Sons Of Anarchy Season 5 Thread -- Tuesday's @ 10pm on FX -- 12/05/2012 Episode 13 -- “J'ai Obtenu C

my girl called it in the first episode and i think she may be right... i think clay is working with pope,,,, hes definitely up to something.... besides having the most horrific face on the planet #GoodGodManDontLookAtMe
Def a set up ep..... thats wedding was corny(maybe cuz the gf was watching with me)

next ep someone will die & im positive it wont be a single sons lost.... they gonna be on high alert in jail

"The call from upstairs is you 4 leave in body bags"

Clay is up on something, can't wait every episode to see what will be the outcome.

It's good to see Jax is turning like his own father JT. Writing a diary for his kids. The question is, will Jax end up like his father?????? :nerd:
yesterday was my first time seeing SOA live...the commercial breaks almost killed me :lol:
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I got a bad feeling Op is gonna get shanked in prison.
The whole "I'll just be gone for a few weeks" thing. like Sutter is setting that up too perfect..

Tig's display of emotion in last night's episode was much more believable than last week's.

Last weeks was terrible. It also didn't help that they cut to a commercial in the middle of him showing emotion.
Tig's daughter getting dug out :wow: :lol:. I thought they were going to say she was a pornstar or something and filming for her site White Chicks Like Black Richards.

Tig deserves some of this stuff though. He's killed 2 women and hasn't really had to pay for it until now.

Jimmy Smits is a cool dude 8).

Nice of Opie to go to jail and be their enforcer. I hope there's at least 3 episodes of them being in jail Prison Break style.
  There is a thread!!! I love this show man.  

Tig did kill them both but only at the scheming and behest of Clay.   Part of me wonders if he is going to turn around and flip out on him.  I definitely see him coming completely unhinged at some point this season.  

Also, Opie is a straight up Son for that move.  Definitely respect his decision.  

Any idea who the guys are that were behind the beating of Unser and robbery? 

Kurt Sutter is an evil genius so I wont be shocked by anything. 
^^I think Clay is behind the guys that beat Unser and are doing the breakins..Did yall notice that at the end of last night's episode that they were throwing Clay's safe in a dumpster, but Chuck Zito was sitting in the front seat and had those old marriage certificates?..I bet Clay told him to ditch the safe but to keep the paperwork so he could get it back later..I don't know why he's in on these break-ins but I know he's up to something very sneaky and classic Clay..

And I thought this was a great episode..This ep. is setting up so much future stuff that is gonna, potentially, make this the best season yet..This stint the Sons are about to do in jail is gonna be way better than the last time they were locked up..And I got a feeling that someone aint coming home, I just don't know if it's because they'll die or not get released..We'll see in 6 days though..
^ Clay is for sure behind the break ins, he is done getting his hands dirty, letting his sheep do that for him now, and i agree one of them boys aint coming home off that bid but they gonna **** **** up while they in there fo sho 
clay was def in on the break in ...when uncer called he was heated gemma wasnt there & quickly hung up ... he prbly wanted to get her slapped around & shook up so he could get back into the house & dem guts ... Gemma is passin the {} out like free samples... im positive Tig will be the next in the batters box
I like Nero's character a lot... but I do get the feeling like he is going to be really good for the Sons or he is going to ruin them.

Notice that they haven't introduced his 'backers' to the show yet.  I get the feeling like he is tied in to the MM somehow and that would be bad for Danny Trejo's character since he is undercover in the Galindo Cartel for the CIA.  Cant wait to see how this plays out.  
Any idea who the guys are that were behind the beating of Unser and robbery? 
They are the three nomads members that were voted into SAMCRO in the first episode.
And like other people said most likely working under the influence of Clay.

Clay with all his secret plotting, notice how he comes clean about killing Piney right after they vote them in, and if they are indeed working under his instructions, that's 3 votes automatically in his favor from here on out.
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