Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Thanks Grimm. Do you switch light & heavy within each workout or do you wait until the next time you workout those groups? Basically, do you have a heavy day and then a light day.
Originally Posted by TheGrimm

Ab work has been paying off for summer....yas i haz a belly thimble lol



What do you do for abs?
Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Thanks Grimm. Do you switch light & heavy within each workout or do you wait until the next time you workout those groups? Basically, do you have a heavy day and then a light day.

each workout.
I'm sure this question's been answered already, but any advice on how a person who hasn't been in the gym, or done any physical activity for about a year, should ease back in the routine would be really appreciated. I tried getting on the treadmill and doing some pushups today and felt lik crap.
Ahhh yeah Grimm I just realized who youw ere haha.
I was following you on twitter and i pretty much got into building b/c of you
Originally Posted by TheAfricanDream

I'm sure this question's been answered already, but any advice on how a person who hasn't been in the gym, or done any physical activity for about a year, should ease back in the routine would be really appreciated. I tried getting on the treadmill and doing some pushups today and felt lik crap.
I've been a "athlete" my whole life up until college around '05. 2-3 sports a year since I was 5.

When I tried to be active i was so out of shape 5 pushups tops, and maybe 5mins on the treadmill..

Costly, but a gym membership changed all that. Also i finally set goals of where i wanted to be at.

Set goals. Start off light; elliptical, jogging, bike. Hit the weights light then progressively add more to your routine. If you got the bread a personal trainer will whip you into shape pretty quick.
Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

Yo Tim! I cant read that routine at all

care to explain the whole superset thing?
chest back for example....

i do a chest exercise (8 heavy/20 light) then immediately move on (superset) to a back exercise (8/20)

a chest/back go around = 1 set.....i do 3 of these

im tired right now..if u have any other questions pm me or ask it here
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Ahhh yeah Grimm I just realized who youw ere haha.
I was following you on twitter and i pretty much got into building b/c of you
SON! you were like my first Twitter follower like over a year've u been, my dude

im glad i inspired you even more proud to see u sticking to it
I just did some HIIT.. the next day my midsection feels like its been worked out..

For some reason I feel I get more of an ab workout with HIIT than actual ab work.

Im beginning to neglect ab workouts, I usually hit them hard with sqauts/deads/standing military press. I do however do the occasional hanging leg raises/weighted leg raise/weighted decline situps.

Anyone got a good ab workout? Or is it really just diet + cardio?
Originally Posted by I3

I just did some HIIT.. the next day my midsection feels like its been worked out..

For some reason I feel I get more of an ab workout with HIIT than actual ab work.

Im beginning to neglect ab workouts, I usually hit them hard with sqauts/deads/standing military press. I do however do the occasional hanging leg raises/weighted leg raise/weighted decline situps.

Anyone got a good ab workout? Or is it really just diet + cardio?
Look up the front lever. It's a gymnastics move that requires a ton of core strength. There's a progression for it in one of Coach Sommer's articles. If you do those, you'll definitely feel it in your abs.

Also, planks are good too. I really slack on the ab work though. A couple sets of hanging leg raises once in a while and a few planks and I'm done. I'm trying to get the front lever though, so it's enough I guess.
I3 wrote:
I just did some HIIT.. the next day my midsection feels like its been worked out..

For some reason I feel I get more of an ab workout with HIIT than actual ab work.

Im beginning to neglect ab workouts, I usually hit them hard with sqauts/deads/standing military press. I do however do the occasional hanging leg raises/weighted leg raise/weighted decline situps.

Anyone got a good ab workout? Or is it really just diet + cardio?

What HITT exercises did you do for abs? I really need to get on something for the abs. Im watching my diet now and doing p90x ab ripper x on top of my workouts 3 times a week but its not giving me the results i want.
usually just lurk but I'm out of ON Whey and need to re-up....I'm not seeing any promotions on the web right now...anyone know who has the best price right now?

anyone know a good ab workout?
I've been doing 6x25situps, every day for 2months, i am seeing results; my midsection is starting to form, but i still have fat around my bellybutton. I do 45minutes of cardio,so i am sure it's not the cardio that's setting me back.

I feel i need something that pushes me more, any workout will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the chest workout that someone posted 10-15 pages ago, really helping me.
Originally Posted by NjCollector

anyone know a good ab workout?
I've been doing 6x25situps, every day for 2months, i am seeing results; my midsection is starting to form, but i still have fat around my bellybutton. I do 45minutes of cardio,so i am sure it's not the cardio that's setting me back.

I feel i need something that pushes me more, any workout will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the chest workout that someone posted 10-15 pages ago, really helping me.

You need to work on what you eat.  Cut back on the sit ups and focus on eating healthier.
Originally Posted by Fade On You

I3 wrote:
I just did some HIIT.. the next day my midsection feels like its been worked out..

For some reason I feel I get more of an ab workout with HIIT than actual ab work.

Im beginning to neglect ab workouts, I usually hit them hard with sqauts/deads/standing military press. I do however do the occasional hanging leg raises/weighted leg raise/weighted decline situps.

Anyone got a good ab workout? Or is it really just diet + cardio?

What HITT exercises did you do for abs? I really need to get on something for the abs. Im watching my diet now and doing p90x ab ripper x on top of my workouts 3 times a week but its not giving me the results i want.

Just simply sprinting for 20-30secs then jogging back to my mark, then doing it again.  I try to do this at least 1x a week.  I feel like my midsection is more targeted than doing specific AB work for some reason.  My obliques are worked out, as with my lower and upper sections. 

Your abs will come though, I know I have to eat a bit more cleaner/do more cardio in order to see them, but if your diet is on point, you work out regularly - you will see them. 

Neal - I will look it up. 

But yeah fellas, I suggest doing more cardio than sit-ups or specific ab workouts - it'll burn off the fat quicker.  I always always feel lean the few days after a good HIIT session!
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by I3

I just did some HIIT.. the next day my midsection feels like its been worked out..

For some reason I feel I get more of an ab workout with HIIT than actual ab work.

Im beginning to neglect ab workouts, I usually hit them hard with sqauts/deads/standing military press. I do however do the occasional hanging leg raises/weighted leg raise/weighted decline situps.

Anyone got a good ab workout? Or is it really just diet + cardio?
Look up the front lever. It's a gymnastics move that requires a ton of core strength. There's a progression for it in one of Coach Sommer's articles. If you do those, you'll definitely feel it in your abs.

Also, planks are good too. I really slack on the ab work though. A couple sets of hanging leg raises once in a while and a few planks and I'm done. I'm trying to get the front lever though, so it's enough I guess.

Yeah I slack on the AB workouts too, I mean I do maybe 3-4 exercise a week on ABs, such as hanging leg raises, weighted leg raises, decline situp, and tree chopper/cutter.  Other than that I feel that heavy squats/deads/military press really target the core much better..

Am a fan of HIIT sprinting though, I recommend it for faster results.

Front lever - I will check that out!
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by NjCollector

I'm practically getting no big meals in;
 i have a bowl of oatmeal+2% milk,with a side of 2wholewheat slices with humus, orange juice- morning
Bowl of salad(the pathmark already-made-salad, just need to add dressing) with a little of balsamic and caesar dressing and 2 glasses of water-afternoon
Ramen noodle soup, 2 pears,2 oranges

The only problem i see i might be having in diet is saturday and sunday i sometimes overdo it drinking/eating out; i don't really control myself saturday/sunday , but i do get my workouts in.
^Hey guys I'm actually trying to gain mass. I'm about 5'8 weighing about 150, trying to get up to 170. Can any point in the right direction of good information?
Originally Posted by NjCollector

Thanks for the chest workout that someone posted 10-15 pages ago, really helping me.
Do you mind re-posting it? Thanks.
It's 45seconds of knuckle pushups, then immediately flip over and get 10-15lbs dumbbells left+right arm and connect them to each hand going in a 0-90/270-360 degree angle upwards 35seconds; then after that do 20-30 seconds of benching the dumbbells.

It's not much but after the 3rd part your chest/arms is hurting, you really feel it working.

The bad part, i got upper back pains the first week of doing this.
Originally Posted by NjCollector

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by NjCollector

I'm practically getting no big meals in;
 i have a bowl of oatmeal+2% milk,with a side of 2wholewheat slices with humus, orange juice- morning
Bowl of salad(the pathmark already-made-salad, just need to add dressing) with a little of balsamic and caesar dressing and 2 glasses of water-afternoon
Ramen noodle soup, 2 pears,2 oranges

The only problem i see i might be having in diet is saturday and sunday i sometimes overdo it drinking/eating out; i don't really control myself saturday/sunday , but i do get my workouts in.
You literally have no protein in your diet.  I mean, there's some naturally occuring protein within the foods you're eating, but you're on basically an all-carb diet, with that salad you're having at lunch fiving you some fiber, unless it's just like an iceberg lettuce salad.  It's good that you're trying to eat small meals and not eat sweets, fast food, etc... but you NEED to have some type of protein with each meal, and dead the Ramen noodle soup.  The sodium in that could kill a horse.  Better adjustment to your meal plan below:

i have a bowl of oatmeal+1% milk,with a side of 1 cup low-fat or fat-free cottage cheese w/half a banana, walnuts, and rasisins glass of water, then coffee/tea etc...
Turkey sandwich on Sourdough or 100% Whole Wheat bread 1/2 an avocado, lettuce, tomato, salt & pepper, mustard (no mayo), 1 whole apple and 2 glasses of water-afternoon
1 whole can tuna mixed with salsa on Ezekiel Bread,  small side salad of mixed greens, green and red peppers, balsamic vinnagrette dressing, small amount of goat cheese or low-fat ricotta and a small handful of dried cranberries.

You can adjust this as needed by having a different source of lean protein in the evening besides the tuna fish, If you're a vegetarian, look into adding Gimme Lean (soy sausage or soy imitation ground beef) into a couple of your meals and if you're not vegan, try to eat a few eggs every day. 
^no way! 6 jugs?!?!?! man, that's crazy. put it up on ebay? convince your buddies to but it? mix it all in one giant shake and down it?
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