Star Wars Appreciation

Originally Posted by Mangudai954


If you own a PC or Xbox and haven't already I highly recommend playing KOTOR. Its easily one of the best games ive ever played.

I actually think the 2nd one > that one(played both)

Stories for both are just
I have to agree with the man that said this show was pretty good.� The ice planet episode dominated.� The jackets they wore with the hoods werre like the oldHoth uniforms
You watch the preview for Star Tours 2 at Disneyland? Changing it to podracing ftl

Some people cheering when they announced they were closing the original
never got into star wars or star trek, not that Im too cool for it(well maybe), I just never saw interest in the whole "exploring galaxy" thing
I remember seeing Empire in the theatres. Not the remake, although I saw that too
There the collections at?
Always good to see a nice collection fromfellow collectors
Agree that the OG Clone Wars cartoon was awesome but the best part is below.� When it's raining and you hear the drops on the lightsaber.....

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

Originally Posted by CPinoy

Clone wars on cartoon network is sooo lame

nah, people just sleep on it b/c Ashoka(Anakin's padawan) turns alot of people off on the show. I don't necessarily care about the character, but besides her, the show's good.

I really like the show but I must admit I hate Ashoka, as well as some of the chesseball dialogue between Anakin and his Padawan. At least it's nit Jar-Jarstatus annoying.
Maybe when I get home tonight I'll take some pics but I basically have the entire set of the OG Kenner Micro Collection (not the micro machines crap).

I have doubles of just about all where one is out and open and the other is still in the box and never been opened. Like 10 years ago I went and scoopedeverything I could off ebay because people were sleeping on them and I had them all when I was a kid.

Here are examples:






Also, I'm not into comic books but someone told me about these and I bought the two thick books that had the entire series of comics. Very ill.

--Pic of Darth Maul with the robotic legs is from Star Wars Visionaries graphic novel. Cool story.
--Vader won that match versus Darth Maul.
Originally Posted by DARTH DNZY

--Pic of Darth Maul with the robotic legs is from Star Wars Visionaries graphic novel. Cool story.
--Vader won that match versus Darth Maul.
never read the book, but if Vader is about 25-#$@ in the comic, would that make Maul about 41-#$@? assuming that if in EP1 that Anakin was what,9 or so and Maul would have to be 25yo...

just throwing it out there...
nice collection HOV, and yeah, Crimson Empire was sick. Loved those series's. I have a ton SW figures and vehicles, but they're all stored away atthe moment. The only figures I buy nowadays are the Clones & Empire troops. Other than that, I keep my collection to full scale helmets & PremiumFormat's. It helps having a more "mature" presentation without having the clutter of the smaller toys, if that makes sense




(Here's Grievous with a 3" stormtrooper just to show you the scale of these things)

And my latest pickup, still waiting for it to arrive
I'm a certified geek when it comes to the original series (IV, V, & VI)
I could hardly sit through Episode 3 because it was sooooooo bad.

here's a pic of princess Leia's at the Star Wars convention in Los Angeles..............People were seriously pushing kids over to get closer, it wasSAD!!





and some pick ups from that day




Only thing bad about a convention is that its just a convention and people are trying to sell you stuff left & right.
But I always get suckered into Porn / Comic / MMA conventions because I think its going to be different....LOL!!
Jay ~ WOW! Nice collection you got there... Whats the Jango helmet made of, resin? And whats the detail like inside the helmet?

Lol... Grievous is huge!
Originally Posted by SinnerP

Jay ~ WOW! Nice collection you got there... Whats the Jango helmet made of, resin? And whats the detail like inside the helmet?

Lol... Grievous is huge!

thanks. The Helmet's made out of cold cast metal and the inside is just padded. I know some of the SW costumers have "real" insides withelectronics & fans and stuff, but I just wanted to keep it light and worry free since I'll only be busting out my Jango Fett suit for Halloween. Idon't plan to troop or join the 501st or anything.
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