So NT, remember those fellas I called out in the vent note ...Saw one at a party last night..Story..

JKickz1334 wrote:
I am far from worked up, if I wanted to share the full story I would, but given these responses, very few are worthy of hearing it.

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by JKickz1334

Figured they'd want an update, Dirty.

that would imply that I'm concerned over this matter.
which you'd be sorely mistaken.

if anyone needs to relax would be you... STILL worked up over a girl that cheated on you over a year ago.

Originally Posted by JKickz1334

I have come to the conclusion that half of ya'll can not read or comprehend much.

Dude talked #%#!.

I went outside to see what was up, was ready to throw hands.

He didnt want to, and on top of that my boy didnt want me to start any trouble at his party.
Call me a $#!!%, call me the bigger man. It is what it is.
He was the $#!!%, you were the bigger man. You'd get more props I guess if you slumped some guy who didn't want to fight, but good job notworrying about internet ego.
Originally Posted by besthandsInDM

JKickz1334 wrote:
I have come to the conclusion that half of ya'll can not read or comprehend much.

Dude talked #%#!.

I went outside to see what was up, was ready to throw hands.

He didnt want to, and on top of that my boy didnt want me to start any trouble at his party.
Call me a $#!!%, call me the bigger man. It is what it is.
He was the $#!!%, you were the bigger man. You'd get more props I guess if you slumped some guy who didn't want to fight, but good job not worrying about internet ego.

No he'd get more props if he didn't tell us stories in which nothing happens. It's like me making a thread about waking up in the morning thinkingabout doing a drive by but staying home and watching cartoons instead. What's the point?
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by M1dnightMobster

WOW...I had no idea NT was this lame now.

I always knew Dirty was forever bitter and tried to ruin everyone's day with insults, but i guess it spread.

Props to the OP for dealing with these fools. If his thread wasn't post-worthy, you could've just let it slide to the back pages.

But no, you guys had to comment and show how awesome you were.

thing is...I deleted OP's original threads to protect him from himself and other malicious NT'ers who tried to get him fired from his job.

This time..I'll let nature run it's course since the OP didn't learn from the other 2 times

lmao this is dude?..lmao
dirty, your a noble person..
thank you for leaving this up for my amusement..
go to a word document and write your thoughts there and save them on your computer so only people that care will read it. fool.
Originally Posted by Thousandaire

This %%%+ was dumb to post, you acting like we go to school with you and actually know or care about the situation

at this thread still being open just so dudes can keep flaming OP.
At the end of the day.. these dudes smashed your girl so....... you still lose
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

so OPs a cheerleader?

Nah, A male cheerleader smashed his girl. Then he wrote a note on FB, then made a thread thinking he was gonna get props.
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