Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

Im wondering how many hours do you guys spend in thegym
and how many days in the week

2 hours total each workout day
1 1/2 hour lifting

20-30 minutes cardio

4 times a week.
Originally Posted by itzbooranss

Originally Posted by Mrsouthernhospitality

Im wondering how many hours do you guys spend in thegym
and how many days in the week

2 hours total each workout day
1 1/2 hour lifting

20-30 minutes cardio

4 times a week.
How long did it take your body to get used to that routine 
Originally Posted by gatorad3

This. I do like 25-30 mins of cardio after I lift everyday except legs...
4 days a week

I gotta get in some cardio tomorrow to work off this pack of oreo's I ate this evening
....I definitely don't enjoy junk food anymore, I feel like crap right now, wish I had an elliptical at the crib
Originally Posted by D723

Can someone recommend a good full body mass building routine? I've been caught up in playing lots of pick up ball recently and would rather only lift like 3-4 days a week... I did this tonight..

DB Flat Press 4x
Squat 4x
Deadlift 4x
Wide grip pullups 4 x 8
Calf raises 4 x 185

What do y'all think about this routine? Thinkin of lifting every other day and having my next day be a variation of Squat/Incline Bench/BB Row and then some isolated lifts as well... Yay Or Nay??

Thanks NT

Edit:  Throw military press in there as well

I just did a basic strength programme.

Workout A:
- Squats
- Bench (bb)
- Inverted Row/Bent over row
- Push ups/Pec Dec
- Some sort of AB exercise - I like to do hanging leg raises/decline crunch

Workout B:
- Squats
- Military Press
- Deadlift
- Pull ups
- ABs

Add weight each workout if you like (thats what I did - got amazing results).. and yeah you're away, thats pretty much a full body workout 3x a week.

You might get bored of it, so cycle off it and do something else.  But really those main 4 big lifts are
Good looks.... You think i should implement incline bench in there as well? Like perhaps alternate between flat and incline?
I work out intensely only 4 days of the week, the other 3 i'll rest or just do some light compound workouts or bicycle, only if i'm in the mood, nomo.

I wake up take my preworkout supp., bicycle for a warmup. Then i spend i think an hour or hour 30, aside from bicycle/cardio.
Now you're thinking-how much of that time is actually working out? i would say 'bout 30-40minutes, haha..some hot milfs/pathetic lifts/changing ipod-song/etc. all adds up.

Typical day:
9:30am- elliptical/bicycle- 1mile
9:30-10:30ish- workout
10:30ish-11:00- bicycle/elliptical-1mile
11:00-11:30 i'm outta there.

I thought cardio was needed, but really i think you don't need it, just find your BMR and estimate your cal. deficit and then you should be set; of course, adding cardio/hiit would make you leaner FASTER, but shiiiiiit i hate cardio/hiit, i rather eat at a deficit ,then do it.
i think BMR is BS, i looked up my stats and been doing it but cannot lose weight even while eating less calories. its like my body doesnt burn the calories its supposed to even though im active.

i mean during the time i was eating less i was playing ball atleast 3 days a week at about 2-3 hours each day while going to the gym and still hitting the bike for about 35 min each time and nothing.
You or the calc. messed up somewhere, maybe. Mine is only 2,300; i'm 5'10 14%bf and the average student life -i commute on bus/walk so i have an active morning+afternoon; work. I'm eating 1800 cals, at a 50p/20c/30f ratio;500deficit combined with IF.

I'll try and find the calculator i used, it was made by one of those nutritionists over at BB.
getting shredded ($#$# sucks


i mean yea anyone can get huge unless you got that super fast metabolism

i gotta really start doing cardio and stop playin around, cut the carbs a lil more and bring up my protein. a lot of this ($# is mental.
Originally Posted by I3

Originally Posted by D723

I just did a basic strength programme.

Workout A:
- Squats
- Bench (bb)
- Inverted Row/Bent over row
- Push ups/Pec Dec
- Some sort of AB exercise - I like to do hanging leg raises/decline crunch

Workout B:
- Squats
- Military Press
- Deadlift
- Pull ups
- ABs

Add weight each workout if you like (thats what I did - got amazing results).. and yeah you're away, thats pretty much a full body workout 3x a week.

You might get bored of it, so cycle off it and do something else.  But really those main 4 big lifts are
So you do this 3 times a week? as in Workout A 3 times as well as Workout B 3 times? or A then B then A and thats 1 week of working out?

I started to get bored of the typical "body building routine" (1 muscle a day 1 time a week. 5 days a week) so I started doing
Back (upper/lower)
Legs (Quads, hamstrings, calves)

but now I wanna try something thats more about strength and I also NEED to start doing Ab workouts.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

getting shredded (&#$#$# sucks


i mean yea anyone can get huge unless you got that super fast metabolism

i gotta really start doing cardio and stop playin around, cut the carbs a lil more and bring up my protein. a lot of this (&#$# is mental.

How many carbs?
Originally Posted by NjCollector

You or the calc. messed up somewhere, maybe. Mine is only 2,300; i'm 5'10 14%bf and the average student life -i commute on bus/walk so i have an active morning+afternoon; work. I'm eating 1800 cals, at a 50p/20c/30f ratio;500deficit combined with IF.

I'll try and find the calculator i used, it was made by one of those nutritionists over at BB.

ight pm or post it here, id like to try it.
for the past 2 months, i have been working out 3-4 days a week..

My question for you is, will it matter if every single one of those workouts have been really late starting from 11P.M. ending at 1 A.M.?

I still get my rest (sleep) because i don't do much in the morning. (8 hours)  so from what ive read, Resting is Key.
Originally Posted by Jordan Novice

I'm tired of chocolate Casein. What is another good flavor?

Rest is extremely important. Not important is time of day you exercise.

Audi... you being soft G. I'd rather live off 1200 cals a day than 4200 cals a day. I'm constantly EATING FEELING BLOATED AND DIGESTING/$#%@+*@%. Especially since I'm IFing, thats 4200 CLEAN cals in 8 hours. 
Rest is important for weight loss/maintenance from what I've heard. It's like a state of fasting for the body..

Lucky that you can sleep/have a good workout at night. When I work out that late, I usually have a hard time falling asleep afterward.. Have anyone tried melatonin pills?
Yeah i'm gonna try to switch my routine to days, some nights i don't sleep at all and feel good as hell at like 5am.  Doesn't help that sometimes i take a caffeine pill before workout
, equivalent to one cup of coffee my $%#.
Ive started seeing great results but i swear i wont see my full potential until my diet is on POINT. That %!%# is the hardest thing to do. Ill keep up with it for like 2-3 weeks then just fall off. Strict dieting and a social life cannot coexist i swear
Sup bulking crew, im up 10 pounds in a month probably half water from creatine lol
How does everyone split?
Mine are 3 day splits
While in a fasted state, and I able to consume Creatine, L-Glutamine, and BCAA?

Also, just purchased Xtend... basically a BCAA compound. People say to consume intra workout... does it matter when I consume it? I don't like drinking during a workout.
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