(Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

I was thinking they might've chained him up or locked him in a room soemwhere but at this point he's huge. He wouldn't give in easily to the scumbag members of the watch.
Ill get to you later Pittman.

Solid episode ... Still amazing how they essentially yada yada'd the battle of winter fell and the meereen storyline... That was majority of the 5th book storylines... To think those got resolved in like 10 mins of screen time is crazy to me. Not sure if that's a praise of d&d or an indictment of grrm
I was kinda happy the winterfell and stannis battle went by quick. It didn't dragon like the book is doing.

Still sad there was no Strong Belwas to eat some locusts though.
Soooo...since Stannis doesn't have an army, where do Theon and Sansa go? Idk.

Davos and Mel, now what happens with them?

I really wanted the Fire and Blood speech from Prince Doran. The Dorne plotline was meh for the most part.

I got hype for Tyrion x Varys reuniting.
Soooo...since Stannis doesn't have an army, where do Theon and Sansa go? Idk.

Davos and Mel, now what happens with them?

I really wanted the Fire and Blood speech from Prince Doran. The Dorne plotline was meh for the most part.

I got hype for Tyrion x Varys reuniting.
Theon and Sansa will most likely run into Brienne and Pod......OR she runs into some Wildlings that Jon let through the wall and continues taking L's.

Davos will probably try to kill Mel again as he probably should. After she rez's Jon he should end her. 
Have the Greyjoy uncles been cut out of the show? They were interesting characters and I liked their storylines. Shame if they won't be on tv.
Have the Greyjoy uncles been cut out of the show? They were interesting characters and I liked their storylines. Shame if they won't be on tv.

According to some casting info for next season that leaked they were looking for a character that resembling Euron Greyjoy, but it's speculation. Also if you subscribe to the theory that Daario is Euron then it's probably a loud of crap to you. 
Haven't heard about that theory. I've been done with theories. There's one for everything in this story and I stopped wanting to look for any new ones. Would be funny trickery on his part though.
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According to some casting info for next season that leaked they were looking for a character that resembling Euron Greyjoy, but it's speculation. Also if you subscribe to the theory that Daario is Euron then it's probably a loud of crap to you. 


It's far fetched but worth the viewing. Alt Shift X GoT videos are all excellent. He recently did a video on Ser Robert Strong. Highly Recommended as well.
I thought someone said she was done with GOT videos. A recap would be cool though. She's busy doing calenders and Xmen videos.
She's done doing reviews for each episodes because A-holes kept complaining for no reason at all.

She did do a mid season review after Ep.5.

Don't see why she wouldn't do a full year review.
People really complained? I would just disable youtube comments for all vids. Those trolls find any reason to insult people and act like scumbags.

some people just want to watch the world burn...

her GOT stuff was the best stuff she did.. her epic histories and the episode and season reviews and previews.. man.. just figured she was building up to better stuff and was too busy to do the videos as well as she had before
Everything the SHOW has done is all in the interest of moving the story along, and getting to whatever ending/point
so yes I still believe Melisandre could be right

I may be in that small minority that thing Stannis is a live. as someone said Brienne has no reason to keep him alive, but also really had no reason to kill him... she can't punish him for killing a king. if Renly truly wasn't a king.

same as she didn't kill the hound at the end of it all. ..

Also remember majority of those men are truly Melisandres, on top of the sell swords hadn't made it to stannis yet IIRc so he had enough men to attac on top of some Grey Joys. (because he has Yara/asha)


that Cersi walk, stunt double or not was super uncomfortable kind of put me in my feels, I've never been an enemy of Cersi's I've understood why she's done what she's done the entire story line.
to see that part played out of people calling her names. and they made that scene dumb long .....crazy.
I thought Brienne wanted revenge on stannis not really because renley was her king but because she loved the guy.
I thought Brienne wanted revenge on stannis not really because renley was her king but because she loved the guy.
That's true, but she loved/looked up to him (like most people should with their king) she knew of his "perversions" though. (well as she said ep 4 or 5)
No reason to kill Stannis? She swore vengeance since season 2. Also she called Renly the "rightful king" or something.

Didn't a majority of stannis's men leave before Mel? They couldn't all be hers.

Lastly show Stannis doesn't have the Iron Islanders
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Show Stannis isn't dead.

Again, name one character on the show that has died off screen. Especially a main character. The fact that D&D said "It's important we showed Ned Stark's head come off. It's important viewers knew we weren't playing a trick on them, that they see the characters die to know that they'e really dead."

This was part of their answer to the "Is Jon Snow really dead?" question they're being bombarded with currently.

What they're being coy about is A. Jon could be brought back to life and B. They didn't show Stannis die. They didn't even let us see where the blow landed or hear it connect to anything.

Stan the man lives.

And why aren't you repping him more for his knife work in the woods? You criticize Barristan and Jorah for being slow and clumsy but then middle-aged Stannis shows you cat like quickness will suffering from life threatening injuries and you all just ho-hum it? Give the man his props.
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