Sounding Black and Using Proper English....NOT an oxymoron!

yet ANOTHER thing Cheryl got on Reggie

To prove that certain ethinicities have a certain type of voice you would have to find a gene mutation that causes it. There is none.
I really wish people would stop trying to think that science is the end all to everything....

Like I said, people sometimes get too gung ho on tryna be on that "we are the world" tip where they overlook differences (not necessarily bad ones atthat!) just differences between people.�
Originally Posted by ninjahood

obama sounds black and talks proper..whats da problem?

No. In your mind, you perceive that he "sounds black" because you already know damn well what he looks like. If you had heard his voice withoutever seeing him, you would not be 100% sure about the color of his skin.

Why is it so hard to understand that where and around whom you are raised plays a much bigger role in your manner of speech than the color of your skin??

Don't tell me you can hear a hear a black British or French guy without knowing what he looks like and immediately know he's black...
Originally Posted by SleepyBlueDemon

Originally Posted by ninjahood

obama sounds black and talks proper..whats da problem?

No. In your mind, you perceive that he "sounds black" because you already know damn well what he looks like. If you had heard his voice without ever seeing him, you would not be 100% sure about the color of his skin.

Why is it so hard to understand that where and around whom you are raised plays a much bigger role in your manner of speech than the color of your skin??

Don't tell me you can hear a hear a black British or French guy without knowing what he looks like and immediately know he's black...
No ...

He talks like a Black man .
Originally Posted by SleepyBlueDemon

Originally Posted by ninjahood

obama sounds black and talks proper..whats da problem?

No. In your mind, you perceive that he "sounds black" because you already know damn well what he looks like. If you had heard his voice without ever seeing him, you would not be 100% sure about the color of his skin.

Why is it so hard to understand that where and around whom you are raised plays a much bigger role in your manner of speech than the color of your skin??

Don't tell me you can hear a hear a black British or French guy without knowing what he looks like and immediately know he's black...
cuz i damn sure know i cant...
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by SleepyBlueDemon

Originally Posted by ninjahood

obama sounds black and talks proper..whats da problem?

No. In your mind, you perceive that he "sounds black" because you already know damn well what he looks like. If you had heard his voice without ever seeing him, you would not be 100% sure about the color of his skin.

Why is it so hard to understand that where and around whom you are raised plays a much bigger role in your manner of speech than the color of your skin??

Don't tell me you can hear a hear a black British or French guy without knowing what he looks like and immediately know he's black...
cuz i damn sure know i cant...

Her argument was baseless from the jump. We're simply entertaining her post because this is NT.
Originally Posted by SleepyBlueDemon

Originally Posted by ninjahood

obama sounds black and talks proper..whats da problem?

Why is it so hard to understand that where and around whom you are raised plays a much bigger role in your manner of speech than the color of your skin??

you grow up and around colorless people? hmmmm cool.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by SleepyBlueDemon

Originally Posted by ninjahood

obama sounds black and talks proper..whats da problem?

No. In your mind, you perceive that he "sounds black" because you already know damn well what he looks like. If you had heard his voice without ever seeing him, you would not be 100% sure about the color of his skin.

Why is it so hard to understand that where and around whom you are raised plays a much bigger role in your manner of speech than the color of your skin??

Don't tell me you can hear a hear a black British or French guy without knowing what he looks like and immediately know he's black...
cuz i damn sure know i cant...

Her argument was baseless from the jump. We're simply entertaining her post because this is NT.

just out of you even know what my argument is? Cuz there have been PLENTY of people who got it in honestly for you to come in like I'm some wild lone heretic is trivial and pointless.
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by SleepyBlueDemon

Originally Posted by ninjahood

obama sounds black and talks proper..whats da problem?

Why is it so hard to understand that where and around whom you are raised plays a much bigger role in your manner of speech than the color of your skin??

you grow up and around colorless people? hmmmm cool.
So what happens if a black man grows up around predominately white people from birth?
I Drink Your Milkshake wrote:
To prove that certain ethinicities have a certain type of voice you would have to find a gene mutation that causes it. There is none.
I really wish people would stop trying to think that science is the end all to everything....

Like I said, people sometimes get too gung ho on tryna be on that "we are the world" tip where they overlook differences (not necessarily bad ones at that!) just differences between people.�

So then what the hell are you basing your opinion on? Stereotypes? Your limited perspective? Television characters (which are picked based ontheir ability to fill a certain character role/stereotype) ?

If you're going to state that a specific group has a unique trait and not bring science or statistics into the conversation then you need to sit down andshut up because your are just plain wrong.

I honestly cant believe some of what is being said in this thread. Your ignorance is so bad it hurts.

Language is learned not passed through genetics!
Originally Posted by F A Y B A N

Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by SleepyBlueDemon

Originally Posted by ninjahood

obama sounds black and talks proper..whats da problem?

Why is it so hard to understand that where and around whom you are raised plays a much bigger role in your manner of speech than the color of your skin??

you grow up and around colorless people? hmmmm cool.
So what happens if a black man grows up around predominately white people from birth?

Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Since people wanna go on 'head and do it like this...

Intonation Research

In this little excerpt, I believe there is sufficient evidence to support the concept that there is INDEED a sound if you will, to most cultural groups.


So you're posting an article from Stockholm, Germany in 1923 for which mentions race not once? And even mentions that the study was based on the indigenouspeoples unique language?

Once again language is learned. If an Asian kid was raised in Kongo society and learned the language he would exhibit the exact same tonal sounds as one of theindigenous people.

I mean did you even read the link that you posted?
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Since people wanna go on 'head and do it like this...

Intonation Research

In this little excerpt, I believe there is sufficient evidence to support the concept that there is INDEED a sound if you will, to most cultural groups.

notice his use of language, not race.
well, I can tell you that when I came to America I didnt even understand the way a lot of you spoke english, I spoke like an African because I had learned tospeak like an African

I do know what you mean by sounding black, like if you listen to a singer you can tell their race, but its largely because of how they LEARNED to speak
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Since people wanna go on 'head and do it like this...

Intonation Research

In this little excerpt, I believe there is sufficient evidence to support the concept that there is INDEED a sound if you will, to most cultural groups.


I guess you didn't even read the link you just posted. How they hell would anyone take that seriously.
Originally Posted by Mark Miwordz

how can u sound like a race/color? this is ignorance at its best

QFT. i think OP is confusing regional accents and language with race.

saying that someone sounds "black/white/asian/latino/native american/whathaveyou" only further perpetuates stereotypes about those demographics.
I can mostly tell someone's ethnicity (in terms of Black / White / Asian / Latino) in most cases because of the tonal sounds/ differences in inflection.

When someone sounds "hood," it's not an ethnicity thing nowadays, it's more frequently determined by their income level and theirsurroundings.

Gucci Man sounds like an idiot, not because he's Black, but because he grew up in an environment that probably didn't put much emphasis on schooling orspeaking properly. Unfortunately, many people feel that this is keeping it real, which I guess it is to a sense, but not when you package it up and market it.

Your speech is dictated by your environment and/or income level during your formative years.
Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Since people wanna go on 'head and do it like this...

Intonation Research

In this little excerpt, I believe there is sufficient evidence to support the concept that there is INDEED a sound if you will, to most cultural groups.


So you're posting an article from Stockholm, Germany in 1923 for which mentions race not once? And even mentions that the study was based on the indigenous peoples unique language?

Once again language is learned. If an Asian kid was raised in Kongo society and learned the language he would exhibit the exact same tonal sounds as one of the indigenous people.
ok let me clear something up.

In my original post....perhaps what you guys are "nitpicking" at is the fact that I said born with....ok. Ok!!! I'll take that part out....


for you to SIT there, and HONESTLY SAY, that people of different racial and ethnic groups don't have a high propensity to sound a certain way isPREPOSTEROUS. You say an asian kid growing up around Congoleese people would take on their sound, ok. But In order to take on a group's"sound," don't they have to indeed have to have a SOUND TO TAKE ON!? I mean,
ya'll are really making it more complicated that it has to be. Blackpeople sound Black...white people sound white....asian people sound asian. I mean, c'mon. I'm not putting anybody down for that. It's apart ofculture and what makes us different. And people sound different all around the world. I don't get why ya'll are approaching this like it's somesort of put down.....

What I AM putting people down for, is if you grow up in a certain environment all of your life, and then suddenly take on a new sound so to speak. THAT'S what I have an issue with (see reporter vid posted) That guy took on a NEW sound because he felthe had to in order to get ahead and be accepted. What I'm saying is, you can sound black, latino, hawaiian, fijian, WHATEVER but still speak properly andenunciate words in a correct manner.

notice his use of language, not race.
language of the Kongo people...yea, I did notice that. But...aren't.....they....apart of the overall black race? I mean, granted the Kongodon't sound like the Fulani. But I bet you they sounded a HELLUVA lot more similar than someone of Aztec or Keltic origins.

do you see where I'm gettin' at----ooooooor

are we just going to have to agree to disagree. Cuz AIN'T NO WAY (
)I'mma accept ya'lls standpoint that people of different groups don't have a sound. eh eh.
Originally Posted by TheTruthHurts74

Your speech is dictated by your environment and/or income level during your formative years.

but a rich black man and a rich white man don't necessarily sound the same......

THAT'S what I'm trying to point out.
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Since people wanna go on 'head and do it like this...

Intonation Research

In this little excerpt, I believe there is sufficient evidence to support the concept that there is INDEED a sound if you will, to most cultural groups.


So you're posting an article from Stockholm, Germany in 1923 for which mentions race not once? And even mentions that the study was based on the indigenous peoples unique language?

Once again language is learned. If an Asian kid was raised in Kongo society and learned the language he would exhibit the exact same tonal sounds as one of the indigenous people.
ok let me clear something up.

In my original post....perhaps what you guys are "nitpicking" at is the fact that I said born with....ok. Ok!!! I'll take that part out....


for you to SIT there, and HONESTLY SAY, that people of different racial and ethnic groups don't have a high propensity to sound a certain way is PREPOSTEROUS. You say an asian kid growing up around Congoleese people would take on their sound, ok. But In order to take on a group's "sound," don't they have to indeed have to have a SOUND TO TAKE ON!? I mean,
ya'll are really making it more complicated that it has to be. Black people sound Black...white people sound white....asian people sound asian. I mean, c'mon. I'm not putting anybody down for that. It's apart of culture and what makes us different. And people sound different all around the world. I don't get why ya'll are approaching this like it's some sort of put down.....

What I AM putting people down for, is if you grow up in a certain environment all of your life, and then suddenly take on a new sound so to speak. THAT'S what I have an issue with (see reporter vid posted) That guy took on a NEW sound because he felt he had to in order to get ahead and be accepted. What I'm saying is, you can sound black, latino, hawaiian, fijian, WHATEVER but still speak properly and enunciate words in a correct manner.

notice his use of language, not race.
language of the Kongo people...yea, I did notice that. But...aren't.....they....apart of the overall black race? I mean, granted the Kongo don't sound like the Fulani. But I bet you they sounded a HELLUVA lot more similar than someone of Aztec or Keltic origins.

do you see where I'm gettin' at----ooooooor

are we just going to have to agree to disagree. Cuz AIN'T NO WAY (
) I'mma accept ya'lls standpoint that people of different groups don't have a sound. eh eh.

but do all black people sound like kongo people? no. different groups have different sounds, yes. BUT IT IS NOT BASED ON RACE.
This thread is what is wrong with black people, sounding black...really? They speak english.
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Originally Posted by JustScoreda100

Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Since people wanna go on 'head and do it like this...

Intonation Research

In this little excerpt, I believe there is sufficient evidence to support the concept that there is INDEED a sound if you will, to most cultural groups.


So you're posting an article from Stockholm, Germany in 1923 for which mentions race not once? And even mentions that the study was based on the indigenous peoples unique language?

Once again language is learned. If an Asian kid was raised in Kongo society and learned the language he would exhibit the exact same tonal sounds as one of the indigenous people.
ok let me clear something up.

In my original post....perhaps what you guys are "nitpicking" at is the fact that I said born with....ok. Ok!!! I'll take that part out....


for you to SIT there, and HONESTLY SAY, that people of different racial and ethnic groups don't have a high propensity to sound a certain way is PREPOSTEROUS. You say an asian kid growing up around Congoleese people would take on their sound, ok. But In order to take on a group's "sound," don't they have to indeed have to have a SOUND TO TAKE ON!? I mean,
ya'll are really making it more complicated that it has to be. Black people sound Black...white people sound white....asian people sound asian. I mean, c'mon. I'm not putting anybody down for that. It's apart of culture and what makes us different. And people sound different all around the world. I don't get why ya'll are approaching this like it's some sort of put down.....

What I AM putting people down for, is if you grow up in a certain environment all of your life, and then suddenly take on a new sound so to speak. THAT'S what I have an issue with (see reporter vid posted) That guy took on a NEW sound because he felt he had to in order to get ahead and be accepted. What I'm saying is, you can sound black, latino, hawaiian, fijian, WHATEVER but still speak properly and enunciate words in a correct manner.

notice his use of language, not race.
language of the Kongo people...yea, I did notice that. But...aren't.....they....apart of the overall black race? I mean, granted the Kongo don't sound like the Fulani. But I bet you they sounded a HELLUVA lot more similar than someone of Aztec or Keltic origins.

do you see where I'm gettin' at----ooooooor

are we just going to have to agree to disagree. Cuz AIN'T NO WAY (
) I'mma accept ya'lls standpoint that people of different groups don't have a sound. eh eh.

Im done with this topic. I point out the flaws in your logic and yet you stick to them. Explaining this to you would be worthless.
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