So do all the white people hate Beyoncé now?

I've read and watched other things about them but watching a good portion of this, I need to sit down and watch the whole thing I don't know why ppl think things are so outrageous now or scoff at certain accusations. Sure this was a different time in the 60s and 70s where America was at a low point for several reasons but look at all the assassinations. Look at the files on some of these ppl and groups they had. The tactics used to discredit and dismantle them.

The police are corrupt. The legal system is corrupt. The gov't is corrupt and clearly has an agenda against any black nationalism with any hint of militarism.

I listened to some of those views and confessions and can't help but wonder how someone could not think the police want to kill black ppl, specifically young black men.

Nothing has changed.
as you said, a lot of it has to do with beyonce being more popular. the kind of white people who would hate this type of music/message probably never have to listen to kendrick in their daily lives (except for the grammys), but beyonce's music is on the radio more and she preformed at the super bowl. 

It's awesome that these artists are being proud of who they are and using their platform to create songs about self confidence rather than the usual "its so cool to do drugs and get wasted" 
While I don't think that's true

I'm white and I really don't like her now, her music sucks. She was cool and better looking back with DC

I know lots and I mean lots of white girls who are utterly obsessed with her which I don't understand
We just gotta agree to disagree. To me black single parent homes are tied to black on black violence, that's why i mentioned that. Slavery was a long time ago and thankfully people who are likely to agree with it are dying off. I truly don't believe that blacks we're "designed to fail" because that just makes problems worse for America. Nobody benefits from it. The same way nobody benefits from black people going to jail. You are more useful to the government out of jail and paying taxes and contributing to society. 

You really think slavery and Jim Crow and every thing after was all peaches and cream huh? White man let the black people go, and everything was even. We had all of our rights, education, land, freedom right after that huh? I'll break it down to you very simply over the course of 150 years. (A VERY SHORT TIME)

1865- Slavery "abolished". White hate groups like the KKK emerge. Black people have no rights. Aren't even looked at as a full person yet. Some forced back into slavery. Jailed, murdered, lynched. Black families still broken up....yet, they persevere thru the end of the 19th century.

1900's-1950's- Black people are second class citizens. Still terrorized by hate groups. Government passes a number of laws to weaken, and block black people from having rights. No opportunities...Blacks start to create their own. Communities get destroyed, families separated....still...they persevere.

1950-1965- Civil rights eraVoting rights act is passed by Lyndon B Johnson. I assume if you're over have plenty of relatives that were alive at this time. that should let you know how recent of a period this is. Segregation. Black people still second class citizens. A handful of laws and barriers are still in place that prevent blacks from voting. During this period, Black leaders are assassinated. COINTELPRO by the American government is set in place to destroy, demonized and discredit Black progressive moments. Busing...beginning of "integration" people still targeted, police brutality etc....yet, they persevere.

1980's- Now- Introduction of crack cocaine into inner cities via CIA to fund Nicaraguan contra cartels. Reagan even admitted to this. This is also the period where the "war on drugs" starts....with laws passed to give mandatory minimums to drug dealers in poor communities which included harsh sentences...leading to revolving door of prison recidivism....and taking black men away from communities and limiting their potential. Where did these drugs come from, their own government...who turns right around and imposes harsh sentences. Spike in crime because of the drug trade, continued police brutality, black families separate...and yet. Black people still endure and persevere.

This is just a surface level of the past 150 years in this country. And look at that. No slavery and Jim Crow and everything we're not a long time ago. The effects are still very real today, and very recent. Educate yourself before speaking.

I knew you was a cool dude but I got a whole new respect for you after reading this.

Damn dude exposed himself.

:nerd: Whats the alternate username though? :nerd:
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I just want my brothas and sistas to know we are genetically blessed. They enslaved us cuz the native indians couldn't withstand their diseases and were dying.

They've been trying to exterminate us for centuries but we've always persevered. Embrace your blackness and the dominant genes :smokin
My dude, did you forget to log out and sign in to your other SN or are you seriously questioning yourself? :lol:

Some straight up weirdos on NT :lol:

Bruh i've seen this before on this site and I always wonder the same thing: who really has the time to be making multiple accounts on here and talking to themselves? :lol: :rofl: :smh: That's gotta be some type of illness.
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Still waiting for dude to respond after getting called out :lol:
Bruh i've seen this before on this site and I always wonder the same thing: who really has the time to be making multiple accounts on here and talking to themselves? :lol: :rofl: :smh: That's gotta be some type of illness.
It's funny/weird cuz that's not the first time I called out somebody for doing it. Always following up one post like they're somebody else. I just don't get it. Makes me wonder how many times they successfully do it and we don't notice :lol:

I just want my brothas and sistas to know we are genetically blessed. They enslaved us cuz the native indians couldn't withstand their diseases and were dying.

They've been trying to exterminate us for centuries but we've always persevered. Embrace your blackness and the dominant genes :smokin
I'm all for bigging up each other in this context especially bt not to downgrade the natives.

They couldn't withstand the diseases but they also just weren't going to be their slaves. Got to the point even they owned African slaves.
Who the guck doesn't hate Beyoncé? That ***** is hot garbage!

Guck? Are you serious
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I just want my brothas and sistas to know we are genetically blessed. They enslaved us cuz the native indians couldn't withstand their diseases and were dying.

They've been trying to exterminate us for centuries but we've always persevered. Embrace your blackness and the dominant genes :smokin
if anything they almost did exterminate the natives
and weren't the og slaves bought from other tribes that captured them? and what about black on black crime
I'm dying b

Dudes have e-imaginary friends, that's a whole other level of sadness :rofl:
Was dude really about to argue with himself? :smh: :rofl:

I wonder how often this occurs
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