So I got scammed... I need NT DETECTIVES on this one! WE GOT EM!!!!! PG 8

I have an update on my situation it is hilarious, but I know you guys don't like long reads. Maybe some other time. But oh boy, someone chose the wrong person to F with.
Originally Posted by DajonDondo

just to let u kno i harassed the !+@# outta him on the phone last night... your welcome. i told him i got his address and im sending the goons over to get the kicks or he can ship the kicks back out...... he was shook. your welcome OP.
I did the same lol. At first he was acting like he didn't know. and saying whats ISS???
and then he finally gave up the front 
I text him about 50 times and he said he wants you to hit him up. just thought I'd let you know.
lol!!!!!!!!! reminded me of that how to recover a stolen ipod thread someone!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by ElCubanoDel510

Originally Posted by LeftyJeenyus

Originally Posted by NikeFlightposite

Originally Posted by NKEAIR

Originally Posted by NikeFlightposite

Originally Posted by NKEAIR

NTER'S READ THIS BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING (some of you are making it worse)

so if you are texting him or something, dont talk about him scamming someone first, because if you do, he will shut down his craigslist listing, and we have no way of getting him to come out

and this "rodney" name might not even be his real name, i think somewhere in this thread, someone on NT called and asked for rodney, but he said wrong number, possibly proving thats not his real name

SOMEONE must do this, email him about the space jams on craiglists, and have him respond back, usually his email will show his name, if it doesnt, try to get him to meetup and ask for his name so you can possibly find a facebook/myspace and put a REAL name and face on this scammer

dont give him a reason for him to shut down his craiglist listing, or else it may be impossible to get the shoes back

i have been scammed before and i actually got my scammer back and hit him back harder (long story no one is interested in), i also found the dudes phone number in here

NTers do your homework, do a google search before you do any business, feedback is doo doo
my man
but yo, I just got scammed by some lady in Las Vegas over some iPods. not sure what to do yet before I get the chance to touch down there.
if you bought it online through like ebay, do a google search of their username, that goes A LONG way

thanks luong1209 !
Oh believe me, I found everything I need on this person, and then some. Current and previous Addresses, phone number, family members, resume,  other businesses. You already know how I do 
.  Just thinking of what my next move should be. The scam artist is in Las Vegas. I can make the trip myself, but that won't be for a while. Any Vegas NTer's want to help a dude out

I know not the greatest person to ask, but Neek and friends may help if you ask, worst he can do is decline.
Because Neek is the most intimidating man to ever walk the earth. Real talk if I was the scammer and he showed up. I would hand him a bottle of shampoo and conditioner, then tell him to get the +%@+ out of here.

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