Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Do white people come from reptilian and/or Nordic cross breeding? I went to the beach and built a fire then took about 3/4 ayahuasca dose the other night. As I closed my eyes I saw geometric shapes (flower or life, circle of life, pentagons) and a snake that kind of looked like that purple snake from pokemon. My memory is cloudy besides those few things
Do white people come from reptilian and/or Nordic cross breeding? I went to the beach and built a fire then took about 3/4 ayahuasca dose the other night. As I closed my eyes I saw geometric shapes (flower or life, circle of life, pentagons) and a snake that kind of looked like that purple snake from pokemon. My memory is cloudy besides those few things

Where do u live bro?
Do white people come from reptilian and/or Nordic cross breeding? I went to the beach and built a fire then took about 3/4 ayahuasca dose the other night. As I closed my eyes I saw geometric shapes (flower or life, circle of life, pentagons) and a snake that kind of looked like that purple snake from pokemon. My memory is cloudy besides those few things

the white nordic supplied the dark skinned with knowledge to help them progress more rapidly

example: this is why all da south american cultures let in the europeans with open arms - they thought they were the white nordic that supplied them with knowledge generations before
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Do white people come from reptilian and/or Nordic cross breeding? I went to the beach and built a fire then took about 3/4 ayahuasca dose the other night. As I closed my eyes I saw geometric shapes (flower or life, circle of life, pentagons) and a snake that kind of looked like that purple snake from pokemon. My memory is cloudy besides those few things
This is long but w/ it

The way Dr. Blair explains it...White folks come from multiple origins, one of which is reptilian 
the white nordic supplied the dark skinned with knowledge to help them progress more rapidly

example: this is why all da south american cultures let in the europeans with open arms - they thought they were the white nordic that supplied them with knowledge generations before
 This is my opinion but I've always believe the Nordic story to be BS and CIA propaganda. It's just a misinterpreted story of the anunaki, nephilim. An example being, all the greek and roman gods have african roots so im inclined to believe the same euro washing has happened here.

Same with reptilians. David Icke and Alex Jones have done a very good job of spreading the misinfo.

What reptilian really means is someone has raised their kundilini energy which is why you see snakes and dragons all through out mythology. if you look at egyptian headdress youll always see the snake coming down where their third eye should be.

Whites are africans just like everyone else on the planet, but due to a lack of melanin they believe themselves to be of some other origin. This is a narrow minded perspective but i cant think from an evolutionary standpoint where the lack of melanin would be beneficial
the beings had faces - the faces had white skin

cultural history going back years before the cia was ever thoguht of

da nordic
some mistakenly think people started talking about aliens & stuff in like the 1950s or something
it's ignorant & selfish
Professor Griff is that dude

theres alot of truth to what griff says, and alot of bull....

I've got a question. Before I ask I wanna preface it with I'm half black/ half white, and no prejudice in my heart.

Do you guys think it's possible that white people really are a "grafted" man and weren't included in the original design for "hue-mans"

There's some ancient texts that say the same in addition to the yakub story from Islam.

Here's why I think it may be true.

Everyone says that white started off as a mutation, which if is the case the theory falls apart because mutations are rare occurrences and a race of people wouldn't spawn from this.

Then they say they were Africans who were isolated during the ice age. I have hard time believing this as well because if these people built the pyramids I don't think they're getting trapped by ice. Furthermore, there are Eskimos who have for generations been in Alaska and are as dark as the people in Africa.

There's all the science to tell you what the original man is, but there's just theories about the in between and where white people come from.

I do believe the elite know this truth, and have chose not reveal because of the white superiority complex in America would turn over on its head and die.

Furthermore, it's difficult discussion to have because people have an attachment to the physical body as if it's something to covet.

From an objective standpoint I don't see it being any different then a lot of the modified food and stuff we eat.

""The ancient Egyptians worried about an immigrant-tribe of blue-eyed people among them that seemed to have a proclivity for trouble-making. They had red or blonde hair and blue eyes and lived at the edge of the desert. The Egyptians called them Tamahu—the created ones—a clear allusion to their unusual origins."

I believe its possible for sure.

but to think that men share entitlement over who was the "first" man is irrelevant.

the thing about these ancient texts and teachings is that none of these things can be verified today, in essence they are spoken word stories past down through thundreds if not thousands of years time...until they are recorded and then passed down and changed/altered over time as well.....some are backed up by correlations and SUPPORTING facts more than others.

surely if we were to go back an meet the "original" man, we would know that he is unlike ANY of us, just as to think that humans thousands of years from now will not be like any of us.

People naturally change over time, its called aging.

regardless, we are ALL humans.

look around, observe....

you only know, what YOU know. dont let someone else tell you what you know.
the beings had faces - the faces had white skin

cultural history going back years before the cia was ever thoguht of

da nordic

You mind posting some stuff about the Nordics? I'm not the most hip to them and I'm always down to learn something, so If you can drop some knowledge I'd appreciate it.


Def agree about professor griff. Like anything man, you gotta sift through it and what ever clicks for you clicks for you.

As far all of us aging, I agree to a certain extent. One thing that's constant is our consciousness.

Was listening to a podcast the other day talking about love. And they were saying if someone is able to stop loving you, they never loved you in the first place because real love is unconditional. Same thing with our reality, it's a constant state of flux, which leads me to believe what were trapped in is a holographic reality.

As far as knowledge, I think people get it confused with information. The only thing we can have knowledge of is self
I look at the way black people are treated and viewed in this country and it makes me wonder. Is that "disdain" there to keep us separated, feeling inferior, insecure, etc. Or is that disdain the result of something intrinsic about blacks and/or their past? Now a lot of that ignorance has been passed on from generations, but getting to the root of things, Idk, there seems something about Africa and black people and the way the system works to keep them both down. That's an amazing continent with so much rich history, and what's going on there currently? War, poverty, hunger, despair, poaching, it's sad. It really bothers me the destruction that man has done—from the pillaging of the Earth to the animals that are extinct/on the verge of extinction. Just sad the ways certain humans choose to use their power.

The genocide of Native Americans bothers me a lot as well. Just sad that there's been so much turmoil on such a lovely planet.
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johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm

Pretty much my sentiments as well. There a lotta variables when discussing this, but I think one thing a lot of people dismiss is the fact that were all black. Perhaps not at the epidermis level, but melanin is pulsating through all of our circulatory and nervous systems.

Race is a new invention that just recently came around with in the last few thousand years.

I'll say this one thing that has become prevalent since the European has been at the top is a system of fractionalization has been implemented to the point where the whole isn't even recognized anymore, most notably the human species.

Like I stated earlier, it's hard to be objective about this topic because people taking ownership for being black white brown etc. Get their emotions involved and automatically accept their forefathers accomplishments/failures as their own.

Personally I just want the truth and coincidentally the deeper I dig the truth happens to usually side with the the ancients who were blacks....
it' was a very dry winter
have a lot of dry skin on my legs
when i scratch it it feels very scaly

is it a manifestation of my reptilian side or am i transforming into a reptilian gawd?
isnx2 isnx2 jersey shore

I think all humans are/originate from Africans. I rock a "we are all Africans" t shirt and I get funny looks. I want to know where I came from because I think it will help me figure out my destiny, my true purpose. We are here for an important change on earth and we are privileged to be here for it. But I feel the universe sent us here for a reason. It needs our help
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Do you really know?
Or were you taught what you know?
Do you believe or do you know?
Is your faith blind?
Or is it bright as the sun?

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I look at the way black people are treated and viewed in this country and it makes me wonder. Is that "disdain" there to keep us separated, feeling inferior, insecure, etc. Or is that disdain the result of something intrinsic about blacks and/or their past? Now a lot of that ignorance has been passed on from generations, but getting to the root of things, Idk, there seems something about Africa and black people and the way the system works to keep them both down. That's an amazing continent with so much rich history, and what's going on there currently? War, poverty, hunger, despair, poaching, it's sad. It really bothers me the destruction that man has done—from the pillaging of the Earth to the animals that are extinct/on the verge of extinction. Just sad the ways certain humans choose to use their power.

The genocide of Native Americans bothers me a lot as well. Just sad that there's been so much turmoil on such a lovely planet.

When I read this, I thought of MJ for some reason
When I sleep I dream of darers of black forest. rivers of blood
Pentagrams on the mirrors of thugs
Scarymares of my enemies filling me with slugs
Haunting my memories, it’s the misery I love
I wake up with prayers under my breath
Make sure the stairs is under my steps

Lately I’ve been writing pages under distress
I want to see the new life that’s promised
I want to see the men who lived honest
I want to see the things of Nostradamus, Prophet Mohammad
I look around; all I see is garbage
Kid searching through a dead man’s pockets
The projects, we try to survive, why we only ask questions when we high?

I want to see the Messiahs enthronement
I want to see the peace and light on the night of atonement
I want to see Heaven on Earth, the afterlife the rebirth
The Nazareth bring Peace to our turf
I know the Devil want it all reversed
It’s all up in the Universe, but you have to some research

If you a leader of your crew, they want to kill you
You see higher than your team, they want to chill you
If you talk about the problems of your hood, the want to replace you
If you try to do good, they going to hate you

With this mind state, what do you do
What path do you choose
Either way you have to pay due
They say we all are born to lose
We're set up to fail, I’m on my roof top, Victory! I yell
Like Obama did it with the girls and Michele
I look at this government and load up my shells…

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She said she'd never fell in love with a superman,
Christian, Muslim, Protestant, Lutheran
I told her that being a mortal is the portal to the true nature of growth; the Christ like Buddha man
That's why I never spit the traditional garbage of a night fight, bright lights, white ice to the fans
The radio is just a stereo, like the house ain't a home, and a chair is just a chair, ask Luther Van
Go to work, go to church, let your dreams die
Bowtie, final call, and the bean pie
yarmulke for Hanukkah, wishlist for Christmas
This is the jist of the life that we lead, why?
Heard that sleazyy feel like this is one of the few places on NT where a gentlemens disagreement exist, people cohesively are trying to improve themselves etc
Anyone ever heard of the council of nine?

Highly evolved beings who control the earth.
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