Soprano Appreciation

Jun 21, 2009
I'm really having Soprano withdrawal, I know its been 2 years but I still can't get over it. But anyway, in my opinion, best show ever on television
I seriously miss this show, still can't believe it's over.
The Wire is another amazing show but I would have to agree, The Sopranos were more psychological and mind altering than the Wire, but two great shows withgreat storylines and writing
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Soprano's > The Wire

NT stans will never admit it though

i am a die hard of both, but lets be real...The Wire is on its own level.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

The Wire > Sopranos

NT stans will never admit it though
Sopranos was definitely one of the top 5 shoes of the last decade though.
i got the complete boxset for Christmas this past year...took me 5 months to watch it from beginning to end. quality
I stay glued to the television when it's randomly on A&E...Even if it's edited...It still brings back memories lol. That last season was hectic ashell.
Sorpanos is good no doubt but the season when Tony was in a coma dragged on like hell. My favorite episode was when Anthony robbed that old chick for the giftbasket in California.

But I still got The Wire > Sopranos f what yall think. Way more memorable characters to me.
I started watching it over again im in the middle of season 2 so far.

If I had to compare I definitely enjoyed The Wire more but its a great show nonetheless.
Probably my favorite show ever. There have been so many conflicting stories on whether there will be a movie or not.
Easily my 2nd favorite show of all time behind Seinfeld, I've seen every episode atleast 50x, and watch season after season regularly when I'm in thecrib. I do want the box set, but I bought all the Seasons individually when they originally released.

Originally Posted by StangzNkickz50

I stay glued to the television when it's randomly on A&E...Even if it's edited.
I hate watching the episodes on A&E, they straight butcher the show.
i miss this show ..started watching season 1 again last week...
i need to buy the box set for the wire
im glad its done with, especially with how they ended, "lets just start killing people off left and right," david chase and gandolfini were done withthe show before the 6th season even started

but 1-5 were still incredible
^^^^^ I disagree, even though Season 6 Part 1 & 2 wasn't as great as the previous seasons, they still had some memorable moments thoughout.
I just finished the whole series 2 weeks ago,show is definitely appreciated.

I didn't like Paulie, I wish they killed him instead of Chris.
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