefits from black people going to jail. You are more useful to the government out of jail and paying taxes and contributing to society. 

You really think slavery and Jim Crow and every thing after was all peaches and cream huh? White man let the black people go, and everything was even. We had all of our rights, education, land, freedom right after that huh? I'll break it down to you very simply over the course of 150 years. (A VERY SHORT TIME)

1865- Slavery "abolished". White hate groups like the KKK emerge. Black people have no rights. Aren't even looked at as a full person yet. Some forced back into slavery. Jailed, murdered, lynched. Black families still broken up....yet, they persevere thru the end of the 19th century.

1900's-1950's- Black people are second class citizens. Still terrorized by hate groups. Government passes a number of laws to weaken, and block black people from having rights. No opportunities...Blacks start to create their own. Communities get destroyed, families separated....still...they persevere.

1950-1965- Civil rights eraVoting rights act is passed by Lyndon B Johnson. I assume if you're over have plenty of relatives that were alive at this time. that should let you know how recent of a period this is. Segregation. Black people still second class citizens. A handful of laws and barriers are still in place that prevent blacks from voting. During this period, Black leaders are assassinated. COINTELPRO by the American government is set in place to destroy, demonized and discredit Black progressive moments. Busing...beginning of "integration" people still targeted, police brutality etc....yet, they persevere.

1980's- Now- Introduction of crack cocaine into inner cities via CIA to fund Nicaraguan contra cartels. Reagan even admitted to this. This is also the period where the "war on drugs" starts....with laws passed to give mandatory minimums to drug dealers in poor communities which included harsh sentences...leading to revolving door of prison recidivism....and taking black men away from communities and limiting their potential. Where did these drugs come from, their own government...who turns right around and imposes harsh sentences. Spike in crime because of the drug trade, continued police brutality, black families separate...and yet. Black people still endure and persevere.

This is just a surface level of the past 150 years in this country. And look at that. No slavery and Jim Crow and everything we're not a long time ago. The effects are still very real today, and very recent. Educate yourself before speaking.

View media item 1073179
This is more evidence backing my claims.

These are white owned events on white owned networks that work closely with the FBI, CIA, NSA, Military, Prison Industrial Complex etc. If they were spreading a message that was a threat to their white supremacy agenda, you think they'd let them do it on their biggest stages?

Please watch the 2 videos I posted. They shed a little bit of light on race based media programming and the subconscious mind.
Man are you serious? It's one thing to be delusional, but you're flat out just dismissing the issue altogether and failing to be open minded to something you clearly know little about.  "Do you think they'd let them do it on their biggest stages?"....Uh yeah because controversy sells, no matter who it is.  It just so happens that black controversy gets more attention.  White folks don't care about that damn performance! Thats a reality they're fully aware of because that's what they put out in the media about us already.  All those agencies you named have never been for African Americans so what do they care if Kendrick Lamar of all people hops up on the Grammy stage and points out an issue WE ALL ARE AWARE OF.  White folks are for white folks ONLY!( and no I'm not talking about the fat booty white broads that date black dudes) I'm talking corporations, the damn government, the white owned networks you speak of don't give a damn about a black person.  I was sitting back watching the super bowl and realized something crazy...They'll steal our culture for advertising, but won't hire black folks.  Talk like blacks in the commercial then turn around and use it against you if you ever have the audacity to speak like that to them in the workplace lol The older I get I'm realizing how entitled and hypocritical white folks are and it makes me cringe. 

I got off subject a bit, but **** it, you honestly don't have a clue and you're not even trying to understand because you're too caught up in trying to make it seem like we are just sensitive and making a big deal out of nothing.  Maybe blacks are a bit sensitive, but can you blame us? Look at all the **** we've had to endure just to be here right now! It still ain't enough.  White folks treat us like we enslaved them for 400 years, hell! It's nonsense and it won't be taken lightly anymore.  America has a problem they better fix it or all hell will break loose.
It's one thing to be controversial, but it's another thing to be revolutionary. They aren't doing anything revolutionary and that fact is represented in the public's lack of revolutionary actions. All I see is a stronger development of the victim complex brother Lenon was discussing in that video I posted, again I strongly recommend you watch it. This victim complex leads to hate and it leads to dis-empowerment, which the powers at be (including mass media) are very happy about. Because it means the system will still stay in tact.

As long as you're in your house arguing with people on the internet about the "white devil" or protesting in the streets BEGGING for a system to stop doing what it was designed to do in the first place, and not out in the communities trying to unify, teach, build and create a new system like brother Malcolm advocated til the day he died (no longer advocating black or black muslim separation but seeing that all races are oppressed by the oppressor that only sees one hue in the color spectrum; green), then nothing will change and **** will continue to get worse. As you said, all hell would break loose and I hate to say it, but that's what they are counting on because the general population is not equip to win that war.
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Never understood that mindset, this is one person voicing his thoughts on a problem he has been affected by. Why not be inspired by what he did and create your own art to reflect a problem you care about rather than trying to diminish what kendrick is doing?
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