so im goin 2 rehab in a couple days, what was ur experience like?

Yea I'm from auburn. Yea I know a few heads, some people do meth n some do pills n there's some that do both, $#!+ there's a lot of pills too, every1 I kno does pills. About 1/5 ppl I kno have tried heroin 1 way or another
Good luck OP. Stay postitive.

Drugs Scare me mannn

Read former NFL player Jason Peter's book...Hero of the Underground: My Journey Down To Heroin & Back. Its such a good book
I say you write down your experience and maybe afterward you can make it into a book.

I would say you that when you feel like doing drugs picture your worst looking fiend friend and how you don't want to end up like him.
Let's smoke a celebration blunt when you get out. 
Lol tonyreali u probably don't even know how 2 chief u bum. I used 2 smoke an oz or 2 a day of seattles finest hydroponics, with a maximum of 5 ppl
You don't need rehab. Most people end up going back, Why? because they never really wanted to stop. If you really want to stop,

you are going to make yourself stop. Good luck but remember only you can stop yourself if you really want it that bad.

First find who out who you are until then you are only abusing the drugs. I hope you get what I'm saying. Your taking those drugs for the

wrong reasons "abusing" them as you would say. Like to me I use marijuana as a pain relief for back pain but also for inspiration for

music. Re evaluate your life.
Lol "pain relief for back pain but also inspiration for music" wow do I smell excuses or denial?
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Never been to rehab, but sometime soon I want to check myself into an anger management program, good luck OP.[/color]

THISI hate turning into the incredible hulk and its not fair to the people around me.
Originally Posted by A Town Rep

Haha xanadu I hear ya dude, I should be all good. I kno tha facility n kno that some ppl aren't sober but that's not going 2 affect me.
yes it will.

your wrong.,
damn, bro, your post is forreal dampered my day.

i hope rehab works for you tho, and you get yourself right.
Originally Posted by DJMano34

You don't need rehab. Most people end up going back, Why? because they never really wanted to stop. If you really want to stop,

you are going to make yourself stop. 
you sir, are an idiot. most people end up relapsing because most people are improperly diagnosed and under-treated.  the truth of the matter is that addiction is a disease and if treated appropriately, will not yield a relapse. the substance abuse treatment (rehab) community has convinced the public and the insurance companies that relapsing is normal and that the blame falls on the addicted person. that way, they can collect the insurance money multiple times on a single individual like having the sheep return each year to be sheared. someone with a severe and chronic drug addiction needs comprehensive behavioral health treatment that addresses each problem uncovered, through a wide range of assessments that include a thorough psychiatric screening, family/relationship/social dynamics, work history, etc. also, each area needing work must be addressed in a particular sequence to maximize chances for success. this must also be done at an intensity and duration sufficient to match the addiction. unless that's done as i've outlined, chances for success are mediocre to poor. i've worked in this field for many years. as far as your 21 day program, i'm guessing your treatment will consist of mainly of substance abuse education and 12 step classes and a few aa/na meetings on some evenings. they'll probably hook you up with someone to acclimate you to the program for the first day or so. you probably won't be able to use the phone initially. time will go by quickly and you'll gain some weight. the critical part will happen when you transition out. OP pm me if you need support or have any questions.  
Keep God first, and think of it as a positive way of apoligizing to your parents, they went through a lot for you. You can always PM me if you really need to chop it up. W
@stuntman mike : good lookin out ill drop a pm if I need assistance

@h town hustler : alrite man ill do that.

Once again thanks for that positive feedback yall
Originally Posted by best hands in the game

one of my friends went cause she was addicted to sex.
 smh, you should've convinced her she was perfectly normal and taken advantage.

Spoiler [+]
Josh, Xanadu, is on point.

Best of luck A town, any help I can give will be gladly given.
You're probably not going to get this message until after you've successfully completed your 21 day rehab.
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